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Pro Detailer
I'll tell you by the end of the week! I've only run it at 1 BAR so far, really just to make sure all is well, no leaks, etc. etc. I am going out this week to tune it to 1.5 BAR, advance the timing for the WMI, etc. so we'll see how it feels after that. However it feels really good at only 1 BAR so should be awesome!


50 Years of 911
Jun 27, 2005
Rob - engine looks great. The braided lines you got going under the red silicone connecting to the charge pipe. They might rub on silicone so keep an eye on it.

Murdered LCR

Wide mouthed mofo
Sep 9, 2006
Murder Inc.
Bordem and colour splash on the I phone end with

hope ya like


Pro Detailer
So far there are a few niggles. The exhaust is rattling/banging off the floor somewhere at the front nearly all the time and the car cuts out at junctions occassionally, neither of which used to happen before. Also I got the REVO SPS today but it did not come with a cable or software, so it's useless until I can get those. This annoys me about REVO, Kev said it was advisable to get and use the SPS, so I got one ... it came with nothing, just the switch! The link to download the VAG software on their site doesn't work - so far I haven't found REVO to be very good to deal with.

I checked the fuel trims and it's running pretty rich so I need to adjust the fuelling. There is zero timing pull so I want to start adding some timing to take advantage of the WMI.
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wild willy

Full Member
Aug 4, 2003
So far there are a few niggles. The exhaust is rattling/banging off the floor somewhere at the front nearly all the time and the car cuts out at junctions occassionally, neither of which used to happen before. Also I got the REVO SPS today but it did not come with a cable or software, so it's useless until I can get those. I checked the fuel trims and it's running pretty rich so I need to adjust the fuelling. There is zero timing pull so I want to start adding some timing to take advantage of the WMI.
Maybe some adjustments for the SEM are needed Rob which you made yourself with your last map using unisettings etc which you haven't redone on the REVO.


Pro Detailer
Yes that was mentioned, never had it as an issue before, maybe the REVO software doesn't like the DV return so close. I'll move it towards the turbo away from the MAF, we'll see if that cures it.

I don't have a wideband gauge no. I've got it up to 1.5 BAR of boost and it's friggin' awesome, just these niggles to sort out.

Fuelling is -12.5 on the second trim, so it's running quite rich right? First trim is something like -1.5.
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Pro Detailer
Well I took the CAT section off today to try and reposition it to stop the knocking, I pushed and hammered the tunnel heatshield back as far as possible then refitted it, won't know if it has worked until tomorrow. If it hasn't, my only option is to remove a section of the heatshield leading up to the DP and use this stuff instead as it will give more clearance.

The DP sits VERY close to the left side of the tunnel, doesn't sit central at all. :(

I moved the DV return away from the MAF today too, to hopefully cure the stalling issue that REVO software seems to bring. I also managed to get the SPS working today, so I can now adjust the software via the SPS. Time to fine tune!
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Pro Detailer
OK REVO experts, a little help as I haven't used REVO or an SPS before. I checked what the ECU is currently set at and it is set to:

FUEL - 7

It is overfuelling so should I knock the fuel back to 6? Boost is fine and timing is fine, zero CF across the board so I am going to start increasing it.
Nov 2, 2004
South Wales
Your trims dont look that bad, id start adjusting first as it might lean it out slightly.

Post some logs up Rob, 002, 003, 031, 114, 115 and 118.
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