wild willy

Full Member
Aug 4, 2003
don't forget lcr injectors @ 4 bar will flow 440cc, your injectors may even be less than the stock ones. It could be a simple case of the wrong injector being put in the wrong bag somewhere along the line.


LCR Track car
Aug 6, 2004
Sunny Scotland
when you put your faith with a tuner you expect their expertise to supply you with the correct parts... this is dangerous, i wonder how i would have stood if i were never to have done any logs, wound the boost up and tried to claim on their incompetence when things went bad. [:@]

Rant over :)
SCN saves the day again
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
don't forget lcr injectors @ 4 bar will flow 440cc, your injectors may even be less than the stock ones. It could be a simple case of the wrong injector being put in the wrong bag somewhere along the line.

Looks that way Carl, they did spot the colour though and thought Genesis may have changed it... hmmm.

Cream are 380cc apparently.

New injectors will be here tomorrow..

wild willy

Full Member
Aug 4, 2003
Looks that way Carl, they did spot the colour though and thought Genesis may have changed it... hmmm.

Cream are 380cc apparently.

New injectors will be here tomorrow..
Ah, thats a great result, I've spotted air mass readings inexcess of 250g/sec on your detuned settings, can't wait to see what the beast is capable of when running sweet. I hope the time you've wasted trying to sort other peoples problems have been duly noted and hopefully compensated.
Onwards and upwards.
Remember to switch back to 3 bar though when the correct injectors are installed.


600 Miles to a tank :)
Jan 23, 2007
Nr Milton Keynes
Let me know when you get them mate, ill come over :) Fule rail comes off easy enough but easier with one person to hold it out the way + i wana be in it when the boost is wound up and its easier to log with 2 peeps.
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
Damn, I was hoping my 330cc calculation was right. :rolleyes:

not bad though mate

Hmmm, that could cause you some issues! Who did you order them from as 550s ??

could cause???

Ah, thats a great result, I've spotted air mass readings inexcess of 250g/sec on your detuned settings, can't wait to see what the beast is capable of when running sweet. I hope the time you've wasted trying to sort other peoples problems have been duly noted and hopefully compensated.
Onwards and upwards.
Remember to switch back to 3 bar though when the correct injectors are installed.

thanks carl, it is starting to feel pretty quick. I'm looking forward to getting these in and seeing what it will do (break :))

I've never once been compensated for any of the problems, extra labour or extra parts I've had to buy. When this is set up and it's running well I will just be happy to know that they don't get any advertising from me, because if it was down to them the car would still be at TotalVAG.

I haven't bothered putti g a 4bar FPR in and as they will be here tomorrow there's no point in trying now.

Let me know when you get them mate, ill come over :) Fule rail comes off easy enough but easier with one person to hold it out the way + i wana be in it when the boost is wound up and its easier to log with 2 peeps.

nick you're always welcome, if it's dry tomorrow evening, come over.

I'll be having a look at the pump again tomorrow. I need to change that hose, it turns over about 6 times before starting now so the fuel must be draining out of the line???


600 Miles to a tank :)
Jan 23, 2007
Nr Milton Keynes
Cant 2morro mate i have not seen hayley for 2 days so 2morro night is with her. Im not sure its the hose tbh, specially not on to start up, can you hear it prime OK before you start it?


600 Miles to a tank :)
Jan 23, 2007
Nr Milton Keynes
maybe your right, it primes, builds up the pressure, loses the pressure before you turn the key. Also im ready to cut this alli. Let me know when s good for you.
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
the injectors were delivered to TotalVAG today so i went there after work. we had a look a the pump and it looks fine. as for the injectors... They are black :) you cant see it in the pic that John posted, Do they have Genesis written on them anywhere??? all we could see was a part number that had the back half scrubbed out (i think it started 0280 like a bosch number) they also had permanent marker on them so it was impossible to tell.

John/Dave did you look at that part of yours? i dont trust them now, especially when i looked at the logs.

All good here..

