Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
I'll be trying the 80mm to start with, hopefully it won't give me any issues. Greig has an r32 tb which if I remember is 75mm, I may see if I can try that if the 80mm gives me problems.
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
hehe, ive driven the car two days running :)

today i had some time to do a couple of logs to try to get to the bottom of the overfueling problem.

im actually none the wiser, EGTs seem extremely low. i cant remember what i should expect for the placement of my sensor. they seem too low???

All runs in 4th and using B6 T6.... awful timing advance.

Friday	11	December	2009	15:53:55						
1ML 906 032 A  		1.8l R4/5VT      01 0001								
	Group A:	'003				Group B:	'020			
		RPM	Mass Flow	Load	Ign. Timing		Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization
	TIME					TIME				
	4.43	3920	9.86	6.3	3	4.03	0	0	0	0
	5.23	3840	11.61	7.5	1.5	4.83	0	0	0	0
	6.03	3880	59.42	29	21	5.63	0	0	0	0
	6.85	3960	68.06	25.9	24.8	6.43	0	0	0	0
	7.65	4080	66.72	23.5	24.8	7.25	0	0	0	0
	8.45	4200	120.39	58	11.3	8.05	0	0	0	0
	9.26	4520	187.78	100	9	8.85	0	0	0	0
	10.06	4840	199.78	100	8.3	9.66	0	0	0	0
	10.86	5160	212.94	100	9	10.46	0	0	0	3
	11.66	5480	228.08	100	9	11.26	0	0	0	3
	12.48	5760	234.42	100	9.8	12.08	0	0	0	3
	13.28	6000	235.58	100	9.8	12.88	0	0	0	1.5
	14.08	6280	243.89	100	9.8	13.68	0	0	0	1.5
	14.89	6480	248.72	99.6	9	14.48	0	0	0	1.5
	15.69	6720	257.28	100	10.5	15.29	0	0	0	0.8
	16.49	6840	253.47	67.5	3	16.09	0	0	0	0
	17.29	4920	7.39	7.8	3.8	16.89	0	0	0	0

Friday	11	December	2009	15:48:54						
1ML 906 032 A  		1.8l R4/5VT      01 0001								

	Group A:	'002				Group B:	'031			
		RPM	Load	Inj. On Time	Mass Flow		Lambda Factor	Lambda Factor		
	TIME					TIME				
MARKER	STAMP	 /min	%	 ms	 g/s	STAMP				IDC
	220.06	2520	44.4	3.06	21.81	219.66	0.992	1		6.426
	220.84	2520	45.1	3.06	21.94	220.46	0.984	1		6.426
	221.66	3280	15.8	1.36	8.61	221.26	0.821	0.891		3.717333333
	222.47	3720	39.8	2.72	29.31	222.06	0.938	0.992		8.432
	223.27	3680	15.8	1.36	10.17	222.87	1.008	1		4.170666667
	224.07	3640	15	1.36	10.58	223.67	0.938	1		4.125333333
	224.89	3600	30.8	3.4	32.58	224.47	0.969	0.961		10.2
	225.69	3640	63.9	4.42	46.28	225.29	0.867	0.961		13.40733333
	226.49	3760	128.6	10.2	105.39	226.09	0.945	0.945		31.96
	227.29	4040	191.7	17.34	185.14	226.89	0.797	0.805		58.378
	228.11	4440	191.7	19.04	183.17	227.71	0.836	0.797		70.448
	228.91	4720	191.7	18.7	195.44	228.51	0.75	0.797		73.55333333
	229.71	5040	191.7	18.7	210.97	229.31	0.75	0.797		78.54
	230.51	5320	191.7	18.7	212.94	230.11	0.75	0.789		82.90333333
	231.32	5600	191.7	19.04	231.56	230.92	0.75	0.789		88.85333333
	232.12	5880	191.7	18.7	233.39	231.72	0.75	0.797		91.63
	232.92	6120	191.7	18.36	239.64	232.52	0.75	0.797		93.636
	233.74	6320	191.7	18.36	246.81	233.34	0.75	0.797		96.696
	234.54	6520	191.7	18.02	248.33	234.15	0.75	0.797		97.90866667
	235.34	6760	191.7	17.68	252.97	234.95	0.75	0.797		99.59733333
	236.15	5120	14.3	1.7	7.22	235.75	0.922	0.891		7.253333333

