Infotainment 1969 update


Active Member
Jul 27, 2016
Yes same rules like with 1969, but could be again installed from home if you take the risk yourself 😉 like many people did it with 1969


Active Member
Nov 14, 2023
Ik heb sinds 1969 wel dat mijn carplay op steeds dezelfde plekken de verbinding verliest na eerst wat stotteren en haperen. Dan start carplay opnieuw op en gaat verder waar 'ie gebleven was. Niet het hele infotainment dus, alleen carplay. Ik hield dat eigenlijk op een probleem met de telefoon(s). Maar twee weken geleden had ik een andere Leon mee, oudere s/w versie en die had met dezelfde telefoons en dezelfde plekken het probleem niet! Ofwel, toch een combi met de auto en/of de s/w versie.... het infotainment lijkt een 5Ghz Wifi verbinding op te zetten met de telefoon. En die lijkt onderbroken te worden. Alsof die verbinding met s/w 1969 sneller onderbroken wordt door slechte/gestoorde Wifi.


Active Member
Nov 14, 2023
Since 1969 I have had my carplay lose the connection in the same places after some stuttering and stuttering. Then carplay restarts and continues where it left off. Not the entire infotainment, just carplay. I actually thought that was a problem with the phone(s). But two weeks ago I had another Leon, older s/w version, and it didn't have the problem with the same phones and the same places! In other words, a combination with the car and/or the s/w version.... the infotainment seems to set up a 5Ghz WiFi connection with the phone. And it seems to be interrupted. As if that connection to s/w 1969 is more likely to be interrupted by bad/interrupted WiFi.
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Active Member
Jul 14, 2023
Since 1969 I have had my carplay lose the connection in the same places after some stuttering and stuttering. Then carplay restarts and continues where it left off. Not the entire infotainment, just carplay. I actually thought that was a problem with the phone(s). But two weeks ago I had another Leon, older s/w version, and it didn't have the problem with the same phones and the same places! In other words, a combination with the car and/or the s/w version.... the infotainment seems to set up a 5Ghz WiFi connection with the phone. And it seems to be interrupted. As if that connection to s/w 1969 is more likely to be interrupted by bad/interrupted WiFi.
You mean same locations? I dont think you can do anything about it, those locations probably are interfering with the frequencies


Active Member
Jan 25, 2017
They need to release an urgent fix. Since the OTA update, Regularly disconnected whenever I try to use Siri, regular stutters. Screen keeps crashing to black screen before resetting itself again. It’s completely broken CarPlay.


Active Member
Jun 1, 2018
My new Cupra Leon just got delivered with 1969 installed, so whatever is coming next isn't even at the factory yet.