Pete-225's Leon Cupra R 225


Active Member
Mar 31, 2013
Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
Well I've tried to keep busy on the car, but juggling family time and car time can be a handful!

I wanted to get cracking with the bay, as I have started it, and certainly aim to finish it!!

I'm going to be redoing the plastics as I'm happy with them, but GTI internationals has given me the push to say, no the standard just won't cut it, so on pay day I'll be treating her to some more paint.
My mate who came to Inters with me has got some aluminium, so I think I'm going to use that and any left over paint will be going on that (for the heat shield)

On to the progress......

So I started the infamous polishing of the inlet manifold.
I started with p100 grit sandpaper, as I don't have a grinder, and found even though it was useful, it's extremely time consuming.
I then decided to get 2 extra tools, a file, and my wire brush.
The file was to abrasive, and if I had carried on would have made to deeper scratches in the metal, so I tried the wire brush, and WOW, what a difference and saved me around 2 hours work with some extremely rough estimations.
Now bearing in mind I haven't anywhere near finished, but the left of the inlet is smooth, and the rest needs the same treatment (with p100 sand paper) and then I shall move onto the wet and dry :)




And a cheeky parcel arrived, and fitted :D even managed to fit it in the scoop I was planning to use in front of the battery cover, tight fit but I got it in!!


Thanks for reading :)

Leon Cupra R 225 - 80mm Jetex Cone - De Cat - Forge Boost Pipe - More To Come :p


Active Member
Mar 31, 2013
Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
A little bit more progress.......

I finished off sanding the inlet with P100 grit sand paper, and got it feeling as smooth as a baby's bum!! So pretty pleased, so I then went on to 200 & 400 grit and the results so far:





In the process of sanding, and from blocking the dipstick holder up with paper, my heavy hands snapped the canal for the dipstick, so out came the JB Weld as a temporary fix, until I can purchase a new one :(


In other news......

At the weekend I got a little bit creative, and as stated previously my friend Andy who came to Inters with me, had a 4ft square sheet of chequered plate aluminium for my custom heat shield!!
So I set to work tracing it all out (from RDS's template, thanks again mate), borrowed his angle grinder, and away I went!!
Extremely happy with my cutting skills, (as a 1st attempt) and wanted the chequered look on the inside, so the cold air can bounce off the grooves etc :) plus its just that little more unique!
I grinder the edges down, and on the lines that were to be bent, I scored them lightly with the grinder so that it would bend easier.

Then once I had bent into shape, I thought I would make things difficult for myself and clean it once I had bent it all :doh: oh well, I'm sure you will agree, I didn't do too badly?

After all the edges were then filed to an even smoother finish, I put my white trim on as a temp fit, so that I could see if I needed more (which I do) and the chosen colour will not disclosed yet, as need to purchase the sfs/badger 5 tip, and then I can cut my circle out in the heat shield, till then the colour and fitment will have to wait :(



Look at that dirt :/

A bit more JB Weld for extra support on one of the brackets


I will post the pics with edging on the heat shield tomorrow, as I should be getting it in the engine to get the holes measured up :)

The progress so far


Thanks for reading!!


Active Member
Mar 31, 2013
Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
Small Update:

Got the heat shield out to take some photos, and I wasn't entirely happy with the JB Weld I had put on the bracket, as it was fairly loose.

I pulled the bracket off, and sanded the relevant areas down, so that no previous mixture was there.

With my last attempt, I think I may have put a little too much grey paste in the mixing bowl than I should have, instead of it being equal amounts, hence it being not very rigid and in fact quite flimsy.
I set about mixing it up again, this time making sure it was equal, and used an ashtray and a torch to keep the bracket in place, and its solid as a rock :D

Here's the pics of it all together with the white trim...




Ordering more paint on Tuesday, and some more trim, and then I should be able to get the Badger 5 TIP, and then save up for exhaust and FMIC, then I'll sort arbs, and strut brace, the poly bush the whole lot!! And treat her to new cv joints, as I can start to feel some play, but they will come before the exhaust and FMIC.

Thanks for reading :)


Active Member
Mar 27, 2010
Great work on the bay, what kinda time did the inlet take?

I really need to get around to doing mine and charge pipe, might buy a 2nd hand pipe that I can work away on....

Did you find a chrome kit online in the end, like suggested earlier in your thread?


