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sarcasm comes free
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Clanfield, UK
I don't think the fuel makes a change on the ME7.5 ECU's anyway - but that may have changed on Stage 3 (just check the FPR is a 3 bar? I'm sure you have)

I like your style to just go to 9 on boost though :)


Pro Detailer
Boost 9 yeah, well Alex told me to as I'm using the MBC to set the boost, it's at 1.5 BAR now.

Made some good progress today, the work I did on the exhaust yesterday seems to have worked as all the knocking and banging from the exhaust has gone, still some vibration at idle and coming off the throttle, but that could be down to the Vibra Technic engine mounts and the Superpro poly-bushed dogbone mount. Certainly alot better than before though and very easy to live with.

Still zero CF across the board at timing 6, so moving up to 7 now, reducing the fuel from 7 to 6 has resulted in the fuel trim dropping from -12.7 to -9.4, so it's within the +/-10% range now. Car feels quicker now at 1.5 BAR than on the old turbo at 1.7 BAR, with more timing to add it will only get better! Sounds alot more visceral too, exhaust sounds mental!

I am still very pleased and impressed with my old setup compared to this one, it worked very well and had good power, not bad for an Eliminator. ;)

I have moved the DV return further away from the MAF and this has cured the occassional stalling issue, doesn't look as neat though so I have asked Forge to make me a turbo inlet pipe with the DV and breather returns in the position they are now.
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sarcasm comes free
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Clanfield, UK

Just humour me... can you turn your WMI 'off' just to make sure you are actually able to get some CF's?

Just would hate to think you're winding up the wick & not getting any correct reading from a sensor.

That said, when I was doing the same on Jonah's setup it was rare to advance to the point of 'many' CF's


AKS tuning
May 11, 2008
On Buch's car I could run timing 9 with the meth with no pull. I had the timing adjusted on the map then 6 was the max with the meth.

Im surprised the fueling could be adjusted as you shouldn't be able to do that on the me7.5's.


Pro Detailer
Why would REVO have the fuel option there to adjust if it doesn't do anything, doesn't make sense?

Monitoring it yesterday on VAG-COM my fuel trim has definately dropped from -12.7 to -9.4 after reducing the fuel on the SPS from 7 to 6.


AKS tuning
May 11, 2008
Why would REVO have the fuel option there to adjust if it doesn't do anything, doesn't make sense?

Monitoring it yesterday on VAG-COM my fuel trim has definately dropped from -12.7 to -9.4 after reducing the fuel on the SPS from 7 to 6.

Its there for the med9 ecu's. Just doesnt get used for the me7's.

Could be that the trims did a little adaption?


Sir Bob,a geordy legend..
Oct 15, 2007
I got plenty of CF's on my old setup when I increased the timing, so I'm not too worried. DPJ said he went beyond the SPS timing settings max..

I know that Dave had maxed out the SPS settings and could still run +11' when realy pushing it..


Pro Detailer
I'm moving mine onto 9 as at timing 8 I still have virtually no timing pull, something like 0.8 CF registered on one cylinder at full throttle. I took some fuel out using Unisettings and the trim seems to have settled at the -10% mark. Car is running great, 1.5 BAR pulls hard and doesn't let up, turbo spool sounds awesome too!


Jack-RIP my little Friend
Jul 25, 2001
Why would REVO have the fuel option there to adjust if it doesn't do anything, doesn't make sense?

Monitoring it yesterday on VAG-COM my fuel trim has definately dropped from -12.7 to -9.4 after reducing the fuel on the SPS from 7 to 6.

fuel adjust does'nt work.. it was there initially for porsche adjustments and r32 etc, and latterly 2.0tfsi motors it works

i suspect you are just seeing settling in and adaption going on rob, not adjustments per say


Pro Detailer
Fair enough, the SPS seems a bit of a rip-off if all it does is change the timing and boost then, I've already maxxed it out at 9 and 9 for both.

I received the custom 3" inlet pipe I asked Forge Motorsport to make for me, looks alot neater now.



I sent them a drawing of what I wanted with lots of measurements and they made it for me within a few days. Big thanks to Forge, it's a perfect fit.


Pro Detailer
No, an out-of-spec value in the first field indicates a vacuum leak, not the second. First trim value is fine, normal, second field indicates it's running a little rich.

"The first field tells the fuel trim at idle (Additive). The second field tells the fuel trim at elevated engine speeds (Multiplicative). Negative values indicate that the engine is running too rich and oxygen sensor control is therefore making it more lean by reducing the amount of time that the injectors are open."
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