DPJ's GTRS Eliminator Install and Development


Dec 13, 2004
NN Yorks / Salento
I'm very perplexed tonight. Without changing anything (except topping the tank with 38 litres of Tescos 99 on Friday) I'm pulling CFs.:confused:

Sunday	20	January	2008	19:51:57	
06A 906 032 HN		1.8L R4/5VT      01 0002			

Group A:	'118			Group B:	'032
Engine Speed	Air Temp In	Boost Dut Cyc	Actual Boost	Idle O2 Adapt	Run O2 Adapt
700-6800 RPM	<=110 C	0-100% 	<=1800 mbar	-10.1	-10.1
 /min	°C	%	 mbar	%	%
3200	9	100	1320	0.8	1.6
3480	13	100	1690	0.8	1.6
3800	13	100	1980	0.8	1.6
4120	13	92.5	2380	0.8	1.6
4480	14	67.8	2540	0.8	1.6
4880	15	55.7	2540	0.8	1.6
5160	16	40.4	2530	0.8	1.6
5520	17	22.4	2510	0.8	1.6
5800	18	8.6	2470	0.8	1.6
6160	18	8.2	2360	0.8	1.6
6360	20	7.5	2400	0.8	1.6
6640	20	9	2430	0.8	1.6
6840	21	4.3	2380	0.8	1.6
7040	21	3.9	2310	0.8	1.6
7200	21	0	2210	0.8	1.6

Group A:	'115			Group B:	'031
Engine Speed	Engine Load	Spec. Boost	Actual Boost	Lambda Factor	Lambda Factor
700-6800 RPM	15-150%	990-1800 mbar	<=1800 mbar		
 /min	%	 mbar	 mbar		
3320	127.8	2100	1660	0.86	0.86
3600	143.6	2230	1850	0.828	0.821
3880	170.7	2400	2170	0.789	0.805
4200	191.7	2450	2450	0.789	0.805
4600	191.7	2450	2540	0.805	0.805
4960	191.7	2400	2530	0.805	0.805
5280	191.7	2400	2540	0.789	0.805
5560	191.7	2400	2500	0.805	0.805
5880	191.7	2410	2450	0.789	0.805
6120	183.5	2410	2370	0.782	0.805
6400	182	2410	2400	0.789	0.805
6600	177.4	2400	2380	0.797	0.805
6800	166.9	2330	2330	0.805	0.805
7000	162.4	2300	2310	0.797	0.805
7160	157.1	2230	2180	0.75	0.805
7200	170.7	1000	2400	0.75	0.805

Three 003-020 logs, the first done before the above, the second two done last.
Group A:	'003			Group B:	'020		
 /min	 g/s	%	 °BTDC	 CF	 CF	 CF	 CF
3360	77.17	99.2	24	0	0.8	0	0
3560	100.31	99.6	20.3	3	7.5	7.5	9
3880	139.69	100	9.8	1.5	7.5	6.8	9
4280	176.47	100	7.5	1.5	7.5	6.8	9
4680	194.28	100	7.5	1.5	7.5	6.8	8.3
5080	207.5	100	9	1.5	7.5	6	8.3
5400	210.08	99.6	9.8	1.5	7.5	6	7.5
5680	208.39	100	11.3	1.5	6.8	5.3	6.8
5960	215.86	100	13.5	0.8	6	4.5	5.3
6200	227.89	100	13.5	0	4.5	3	4.5
6480	222.36	100	18.8	0	3.8	2.3	3.8
6720	216.58	100	23.3	0	2.3	1.5	2.3
6920	216.22	100	24.8	0	1.5	0	1.5
7080	216.67	100	26.3	0	0.8	0	0.8
7240	224.14	96.9	10.5	0	0.8	0	0.8
3640	93.19	100	26.3	0	3	5.3	4.5
3920	131.75	100	13.5	0	3	5.3	3.8
4320	170.58	100	9	0	3	5.3	3.8
4760	194.03	100	12.8	3	3	5.3	3.8
5040	201.69	100	13.5	3	3	5.3	3.8
5400	205.86	100	9.8	3	3	4.5	3.8
5640	210.08	100	12	3	2.3	4.5	3.8
5920	213.47	100	15	3	2.3	4.5	3
6200	220.75	100	18	2.3	2.3	3.8	3
6520	220.06	100	18.8	2.3	1.5	3.8	3
6720	221.44	100	21	2.3	1.5	3.8	2.3
6920	215.86	100	24	1.5	1.5	3.8	2.3
7120	216.67	99.6	18	0.8	1.5	2.3	2.3
7200	219.69	98.4	11.3	0	0.8	2.3	2.3
3600	86.39	100	25.5	0.8	1.5	2.3	7.5
3840	119.19	100	14.3	0.8	1.5	2.3	7.5
4160	156.97	100	10.5	0	1.5	2.3	6
4520	180.58	100	9.8	0	1.5	2.3	5.3
4880	195.08	100	10.5	0	1.5	1.5	5.3
5240	203.86	100	11.3	0	0.8	1.5	4.5
5560	215.89	100	12.8	0	0.8	1.5	3.8
5840	217.28	100	14.3	0	0	1.5	3
6120	215.86	100	19.5	0	0	1.5	2.3
6360	221.11	100	18	0	0	0.8	1.5
6600	220.06	100	20.3	0	0	0	0.8
6840	217.94	100	26.3	0	0	0	0
7040	227.53	100	20.3	0	0	0	0
7200	211.08	100	29.3	0	0	0	0
7240	68.03	23.9	19.5	0	0	0	0


