
LCR Track car
Aug 6, 2004
Sunny Scotland
Hi Willie

I just read through the previous posts again and realised that the clutch u need to replace is for your A4 TDI, instead I sent you a PM for the spare CUPRA R/S3 Clutch Kit I have..

Have u tried giving GSF a call they normally sell Lucas Clutch Kits for VAG Cars at a reaonable price.

Thank you Indy.
I'm hoping the clutch and flywheel is available through David at Sere ;)


LCR Track car
Aug 6, 2004
Sunny Scotland
New hoose for 2012

So, after pretty much 12 months of inactivity there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel.
I've been massively demotivated in the car this past while.
This has lead me into doing other things, never been one to sit about.

My car has been in my mates mum and dads garage for the past 12 months.
It was 1000% better than where I was working on my car but TBH still a little restrictive.

Another mate has just taken over rental of a 15 x 12m garage with a 4' deep pit.:rofl:
I've been offered a space in it and gladly accepted it.
It's got a decent size of office for chilling and eating in, a bog and plenty of space.

So the new year should see this project getting back on track and the car back on the road.
Most of the time I haven't really missed the car but there has been the odd day after the gym that I would have lived to have taken her out and spanked her ass:rofl:

So the new plans for 2012 are;

Whip out the engine.
This will allow me better access to the timing belt, exhaust manifold, brake master cylinder and the down pipe.
I hope to port the exhaust manifold out a bit, if its still in good shape after 8 1/2 years.
The brake master cylinder will be changed due to siezed and snapped bleed nipples.
The oil filter housing will be swapped for my thermostatic sandwich plate and 13 row oil cooler will be fitted.
The twin fan assembly behind the rad and the radiator will be changed out.
The leaky power steering hose will be changed.
The VVT sensor gasket will be changed.
The Down pipe will have an AFR well welded into it.
When everything is built back up again the VT engine mounts will be fitted.
The gear box oil will be changed.
The small battery I have will be fitted with increased air flow to it.
I'm hoping to have an easily removable solution to the bumper to allow me to remove this at track days and fit a head light air intake for the induction.
I've not had the undertray fitted for years so thus will be refitted with brake ducting to the fog light place.
The guy I'm sharing the garage with is heavily into glass fibre and carbon fibre manufacture so expect many bespoke pieces that might also be available to the wider public too.

All in all 2012 should be pretty exciting.

Hope everyone has a good Christmas and New Year.
Sep 3, 2008
Buckie, Moray
Looking forward to more updates, is it still on the road just now or sorn'd / out of mot? Is it in Fraserburgh just now I remember reading on eastside or was that something else? New home in/near aberdeen?


LCR Track car
Aug 6, 2004
Sunny Scotland
Looking forward to more updates, is it still on the road just now or sorn'd / out of mot? Is it in Fraserburgh just now I remember reading on eastside or was that something else? New home in/near aberdeen?

New home in the Broch.
It's SORN'd just now and will be till the fiddling is all done.
More updates for sure


LCR Track car
Aug 6, 2004
Sunny Scotland
About bloody time too, we want regular updates aswell and photos :rofl: Oh yeah and have a good Christmas you and the family. :drunk:

Updates and photos will be taken.
I'm away for Christmas so Christmas day for me is this Saturday so you better get my presents bought and sent tomorrow ;)


Full Member
May 11, 2005
Angus / Edinburgh
Nice to hear the update and plans Wull :) Sounds like an ace place you've managed to get a space in.

I'd be wary with porting your OEM K04 manifold, they're a tad thin in places as stock, I don't think Bill really touches them a whole lot.

Good to see you're still aboot :) and good to see the LCR will be back out to play next year too.


weight is the enemy
Nice one Willy. Like you, mine has had little fettling over the past year. Just general maintenance but hopefully 2012 will see the bodywork tidied and I might eventually get round to fitting that LSD!

Looking forward to your updates snd have a good Christmas :)


LCR Track car
Aug 6, 2004
Sunny Scotland
Cheers guys it'll be good to be back on the road.

I'll look into the exhaust manifold and maybe the intake manifold/head too.

Not too fussed about doing any flowing but will take a look and see if there is anything obvious that needs cleaned up.


OEM Lover
Jun 23, 2007
Inverurie, Aberdeenshire
I look forward to seeing you at Knockhill, I will be at pretty much every track day next year.

Have a good Christmas and New Year Willie, and thanks for all your help over the past year and for selling me the winter wheels, they are back on Foxy for the next while whilst the other ones get a makeover :)

Keep us updated on the car! :)


Full Member
May 11, 2005
Angus / Edinburgh
Meant to say have a great festive period, hope Santa is/was good to you :)

Going to try to get down to KH a bit more next year too, looking forward to more tales of CSL-slaying!


MK1 LC Red Devil :)
Sep 8, 2005
Good luck with the coming year hope the coming year allow you to complete your plan in time for a couple of track days...

Talking about the "twin fan assembly behind the rad and the radiator" have you already done some research on that? I think I have a problem with the fans on my car, they dont stay on for as long as they are supposed to and don't kickin in at the right time when the car heats up and eventually when the fans kicked in they sounded like they needed some grease. This could be the thermostat.
I want to change the fans, thermostat and might think of getting an aluminum radiator. If you or anyone has any suggestions then please do let me know, thanks.


LCR Track car
Aug 6, 2004
Sunny Scotland
So, the littlest hobo keeps on trucking.


From there to her lovely new accommodation.



Looking forward to getting stuck in.
I've got lots of plans but lots of financial and time constraints so we'll see how I get on.
Expect pictures a plenty.

Merry Christmas everyone!!


Active Member
Aug 29, 2005
I recognise the locations! I wonder where the Zak was when that photo was taken?!


I recognise the locations! I wonder where the Zak was when that photo was taken?!

The Zak was on hand for the uplift.. we harnessed him up and used him to pull the car onto the trailer !!

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