Tuesday	24	November	2009	18:05:19						
1ML 906 032 A  		1.8l R4/5VT         0001								

	Group A:	'002				Group B:	'031			
		RPM	Load	Inj. On Time	Mass Flow		Lambda Factor	Lambda Factor		
	TIME					TIME				
MARKER	STAMP	 /min	%	 ms	 g/s	STAMP				IDC

	58.69	3240	15.8	1.36	10.08	58.27	0.953	0.977		3.672
	59.49	3160	38.3	3.06	25.97	59.09	0.984	0.984		8.058
	60.29	3280	91	6.46	62.72	59.89	0.914	0.969		17.65733333
	61.1	3520	99.2	7.48	72.78	60.7	0.891	0.891		21.94133333
	61.9	3680	78.9	5.78	56.22	61.5	0.86	0.938		17.72533333
	62.7	3800	55.6	3.74	37.64	62.3	0.961	0.984		11.84333333
	63.52	3880	75.9	5.78	64.36	63.12	0.984	0.992		18.68866667
	64.32	4000	54.1	3.74	40.19	63.92	0.875	0.984		12.46666667
	65.12	4200	115.8	9.52	105.81	64.72	0.899	0.945		33.32
	65.94	4640	180.5	17	156.03	65.52	0.867	0.813		65.73333333
	66.74	5120	181.2	16.66	174.39	66.34	0.813	0.805		71.08266667
	67.54	5640	181.2	17.68	199.06	67.14	0.891	0.789		83.096
	68.34	6000	177.4	16.66	202.67	67.94	0.789	0.789		83.3
	69.15	6480	177.4	16.32	216.36	68.75	0.789	0.719		88.128
	69.95	6200	13.5	1.7	0	69.55	0.805	0.789		8.783333333

not so here.... Boost raised and logged once in between these two... this log at about 1.4 bar

Tuesday	24	November	2009	18:11:43						
1ML 906 032 A  		1.8l R4/5VT         0001								

	Group A:	'002				Group B:	'031			
		RPM	Load	Inj. On Time	Mass Flow		Lambda Factor	Lambda Factor		
	TIME					TIME				
MARKER	STAMP	 /min	%	 ms	 g/s	STAMP				IDC

	30.59	3560	26.3	2.04	17.86	30.99	0.977	1		6.052
	31.39	3560	28.6	2.04	19.5	31.8	0.969	1		6.052
	32.2	3640	60.2	4.42	44.83	32.6	1	0.984		13.40733333
	33	3760	76.7	5.1	59.33	33.4	0.977	0.977		15.98
	33.8	4000	124.8	8.84	109.03	34.2	0.977	0.93		29.46666667
	34.62	4440	191.7	16.32	182.33	35.02	1.055	0.867		60.384
	35.42	5000	191.7	19.38	234.75	35.82	1.086	0.836		80.75
	36.22	5640	191.7	19.72	250.64	36.62	0.953	0.836		92.684
	37.02	6160	191.7	20.06	256.5	37.43	0.922	0.836		102.9746667
	37.83	6640	191.7	19.04	268.44	38.23	0.961	0.836		105.3546667
	38.65	6520	12	1.36	12.06	39.05	0.836	0.93		7.389333333
	84.5	2680	89.5	6.12	51.5	84.9	0.977	0.977		13.668
	85.3	2920	93.2	6.8	55.5	85.7	0.93	0.922		16.54666667
	86.1	3200	124.1	9.52	79.97	86.51	0.821	0.813		25.38666667
	86.91	3600	159.4	13.6	116.89	87.31	0.828	0.805		40.8
	87.71	4080	191.7	18.02	168.72	88.11	0.961	0.797		61.268
	88.51	4640	191.7	20.4	227.19	88.91	1.086	0.797		78.88
	89.33	5320	191.7	21.08	235.97	89.73	0.93	0.711		93.45466667
	90.13	5840	191.7	21.76	252.97	90.53	0.899	0.789		105.8986667
	90.93	6320	191.7	20.74	261.28	91.33	0.938	0.797		109.2306667
	91.73	6280	11.3	1.36	86.36	92.14	0.774	0.899		7.117333333