Jack-RIP my little Friend
Jul 25, 2001
presuming they stuck the right fuel in the right tank. :rolleyes:

bung some millars CVL turbo in and see if cf's fall away again until you try a tank of V-Power to compare maybe.

not unheard of for some random fuel in some fuel stations... (or with added H2O in our recent weatrher)


Dec 13, 2004
NN Yorks / Salento
presuming they stuck the right fuel in the right tank. :rolleyes:

bung some millars CVL turbo in and see if cf's fall away again until you try a tank of V-Power to compare maybe.

not unheard of for some random fuel in some fuel stations... (or with added H2O in our recent weatrher)

Cheers Bill. :)
I'll hunt down some millars, and also use the car to commute -I should be able to empty the tank by Wednesday....
I've only started using Tesco's occasionally in the last couple of months, always V-Power before that.
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Badge snob
I've found some tescos 99 to be rocket fuel, and some to be..... well something else portraying itself as 99.

I use 2 shell stations and have found both to be reliable with v power.
I keep my PDA with Vag check in my car all the time and check block 20 after every 'unknown' fill up. TAkes 2 mins, and not worth risking the consequences of not checking.


Dec 13, 2004
NN Yorks / Salento
I've found some tescos 99 to be rocket fuel, and some to be..... well something else portraying itself as 99.

I use 2 shell stations and have found both to be reliable with v power.
I keep my PDA with Vag check in my car all the time and check block 20 after every 'unknown' fill up. TAkes 2 mins, and not worth risking the consequences of not checking.

Lesson learnt!
Tesco 99 is a very recent arrival in our area. Back to Vpower - i have two Shell garages available - one near work that price matches Tesco, and one near home that's on the A1......

There will be a short delay in preparations for this weekend while I use up 150 miles of fuel (with the timing turned down). My days of syphoning petrol are long past. :rolleyes:


Dec 13, 2004
NN Yorks / Salento
20 minutes tonight using the final drops of fuel up.
53 litres of VPower.
timing +3
third run
3080	3	6	6	6.8
3320	3	9	6	6.8
3520	3	9	6	6
3800	2.3	9	6	6
4120	2.3	9	6	6
4440	2.3	8.3	6	6
4840	2.3	8.3	5.3	6
5160	2.3	7.5	5.3	6
5520	2.3	7.5	5.3	5.3
5800	2.3	6.8	5.3	5.3
6080	2.3	6.8	5.3	5.3
6320	1.5	6.8	4.5	5.3
6600	1.5	6	4.5	4.5
6840	1.5	6	4.5	4.5
7040	1.5	6	3.8	4.5

I'm of course starting to wonder what I should do with the wmi for Saturday, knock it back down to 20% (with timing a 0 over T9) ?:confused:


Dec 13, 2004
NN Yorks / Salento
A little aggressive for my liking dave.
Log actual timing on multiple runs against cf's. Sweet spot seems to be 3's with the occasional 6. Look at actual advance though.

For sat, run whatever feels best on the road.

Brought it to work, too much traffic for serious logs... here's what I managed on timing +1.5 50%wm (They're done over about a 25 minute timescale.)