Active Member
Mar 31, 2013
Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
No mate as I don't have the appliance to fit the accessories to, and there wasn't one (when I last looked) for a power drill :(
I would recommend doing it yourself, but will take a lot of time and patience, something I lack haha, and the inlet has taken me 2 1/2 - 3 hours so far :( still need to go through more grades and then polish her up :D

Cupra R 225 -80mm Jetex Cone -De Cat -Forge Boost Pipe -More to come :p


Active Member
Mar 31, 2013
Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
Cheers rich, look better when I've put the paint on and the carbon 'S' sticker on.

I've just brought this kit

The one prices at £9 something :)
Then I can crack on with the inlet and the boost pipe, then that will it for a while, then it's just silicone hoses, and performance and handling mods thereafter :)

Cupra R 225 -80mm Jetex Cone -De Cat -Forge Boost Pipe -More to come :p


Active Member
Mar 31, 2013
Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
Further update:

Had a slight problem on Wednesday with a boost leak on the way to work :(

So on Wednesday night I stored it in my mums garage in the house she has in the UK, and pinched her Mercedes ML320 :D so I didn't do any damage to the LCR.

This was the culprit:


So I ordered some parts on Wednesday and ordered the 3 stage polishing kit for the Inlet Manifold, and Charge Pipe on the Tuesday.
These beauties arrived on the Thursday:

Some silicone hosing I/D 4mm, 6mm & 8mm (as I didn't know what to get):

More white trim for the cold air feed:

I fixed the split hose on the Forge Charge Pipe, using the 6mm I/D hosing, took me all of 10minutes to replace:

Then I replaced the 'U' shaped hose above the Upper Boost Hose, not easy to get off, and the only reason I did it was I thought I would make use of the I/D 8mm hosing, to find out that I had to pretty much force it on as it should have been 10mm I/D, so because I had ruined the original clams as they are none re-useable, and cut the original 'U' shaped pipe to get it off, there was no turning back, so I have ordered some 10mm hosing (I/D) and shouldn't be such a tight fit, but even though its so tight, will do the job till then and looks pretty sexy IMO :)

Will hopefully be getting the time to do the inlet during the week/weekend with the wet & dry, then to get the new polishing kit out :D

Thanks for reading!

Cupra R 225 -80mm Jetex Cone -De Cat -Forge Boost Pipe -More to come :p


Active Member
Mar 31, 2013
Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
Every time I step outside to start something it starts hammering it down, and haven't got my garage I want .... Yet, but put an offer in on a house and been accepted = my own personal garage here I come :D


Active Member
Mar 31, 2013
Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
Well it eventually stopped raining. No deliveries either :(
Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for some deliveries that I require.

Any way.... After the rain stopped, I thought I would spend another hour and a bit on two more grades of wet and dry.
P600 & P800. Started by damping the area (the inlet) wrapped the p600 grit paper round a wooden block and got straight to it. An hour and a bit later this is the result:

Sorry for the pants photo, my flash is temperamental!

As you can see its getting shinier after each grade, and the new 3 stage polishing kit, has a tough cloth pad, so that you can get rid of any imperfections 1st, which I know all to well that the sand paper will never remove all the light scratches, but hopefully this will :)

Thanks for reading.


Active Member
Aug 15, 2012
nice dude go all the way up to 1600 maybe 1800 for some proper shine then use some meguires next gen polish to get that really nice shine :)


Active Member
Mar 31, 2013
Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
nice dude go all the way up to 1600 maybe 1800 for some proper shine then use some meguires next gen polish to get that really nice shine :)

I've got upto 1500 grit mate, then going to use the polishing kit, grey block for removing all imperfections, and any hard to get areas (quite abrasive) then the green block for polishing, then blue for the deep shine, if its no good I've got Autosol, BUT, after you and a few other people giving it good reviews might have to make a cheeky purchase ;) cheers for the heads up pal!


LCR 225
Oct 24, 2007
se london
Don't stat using the polish wheels until all the marks are gone, you'll just be wasting your time.
Start with an orbital sander with 120 grit sheet to remove all the cast marks then go through the wet & dry papers and don't move onto the next grade till all the sanding marks are consistent with that grade of paper, Also don't be tempted to put loads of the soap bar onto the polish wheel, it will just clog it up then over heat the wheel and leave black greasy marks behind.
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