Already emailed him mate. 2 options of getting it, collect it from his work befor 5:30 or get him to take it to his house and pick it up from luton?
in stock then? price?
Already emailed him mate. 2 options of getting it, collect it from his work befor 5:30 or get him to take it to his house and pick it up from luton?
Too much air!!!! lol not possibleQUOTE]
You havent meet my other half!
Ive got a hybrid K04 on mine as i didnt see the point in BT without the other bits like LSD, traction control (race logic ones just sex wee!), equal length mani, larger inlet mani etc. See if you can go out in a few and see what feels best for you as you may get better results from stripping the LCR's chunk and sticking with a stock/hybrid k04 or go BT and keep the comfort!
Too much air!!!! lol not possible
ive been thinking long and hard about this for a while and i am still not convinced i know where its going. ive crossed off IHI's both stg1+2 (power and price) ive also crossed off the hybrid (seems a lot of money for the xtra horses and no more lb/ft) but i hope you do well with yours, 320 will feels awesome with such a quick spool!
whats left for me -
the 2860 and the 71..... not much in it in price but the 71 requires some more parts to be purchased, by the end of friday ill know more.
the worst bit about all this is that im so busy at work these days (25hour shifts at times) that i will be giving my car to someone to do. i always thought id be doing my own build so im gutted!
Too much air!!!! lol not possibleQUOTE]
You havent meet my other half!
Ive got a hybrid K04 on mine as i didnt see the point in BT without the other bits like LSD, traction control (race logic ones just sex wee!), equal length mani, larger inlet mani etc. See if you can go out in a few and see what feels best for you as you may get better results from stripping the LCR's chunk and sticking with a stock/hybrid k04 or go BT and keep the comfort!
ive been up against a hybrid K04 and there was nothing in it. if anything i was pulling on him!
i just dont want to spend a load of money and have a remapped LCR almost keep up. it would break my heart, we all know how quick a mapped R is though.
£500 is all it would cost, easy to fit yourself too. There is lots of extra torque with the hybrid (too much during the spike (360ft/lbs)). But will never be anything like a 2871. Thats an animal and a half. Good luck with your decision.
360!!! jeez i didnt realise.... where does all that come from
have you seen yours do that?
if anything the 71 has it at the min, i will probably run it lazy though at around 350/60.
360 ft/lbs is dangerous rod bending spikeing. I reduce mine with a mbc in parrallel with n75 valve so never gets near but left unchecked its crazy, but its not desriable or worth bragging about .... definately a hinderence., its neck snapping seriously.
my stage 2 pulled 320ft/lbs which was very strong but this is stronger again and maintains it to the red line.
with regards comparing two cars side by side its difficult. I'm sure a decent driver driving a stock lcr could out drive my hybrid not that i'm a bad driver, i'm just not a great one.
A properly set up hybrid is not just a little xtra on an average stage 2 LCR, its a massive shove. But how long it will last is another thing.
Sports cat. ft/lbs is directly related to boost. To be honest all it means is that your car has been mapped more considerately with regards the clutch etc. My max bhp was 255bhp which was a little low but the dyno was under reading a little, 265 bhp was more realistic. (Awesome GTI)I wonder why my stage 2 pulled only 270bhp and 285ft/lbthat 35 ft/lb down! Are you running a De-Cat?
I'm hoping for allot more now my figuers are matching aarons on the loggs.
What boost settings did you RR your car on, what was the peak boost level reached. Mine was 2540Bar (1.5 bar spike).Im running stage 2 Revo tho? Is that not generic? Im running Boost 9 - 22psi
I rate mass air flow readings better than dynos for power measurements. I'll get some logs done and posted over the week end and someone techy can overlay them on top of yours so you can see where the hybrids gains over a good stage 2 set up.![]()
I rate mass air flow readings better than dynos for power measurements.