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Pro Detailer
hi mate looks awesome im in two minds to go bt or stick with the hybrd, ive spent so much on engine so i should use it to its potential, what clutch you running, i had a read through thread but couldnt find it and internets slow where i am, what figures you hoping for? and is this a daily drive or a weekend toy?

Helix group N clutch and single mass flywheel. I am hoping for 360bhp+.

Not a daily driver no, was for a while but I have a cheap runabout now.
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Pro Detailer
I've sent off my ECU to Alex at Backdraft Motorsport, he is going to put the REVO stage 3 map onto it and send it back to me. Meanwhile I'll fit the 550cc injectors and 3-BAR FPR so it's ready to plug in and go when it comes back.

Huge thanks to Alex for all of his help.


Pro Detailer
Genesis 550cc injectors and 3-BAR FPR fitted:



ECU should be back on Friday if all goes to plan ... then let the fun begin! :D

Murdered LCR

Wide mouthed mofo
Sep 9, 2006
Murder Inc.
Sounds good but really can't see how they can map it when your cars not with them surly that's a generic map there supplying you with I would want map set to my car on the rolling road and mapped on the road to get the best


Pro Detailer
The map has been written to a set hardware type, like the APR Stage 3+ code, so if all the hardware is the same then you can have it done that way. APR don't custom map every car with their turbo kit, same map gets loaded every time. With the SPS module you can further adjust the settings yourself. I will log my car and make any required adjustments to fuelling and timing myself through the SPS module and Unisettings myself. I will be advancing the timing anyway to take advantage of the water/methanol injection.

Custom mappers are few and far between so you just have to get what you can.
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Murdered LCR

Wide mouthed mofo
Sep 9, 2006
Murder Inc.
Fair enuf can you tweak it any more with lemniwinks if you have it etc , be good to see how it runs once done , with the meth I should imagine you can run quite high timing


sarcasm comes free
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Clanfield, UK
Sounds good but really can't see how they can map it when your cars not with them surly that's a generic map there supplying you with I would want map set to my car on the rolling road and mapped on the road to get the best

I think you'd be surprised how un custom & un tweaked a 'custom' remap is.

Sooner go with something that is a known quantity, and with the tool that the SPS is to change the settings.

I had immense fun adjusting Simons. Damned hard though, you want a nice long log & with GT28RS whatever gear you were in just ran round the clock so fast.

You'll enjoy that Rob :)

Murdered LCR

Wide mouthed mofo
Sep 9, 2006
Murder Inc.
I'm no expert was just asking so I understand things more , I like to try and learn new things I just thought maps were better set up on RR with the car


sarcasm comes free
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Clanfield, UK
One 'VAG' tuner used to run K04 maps on their Big turbo conversions with stickers over the MAF to confuddle the sensor reading.

They used a dyno too, and called it custom :)


Pro Detailer
This is true, my map was written when I first had the GT2X installed, it made 281bhp. I was still on the same map after having the turbo rebuilt into a hybrid, different manifolds fitted, different intercooler, more boost, water injection, more timing, etc. and had no problems, just the fuelling needed tweaked for the SEM manifold. Power went from 281 to 320bhp on the same map. So just how 'custom' was that map?
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