Aye its been a while since I got to fiddle with it but soon, very soonThought I would update willies thread. I checked the oil level on mine today and the dust level on his
Looks like a very large spider had made a web around willies, or is it a cacoon waiting to hatch.
Ah so its a race car rather than a track car. Do you have a link to a build thread for it?Yeah for sure, he is doing the Sports and Saloons racing too hopefully both at KH and Croft. His rebuilt engine should be in this month.Think the little Nov will surprise a few people!
I doubt it will ever be finished.
nice purchases mate, make sure you let us know how you get on with the mani as I'm very interested in getting one but waiting for results. I'd love to get mine polybushed (not race/track spec bushes though) this thing will be a weapon, crack on mate I want to see it finished![]()
So after possibly 1 1/2 year of no purchases for my track baby I've just completed 2!!
For me both are pretty exciting, other maybe not so.
For years we have been waiting for a proper KO4 exhaust manifold. There have been promises of ghreat things for several suppliers but due to one issue or another its has never really come good. But now there is some light.
Sam Bryant has been in touch with a company and sourced what look on paper like a great solution. This has been tested on a KO4 hybrid with great results. As yet there are no results for a Stage 2 KO4. There are plenty on the go so results should be out soon.
I will get mine within the next month but car won't be on the road for a few months.
For those who don't know about this its made by Relentless and is a Stainless Steel manifold
Next up.
As we all know, proper track cars are fully polybushed. So, this one aint going to be any different. My mate is now a supplier of SuperPro polybushes so I got the full set of race/track spec ones. I will be fitting these and possibly powder coating subframe and LCA's before. I'll see what the time and cost constraints are for this.
As you can see there is still a long way to go with this project and I plan to see it to the end. Where and when the end will be I'm not too sure but TBH I don't plan to be at the end till its caged and trailer only.
Cheers Craig, you'll have to come up and see the garage some timeGood stuff min, glad to hear things are kicking off againLooking forward to making some trips down to KH to see the car in action
Great update. Good to see the car getting some life pumped into itlooking forward to the results with the new manifold
Hey wull...... Where did you get the superpro bushes. Do they have contact details or a website ? I hear the superpro bushes are more compliant for more road use than track use, but they cope really well on the track too. Nice compromise really.