Also had a failed attempt on fitting my TIP! Had it all going smoothly and orderly until it came to undoing the allen key bolt to take the stem off from the turbo. Basically I couldn't jack the car up high enough for me to get under!! I was using a trolley jack to then slide the axel stands under but just couldn't raise the sucker! I even tried parking the car on a kurb in the street but I still couldn't get under...
It was approaching 5:00 so thought I'd piece everything back to standard, much to my disappointment, as it would be dark.
Got a couple of shots but worth much until I find a better solution to get her in the air.
On the plus side however, reading through previous receipts for the car I have a 4bar fpr fitted already as the previous owner was getting her all prepped for k03s. Naturally I must continue what was not finished so watch this space!
As I have the fpr fitted but still running k03, would that explain why I only get 200miles ish to a full tank??