wild willy

Full Member
Aug 4, 2003
Looking good probee, i see your running the BAMM maff housing the same as me, the max g/sec the bamm reads for me is 230g/sec, but i get 235 with the stock maff housing.
what do you get.
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko

with both i get the same now.... there was a blip somewhere in the middle that i cant explain but it seems to be behaving now. both read around the 220 mark.

BAMM is that what it is? i bought it from a friend.

i also had a new baseplate made for the Dynatwist today so i can fit 90mm ID filters not the 125mm ID that i have at the minute. it means i have a huge choice of filters rather than a handfull.

wild willy

Full Member
Aug 4, 2003
Logs on stock k04, looks like 212 wa sthe highest but im sure i had more but cant find the posts

My logs with the hybrid when she wanst set up, got a 228 g/s

Not sure if there any good to you but i said id dig them up
Your hybrid is capable of alot more as its the same as mine, but in that log the 228g/sec is a spike due to accelerator lift off, i get this also if i lift off the gas the final reading is onerous. Look at the other readings preceding it.


Jun 10, 2007
Milton Keynes
That housing is spot on Aaron! Is that made from the existing enclosure? Bet it sounds unbelievable along with your intakes. Your coming to the National meet i take it? Check my sig, trying to get a convoy together...

wild willy

Full Member
Aug 4, 2003

with both i get the same now.... there was a blip somewhere in the middle that i cant explain but it seems to be behaving now. both read around the 220 mark.

BAMM is that what it is? i bought it from a friend.

i also had a new baseplate made for the Dynatwist today so i can fit 90mm ID filters not the 125mm ID that i have at the minute. it means i have a huge choice of filters rather than a handfull.
Your metal work is spot on, do you have access to a workshop.


Leon Cupra 300R
Jun 3, 2004
Yeah need to set her up really but havent got the time to go out and log and adjust everything. Not sure what settings it was on as it was when i first had the turbo fitted. Not sure really which settings to go for as im well out the loop of running vag com and adjusting her to her full potential, i just point and shot at the mo!

When the little ones a bit older i wil have more time to play with her and finish her off with exhasut and inlet manifolds then get a custom map rather that revo stg 3.

I really need an idiots guide so i can read up what i should be adjusting and how to adjust it when i get the chance!
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Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
this is just unbelieable, but ive tried several things and had several runs all at around the 235 mark.....

	Group A:	'003				Group B:	'020				Group C:	 Not Running		
		RPM	Mass Flow	Load	Ign. Timing		Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization				
	TIME					TIME					TIME			
	152.23	3280	18.56	11.8	39	152.63	0	0	0	0				
	153.03	3320	23.61	14.5	39	153.43	0	0	0	0				
	153.83	3320	19.5	12.9	39	154.23	0	0	0	0				
	154.63	3400	26.19	15.7	38.3	155.04	0	0	0	0				
	155.44	3480	32.28	17.3	35.3	155.84	0	0	0	0				
	156.24	3600	54.42	24.7	33	156.64	0	0	0	0				
	157.04	3960	166.83	99.6	11.3	157.46	0	0	0	0				
	157.86	4560	189.06	100	12.8	158.26	0	3	0	0				
	158.66	5040	210.97	100	11.3	159.06	0	3	0	0				
	159.46	5560	225.08	100	12	159.86	0	3	0	0				
	160.28	5960	230.11	100	11.3	160.68	0	2.3	0	0				
	161.08	6360	235.94	100	12	161.48	0	2.3	0	0				
	161.88	6640	233.19	100	12.8	162.27	0	1.5	0	0				
	162.69	6840	161.58	16.5	4.5	163.09	0	0	0	0				
	163.49	5400	121.86	41.6	26.3	163.89	0	0	0	0

can doing that to the filter really make that much difference?

ive got a video that will take ages to upload
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wild willy

Full Member
Aug 4, 2003
:-o fecking hell, what have you done, thats awesome.
Does it pull well.
Lets see some 118 logs to see if the boost has increased or the duty cycle altered.
Sterling work there.
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
lol you read my mind