Tuesday	24	November	2009	18:14:11						
1ML 906 032 A  		1.8l R4/5VT         0001								

	Group A:	'003				Group B:	'020			
		RPM	Mass Flow	Load	Ign. Timing		Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization
	TIME					TIME				

	17.41	2880	17.75	11.4	35.3	17.81	0	0	0	0
	18.21	2920	18.83	11.8	35.3	18.61	0	0	0	0
	19.03	2960	22.97	14.1	35.3	19.43	0	0	0	0
	19.83	3040	26.22	15.7	36	20.23	0	0	0	0
	20.63	3080	16.39	10.6	36	21.02	0	0	0	0
	21.43	3120	22.64	13.7	36.8	21.84	0	0	0	0
	22.24	3240	24.83	14.9	36.8	22.64	0	0	0	0
	23.04	3360	37.61	20.8	33	23.44	0	0	0	0
	23.84	3560	47.44	23.5	35.3	24.24	0	0	0	0
	24.66	3800	71.81	30.2	24	25.06	0	0	0	0
	25.46	4240	153.75	100	12.8	25.86	0	0	0	0
	26.26	4880	215.25	99.6	6.8	26.66	0	0	0	0
	27.06	5480	224.75	100	8.3	27.47	0	0	0	0
	27.87	6000	244.92	100	10.5	28.27	0	0	0	0
	28.67	6480	253.47	100	11.3	29.07	0	0	0	0
	29.47	6920	261.36	100	11.3	29.89	0	0	0	0
	30.29	5200	5.44	7.8	4.5	30.69	0	0	0	0
	58.44	2680	8.28	5.9	0.8	58.84	0	0	0	0
	59.24	2640	8.42	5.9	0.8	59.64	0	0	0	0
	60.06	2600	9.22	7.8	24	60.46	0	0	0	0
	60.86	2680	25.5	15.3	33	61.26	0	0	0	0
	61.66	2840	32.39	18.8	33	62.06	0	0	0	0
	62.46	3000	42.08	22	33	62.87	0	0	0	0
	63.27	3240	59.97	29	27.8	63.67	0	0	0	0
	64.07	3560	107.69	98.8	15	64.47	0	0	0	0
	64.87	4040	163.28	100	8.3	65.27	0	0	0	0
	65.69	4680	206.25	100	6.8	66.09	0	0	0	0
	66.49	5240	218.67	100	6	66.89	0	0	0	3
	67.29	5760	235.56	100	9.8	67.69	0	0	0	3
	68.11	6320	247.94	99.6	8.3	68.51	0	0	0	2.3
	68.91	6680	252.97	45.1	5.3	69.31	0	0	0	0
	69.71	4880	7.56	7.8	3.8	70.11	0	0	0	0

i would say i have pressure problems now but i dont trust these injectors (supplier)
Last edited:


50 Years of 911
Jun 27, 2005
if it was followed by a decent amount of fuel mate
Probably best I ask you in person how to read these graphs so I dont ruin your thread.

So even with the correct injectors its still not supplying enough fuel. If you have a bigger fuel pump surely that generates more pressure or am I looking at it to simplistically?

Diaphragm has split in the fuel regulator? Crud in the tank?
Feb 27, 2007
Behind Wilko
i hate to think whats going on now Maz. Have i got the right injectors or not, i just dont trust them.

dont worry about ruining the thread, i really dont mind. im really only looking at fueling, correction factors (CF) and injector duty cycle in these logs. fueling is Lambda factor *14.7 to find Air/Fuel ratio. left hand column is actual right hand requested. if actual is higher than requested then you are running lean. its acceptable to a point but 0.9's are far too high


50 Years of 911
Jun 27, 2005
I think you already changed the fuel filter? You have changed the fuel pump so one can only guess that the lines are the restriction...like you originally said maybe blocked? If they arnt block then you may need bigger fuel lines??? Have TotalVAG done any fuel pressure checks?
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