No RPM here but obvious whats going on..... All runs in 4th

Friday	11	December	2009	17:31:04			
1ML 906 032 A  		1.8l R4/5VT      01 0001					

	Group A:	'031			Group B:	'112	
		Lambda Factor	Lambda Factor	Bin. Bits		Temperature	Load

	82.47	1.125	1	        	82.08	505	0
	83.28	0.953	0.992	        	82.87	510	0
	84.1	0.906	0.938	        	83.68	510	0
	84.9	0.906	0.906	        	84.5	515	0
	85.7	0.867	0.875	        	85.3	525	0
	86.5	0.75	0.649	        	86.1	535	0
	87.31	0.75	0.649	        	86.91	545	0
	88.11	0.805	0.789	        	87.7	555	0
	88.91	0.75	0.797	        	88.51	565	0
	89.73	0.75	0.797	        	89.31	580	0
	90.53	0.75	0.797	        	90.13	595	0
	91.33	0.75	0.797	        	90.93	605	0
	92.14	0.75	0.797	        	91.73	615	0
	92.94	0.75	0.797	        	92.54	625	0
	93.74	0.75	0.782	        	93.34	635	0
	94.54	0.75	0.789	        	94.14	645	0
	95.36	0.75	0.797	        	94.96	660	0
	96.16	0.75	0.797	        	95.76	670	0
	96.96	0.922	0.875	        	96.56	680	0
	97.77	0.836	0.938	        	97.36	690	0
	98.56	1.991	1.047	        	98.17	685	0
	99.37	1.991	1	        	98.96	680	0
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
Nick, they've been in a few weeks but I've hardly driven it.

Dave, it is about 2" from the downpipe to turbo flange.

John, I'll try to do a run tomorrow (today now) I was really amazed to see the figures. When you said about logging EGTs I thought that had to be the cause. What we don't know is what the Revo code is looking for with that placement. Hopefully Kev will look at this.

wild willy

Full Member
Aug 4, 2003
I'm thinking there may be a problem with the Lambda probe or still the 550 injectors aren't the correct ones since your running @100% duty cycle on the injectors which should never be reached at your current powerlevels.
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
I thought that Carl, but we don't know how much fuel they are putting in as the sensor only reads to 0.75

edit: we know (if they are 550s) how much they are putting in but we don't know how rich it is. It could be bogging down but it doesn't feel like it.
Last edited:

wild willy

Full Member
Aug 4, 2003
Things are looking better though as the map is requesting much less fuel( 0.79 as opposed to 0.65) previously. Any chance totalvag could swap out the lambda and egt probe to rule them out of the mix.


50 Years of 911
Jun 27, 2005
Maz, apologies for not getting any day time pics up. We havent had a dry Sunday since you detailed it :(

any luck on the catch pot?
Check my facebook mate I uploaded pictures there. Should give you an idea of what its like. Can you believe I can find a ruler in my house! :(
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
I can ask Greig if he has some but as dave says I think there must be something else wrong.

If the sensor was faulty and under reading it would take fuel out. If the EGT was under reading I don't think that would add fuel either. What could make the car add fuel like that?

Injectors too big... It is removing fuel -4% if I remember but it would at 0.75
high egts
faulty MAF
faulty MAP
fuel pressure too high
faulty lambda

I'm going out for a meal tonight but hopefully i'll be in a fit state to do a log tomorrow. Are there any other blocks we think would be handy to see?

Maz I'll go and have a look now
Jan 31, 2008
Mate this is an awesome beast of a machine, ive just spent the last hour going through all 74 pages, the detail to the car is awesome, topwork mate ill be keeping an eye on here :D
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)