Right quick update of how things are coming along:
Had to turn down the wheels!!!!!

GUTTED! insurance company wouldnt insure me on wire wheels with knock off caps as they are dangerous surposedly.... :S
Anyway so keeping my gold askari's for the moment and going to get some 200mm spacers front and back to push them out a bit.
Just got a big sheet of black vinyl in the post to do the front wong before i
sticker bomb it so i can protect the paintwork.
Stickers are on route aswell just waiting for them so that should be done by the end of this week if the rain holds off
So everything seems to be happening all at once as soon as the bits come. And with regards to coilovers i've gone for ta technics or unit3 tuning as the drop is 100mm and 120mm so bar far the lowest and the cheapest so will let you all know how that goes