Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
Sorry mate. I wanted to rake some for you on Sunday but I didn't clean it as I was trying to make this pump fit. When I clean it I'll take some. It dies look very good, a few people have commented.

wild willy

Full Member
Aug 4, 2003
You posted a link above Aaron to USRT, clink on the image of the Genesis 550's (it fills my screen) and compare (blue and green o rings). Looking at thoose logs i still don't feel you've been given the correct injectors. The revo software isn't at fault it can't be. If you can prove with a cheapo gauge that you have 3 bar of fuel pressure (i think you must add an extra bar for atmospheric) it must be the injectors. If you had a vac leak you would have rough idle and probably throw a fault code.
Your injector duty cycle is still too high for the 550's.
Having a look back on the usrt website it can be seen that Genesis also supply 315 and 380cc in black, there are suble differences though in the O ring colour and the angle and shape of the wiring connector. You should be able to identify your injector from exploding these images. If it transpires you have been given the wrong injector again, send them back for a refund and buy from someone else such as backdraft.
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Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
You're good at Reading my mind you've done it in the past. I've just found a gauge on fleabay for £10, I need to know the pressure is good. There's only four things that it can be - small injectors, bad pressure from pump, clogged filter (new), or FPR.

Why would genesis scrub a number out. They don't use a Bosch injector do they???
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
That's where I've got to too Dave

you would've thought we couldve found something about them somewhere.

John is taking his out next week. Maybe he can shed some light on it.


600 Miles to a tank :)
Jan 23, 2007
Nr Milton Keynes
Can you not send them back and get refunded and then purcase them from elsewhere? Are these not brand new injectors that come in a nice sealed box? Sounds like you just getting abag full of them.
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
You posted a link above Aaron to USRT, clink on the image of the Genesis 550's (it fills my screen) and compare (blue and green o rings). Looking at thoose logs i still don't feel you've been given the correct injectors. The revo software isn't at fault it can't be. If you can prove with a cheapo gauge that you have 3 bar of fuel pressure (i think you must add an extra bar for atmospheric) it must be the injectors. If you had a vac leak you would have rough idle and probably throw a fault code.
Your injector duty cycle is still too high for the 550's.
Having a look back on the usrt website it can be seen that Genesis also supply 315 and 380cc in black, there are suble differences though in the O ring colour and the angle and shape of the wiring connector. You should be able to identify your injector from exploding these images. If it transpires you have been given the wrong injector again, send them back for a refund and buy from someone else such as backdraft.

Ill have a look when I'm on my laptop, Carl....well spotted!

If they are wrong then somebody needs sacking.
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
Can you not send them back and get refunded and then purcase them from elsewhere? Are these not brand new injectors that come in a nice sealed box? Sounds like you just getting abag full of them.

Yarp, in a bag Nick

They are keen for me to send the old ones back, it makes you wonder if I have someone elses now.
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
Just had a thought (remembered)

the long term trim is now -3%.... How can it be lean but showing rich. These injectors must be bigger than the 380cc as they were running at 25%??

Food for thought? Points to pump?
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
If the previous 380s ran at 25% and it's now @-3% is it leaning out through pressure. I suppose it should still show positive though. I'll get my coat :)
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
after the 25 mile drive home last night.

Tuesday	24	November	2009	18:20:51				
1ML 906 032 A  		1.8l R4/5VT         0001						

	Group A:	'002				Group B:	'032	
		RPM	Load	Inj. On Time	Mass Flow		Lambda	Lambda
	TIME					TIME		
MARKER	STAMP	 /min	%	 ms	 g/s	STAMP	%	%

	0.4	760	15.8	1.7	2.31	0.8	5.8	-3.9
	1.21	760	15.8	1.7	2.31	1.61	5.8	-3.9
	2.01	760	15.8	1.7	2.31	2.41	5.8	-3.9
	2.81	760	15.8	1.7	2.31	3.21	5.8	-3.9


Badge snob
Assuming my injector spacers hve arrived from RMR when I get home tomorrow, I can swap my injectors out at the weekend, and post you 4 (plus 1 spare) 550cc genesis injectors originally fom usrt.
You can have them for a ton (including connectors), and send your suspect ones back to your supplier. At least then you know it's not the injectors.

In the meantime, it looks a lot better than it did, so just don't drive it too hard. In my mind, any trims of + or - 5% aren't bad. Fuel density varies by a few percent throughout the year.

Your long term multiplacative is taking fuel out, yet your injector on time is too high at the top end. This suurgests fuel pressure (flow issues). It's taking fuel out under low boost/ cruise. I bet if you go and cane the nuts of it for 10 mins it'll go positive, but you need a mighty clear road for that.
Log it, and go cane it for a while. Log 003 at the same time, so you can see how it moves under high rev, high boost driving
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
Hi John.

Thank you for the offer, i may take you up on it. ive had a look again today and changed the FPR (again)... the injectors do look right im just confused about the scrubbed numbers.

the car is much better but it seems unable to better a 0.75 Lambda factor..

Wednesday	25	November	2009	21:57:23						
1ML 906 032 A  		1.8l R4/5VT         0001								
	Group A:	'002				Group B:	'031			
		RPM	Load	Inj. On Time	Mass Flow		Lambda Factor	Lambda Factor		
	TIME					TIME				
MARKER	STAMP	 /min	%	 ms	 g/s	STAMP				
	23.57	3440	64.7	4.42	45.47	23.17	0.977	0.992		12.67066667
	24.37	3520	65.4	4.42	44.44	23.97	1	0.992		12.96533333
	25.19	3560	70.7	4.76	48.67	24.77	0.992	0.992		14.12133333
	25.99	3600	76.7	5.44	54.64	25.59	0.984	0.977		16.32
	26.79	3680	75.2	5.1	51.53	26.39	0.953	0.961		15.64
	27.59	3760	74.4	5.1	53.31	27.19	0.961	0.961		15.98
	28.4	3840	84.2	6.12	64.31	28	0.945	0.945		19.584
	29.2	3960	103.8	7.82	83.56	28.8	0.922	0.93		25.806
	30	4200	191.7	15.64	175.44	29.6	0.821	0.821		54.74
	30.82	4640	191.7	20.06	217.58	30.4	0.821	0.797		77.56533333
	31.62	4960	191.7	19.72	213.81	31.22	0.774	0.797		81.50933333
	32.42	5280	191.7	20.4	225.72	32.02	0.75	0.665		89.76
	33.22	5600	191.7	20.4	235.94	32.82	0.75	0.68		95.2
	34.04	5880	191.7	19.38	244.92	33.64	0.75	0.696		94.962
	34.84	6160	191.7	18.36	251.06	34.44	0.75	0.68		94.248
	35.64	6360	191.7	18.36	260.86	35.25	0.75	0.727		97.308
	36.45	6600	191.7	19.04	260.86	36.05	0.75	0.688		104.72
	37.25	6800	191.7	18.02	264.47	36.85	0.75	0.704		102.1133333

its a vast improvement... im still lacking but it really is requesting alot isnt it?
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Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)