Ronin225's Candy rimmed Black LCR - Project 500-4WD, Cage installed and bigger turbo


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
INA Package arrived today!!! Woohoo, Thanks Issam
So after much excitement at work and trying to get some sneaky peaks whilst working i load the boot of the car up

Anyway heres some picks of the rest of the bits







Also the slotted ring on the crank (great technical term) Assume its for rotational speed has been a little bit damaged, not sure if this is a deliberate slot or broken bracing piece. How important is this that it has to run extremely true, is it malleable enough to manipulate back into concentricity

The box also contain quite a few of Phillc's parts but i thought i'd let him post all the pohotos of them.
Anyway just waiting on another package from INA to complete the order and it'll be time to get cracking


Jack-RIP my little Friend
Jul 25, 2001
Also the slotted ring on the crank (great technical term) Assume its for rotational speed has been a little bit damaged, not sure if this is a deliberate slot or broken bracing piece. How important is this that it has to run extremely true, is it malleable enough to manipulate back into concentricity

The box also contain quite a few of Phillc's parts but i thought i'd let him post all the pohotos of them.
Anyway just waiting on another package from INA to complete the order and it'll be time to get cracking

Its a 60-2 trigger wheel...

clue is -2

so long as its not been bent in transit and out of true thats what it should be


Active Member
Oct 14, 2010
County Durham
My name is Graham..... i have a problem, i love looking at engine parts.... i may need help...

Can't remember what your doing Ronin, you pulling your engine then rebuilding or you building up a spare block and selling the BAM ??


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Its a 60-2 trigger wheel...

clue is -2

so long as its not been bent in transit and out of true thats what it should be
Trigger wheel, isuppose that sounds better than the sensor ring thing
That is one of the slight issues i think though Bill, it looks a bit ovalled, like the ring has been compressed by something
I've sent some pics to Issam of it so i'll see what he comes back with
Looking good, are you going to get the crank, flywheel etc balanced, if you are it should all be corrected with that.
Yes mate, all balanced together so hopefully if its superficial damage it can be sorted here

My name is Graham..... i have a problem, i love looking at engine parts.... i may need help...

Can't remember what your doing Ronin, you pulling your engine then rebuilding or you building up a spare block and selling the BAM ??
Its Ok graham, we are all here because we need help, these sessions are just the start
Anyway will be rebuilding the original BAM block as i've seen this has additional strengthening webbing in the casting and larger/better water passages. This is an unconfirmed thing on many forums so i will be comparing mine to Phill's whilst they are apart hopefully
I've then got an AEB head sat in the garage to get rebuilt and drop on

:thumbup: nice box of stuff you have there mate.

Damm I need some extra cash :(

Cheers Rich, unfortunately i dont have much cash anymore, i just look at it like an investment
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Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Future proofing investment, catching the failure before it happens
Sounds better than wasting money on a perfectly good mode of transport


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Hopefully it will go relatively smooth and not too many problems, only time will tell
I'd better get friendly with someone who owns a garage too


Active Member
Oct 14, 2010
County Durham
Hopefully it will go relatively smooth and not too many problems, only time will tell
I'd better get friendly with someone who owns a garage too

Personally i think your going about this the wrong way mate, your obviously quite handy.. i've read your rebushing guides etc so you should be using this BT project to learn your car inside and out. It will save you a fortune in the end and be an amazing experience.

When you read people running BT set-ups there is always drama along the way to some extent.....

Read loads, buy Haynes manuals etc.... just research everything, Give it a go.... just take your time, Take loadsa pictures during strip down.... observe how things come apart (just think along the lines of is the part symetrical - think can it fit the wrong way round ???does it have to go back the same way round.. if so mark it up)
If you get stuck get on here and ask for advice....

Edit - Just read that back.... not trying to patronise you mate, just give you a bit of confidense to give it a go. Don't worry about the stroker kit.... it'll fit great.
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Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Hopefully i'm not too bad with my hands mate as i do the same job as you, believe it or not
I'm going to speak to an engine builder near me as i'm going to see if i can book some time off work and do the rebuild with him (if he'll let me)
A lot of the time you can figure out the how but dont necessarily know why, which is what i'd like to learn.
Plus if i get it wrong its a huge amount of money down the drain, need a bit of a safety net


Active Member
Oct 14, 2010
County Durham
hopefully i'm not too bad with my hands mate as i do the same job as you, believe it or noti'm going to speak to an engine builder near me as i'm going to see if i can book some time off work and do the rebuild with him (if he'll let me)
a lot of the time you can figure out the how but dont necessarily know why, which is what i'd like to learn.
Plus if i get it wrong its a huge amount of money down the drain, need a bit of a safety net

not lol :rofl:

I give up......:confused:


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Cheeky git, i know what your saying but its financial to risky for me mate and i dont have a garage to work in either
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)