Well after my tripdown to Bill on saturday i thought it was time to start getting some of the bits onto the car.
First off - Brakes, Before i went on the trackday i took the car to a garage to let them do a full brake fluid flush and some new RBF660 in and the bloke mentioned the dying brakes.
Anyway after measureing the disc at roughly 27mm i realised they were only half worn even though the grooves are now gone and a quick glance at the pads and they looked shot.
Anyway after removing one of the old pads there was actually much more meat on them than i thought (only half worn??)
After thinking back these pads have been on the car for over 20000 miles and seen some hard road use and a trackday!!
I think that these could possibly be DS3000 pads instead of the DS2500 i orginally thought they were, so kept them and may swap them and rebed them to the disc's for the next trackday
Just got to bed the new DS2500's in, so a trip up the dual carriageway later on evening is on the cards i think
Phill has also been pointing out the slightly ropey condition of my rears and funnily enough had a set of disc's and pads he had on for a few days until his 308mm kit arrived going cheap.
So bought them off him but going to wait until the OE's are completely shot first (only about 5k i'd estimate) before i swap them over
Then came the time to try and shoe horn the big green cone in and IT FITS!!
Only a temporary install currently as i need a support bracket by the MAF as it can flex quite a bit.
So hopefully this week going to run some back to back logs of my airbox with green panel filter vs the big cone and see what kind of flow differences it makes.
Before anybody mentions a heat shield, yes, i will be making one but my INA order should be here anyday now which has my FMIC too which i need to fit first due to routing the pipework differently
I'll put the logs up as soon as there done for those interested