		Group A:	'002				Group B:	'118				Group C:	 Not Running		
		RPM	Load	Inj. On Time	Mass Flow		RPM	Temperature	Load	Absolute Pres.				
	TIME					TIME					TIME			
MARKER	STAMP	 /min	%	 ms	 g/s	STAMP	 /min	°C	%	 mbar	STAMP			
	27.77	3440	23.3	2.04	14.89	27.37	3440	32	0	1060				
	28.57	3400	22.6	2.04	15.25	28.17	3400	32	0	1040				
	29.39	3400	30.1	2.72	19.64	28.97	3400	32	0	1040				
	30.19	3400	26.3	2.38	17.25	29.79	3400	32	0	1050				
	30.99	3400	25.6	2.38	16.75	30.59	3400	32	0	1050				
	31.79	3360	27.1	2.72	18.72	31.39	3400	32	0	1050				
	32.59	3400	33.1	3.06	21.56	32.2	3360	32	0	1050				
	33.4	3440	60.2	5.78	47.14	33	3400	31	0	1080				
	34.2	3560	60.9	5.1	41.67	33.8	3480	30	0	1280				
	35.02	3680	71.4	5.78	51.53	34.6	3600	29	0	1320				
	35.82	3880	117.3	10.2	99.14	35.42	3760	27	3.5	1330				
	36.62	4400	191.7	20.06	193.64	36.22	4120	27	85.9	2310				
	37.43	4920	191.7	18.02	205.81	37.02	4640	27	84.3	2540				
	38.23	5400	191.7	18.02	220.97	37.83	5200	26	88.2	2410				
	39.03	5800	191.7	17.34	227.97	38.63	5600	27	87.5	2410				
	39.83	6160	191.7	15.98	231.19	39.43	6000	28	85.9	2290				
	40.65	6440	187.2	15.3	235.94	40.23	6320	30	85.9	2270				
	41.45	6720	182	14.96	234.58	41.05	6560	31	84.3	2310				
	42.25	6240	12.8	1.7	0.03	41.85	6760	33	0	2330				
	43.06	5320	41.4	2.38	58.19	42.65	5320	31	95.3	1700

its pulling very hard and sounds awesome
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
	Group A:	'002				Group B:	'115				Group C:	 Not Running		
		RPM	Load	Inj. On Time	Mass Flow		RPM	Load	Absolute Pres.	Absolute Pres.				
	TIME					TIME					TIME			
MARKER	STAMP	 /min	%	 ms	 g/s	STAMP	 /min	%	 mbar	 mbar	STAMP			
	12.08	3200	88.7	7.14	55.97	12.48	3320	87.2	1320	1350				
	12.88	3440	91	7.48	61.97	13.28	3560	89.5	1330	1350				
	13.69	3680	91	7.48	65.83	14.09	3800	96.2	1580	1340				
	14.48	3960	136.8	11.56	135.44	14.88	4200	191.7	2510	2540				
	15.28	4480	191.7	19.38	190.56	15.69	4720	191.7	2480	2490				
	16.09	5000	191.7	18.02	207.06	16.51	5240	191.7	2430	2390				
	16.91	5480	191.7	17.68	217.5	17.31	5680	191.7	2350	2320				
	17.71	5880	191.7	17	226.5	18.11	6080	191.7	2260	2330				
	18.51	6240	190.2	15.64	230.44	18.92	6400	181.2	2190	2350				
	19.32	6560	185.7	14.96	228.67	19.72	6720	179.7	2180	2240				
	20.12	6840	174.4	14.28	226.86	20.54	6640	15	1000	2030				
	20.92	5400	122.6	11.56	158.69	21.32	5520	191.7	2370	2270

the car was very hot on this run... it was the last

wild willy

Full Member
Aug 4, 2003
If you up the requested boost now, you'll get even more as the duty cycle is not maxed out.
I take back all i said about the dynatwist.
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
stock.... im beginning to wonder if i have got to the 300 and ill never know

its on B9 so i cant up it anymore

come on video....
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wild willy

Full Member
Aug 4, 2003
Probee why must you sell the car, can you not beg steal and borrow.
If it must go can i buy your modded dynatwist housing off you;).
seriously, don't sell.:(
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
lol thanks, its staying now...its nick we have to convince, i changed my mind about a month ago. the money i was going to buy the S3 with is paying for my BT.

you can have first refusal if i ever sell the housing :)

Nick we'll do yours ASAP
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
That housing is spot on Aaron! Is that made from the existing enclosure? Bet it sounds unbelievable along with your intakes. Your coming to the National meet i take it? Check my sig, trying to get a convoy together...

sorry mate i missed this.... yes its the existing housing.. and yes i should be at the national :)

i havent bought my ticket yet though
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
im still a bit dubious that doing that can give such a gain but the figures dont lie. theres several other runs showing 235g's and it really does feel quick.

i wish so much that my cam chain was good and wasnt throwing up CF's
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