Thursday	24	January	2008	08:35:10			
06A 906 032 HN		1.8L R4/5VT      01 0002					
Group A:	'003			Group B:	'020		
 /min	 g/s	%	 °BTDC	 CF	 CF	 CF	 CF
3360	20.47	12.5	39.8	0	0	0	1.5
3480	73.94	99.6	24.8	0	5.3	0	0.8
3640	105.17	100	22.5	3	5.3	0	0
3960	140.33	100	12.8	3	5.3	0	0
4320	178.22	100	8.3	3	5.3	0	0
4640	193.03	100	9.8	3	5.3	0	0
5040	204.31	100	9.8	3	4.5	0	0
5360	213.83	100	15.8	2.3	4.5	0	0
5680	216.22	100	10.5	2.3	4.5	0	0
5960	215.86	99.6	15.8	1.5	3	0	0
6240	222.17	100	12.8	0	0	0	0
3360	81.42	100	31.5	0	0	3	3
3560	102.58	100	22.5	0	6	3	3
3840	131.61	100	12.8	3	6	3	1.5
4160	171.33	100	9	3	6	3	1.5
4520	187.44	100	8.3	3	5.3	3	1.5
4800	199.56	100	8.3	3	5.3	3	1.5
5120	203.39	100	9.8	3	5.3	2.3	1.5
3400	59.28	25.5	17.3	0	0	0	3
3520	86	59.2	15	0	3	0	5.3
3720	115.89	100	21	3	3	0	5.3
4000	145.61	100	11.3	3	3	0	5.3
4360	175.17	100	8.3	3	3	0	4.5
4720	193.5	100	12	3	3	0	3.8
5040	208.61	100	10.5	2.3	3	0	3
5360	211.44	100	11.3	2.3	2.3	0	3
5680	214.22	100	11.3	1.5	1.5	0	2.3
6000	219	100	12.8	1.5	0.8	0	2.3
6240	220.14	100	18	1.5	0	0	2.3
6480	226.08	100	18.8	0.8	0	0	1.5
6720	224.67	100	21.8	0	0	0	0.8
3440	69.81	20.8	3	0	1.5	2.3	6
3560	99.89	97.6	24	0	0.8	1.5	5.3
3880	128.81	100	13.5	0	0.8	1.5	4.5
4160	161.53	100	9.8	0	0.8	1.5	4.5
4560	188.42	100	9	0	0	1.5	3.8
4920	200.19	100	10.5	0	0	0.8	3.8
5280	210.81	100	12.8	0	0	0.8	3
3320	90.64	100	21	3	6	6	5.3
3560	116.69	99.6	0	3	6	6	5.3
3920	145.5	100	6.8	3	6	6	5.3
4240	178.22	100	9	3	6	6	5.3
4680	193.64	100	7.5	3	6	6	5.3
4960	205.53	100	9.8	3	6	6	5.3
5280	215.67	100	9.8	3	6	5.3	5.3
5600	211.67	100	11.3	2.3	5.3	5.3	4.5
5920	221.44	100	9.8	2.3	5.3	5.3	4.5
6160	219.25	100	13.5	2.3	5.3	5.3	4.5

One thing I haven't mentioned before is that if I start a run in 4th before it's spooled, CFs are worse and remain further up the run. (ie if I started a run with the turbo spooled, the CFs will be lower. See the longer run above, I didn't floor it until 3720; less load before then, giving lower CFs in the run :shrug: )
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Dec 13, 2004
NN Yorks / Salento
Another couple of examples from tonight's trip home.............

In the first case, floored while running along at just under 4k.
'003				'020			
 /min	 g/s	%	 °BTDC	 CF	 CF	 CF	 CF
3920	59.28	28.6	18.8	0	0	0	0.8
4160	142.42	100	15	0	0	0	0
4520	189.97	100	13.5	0	0	0	0
4920	202.81	100	11.3	0	0	0	0
5320	215.11	100	12.8	0	0	0	0
5600	215.94	100	15	0	0	0	0
5880	215.86	100	16.5	0	0	0	0
6120	219.25	100	18.8	0	0	0	0
6400	229.97	100	18	0	0	0	0
6280	73.33	4.3	7.5	0	0	0	0

In the second case, booted in third and then into 4th
'003				'020			
 /min	 g/s	%	 °BTDC	 CF	 CF	 CF	 CF
2560	45.19	29.4	31.5	0	0	0	0
2840	61.25	100	14.3	0	0	3	3
3120	75.11	100	13.5	0	3	6	6
3560	111.36	100	22.5	0	6	6	6
4040	156.5	98	0.8	0	6	6	6
3440	0.28	13.3	39.8	0	0	3	1.5
3320	80.31	99.6	30	0	0	2.3	0.8
3560	102.75	100	10.5	0	0	1.5	0
3840	127.94	100	13.5	0	0	1.5	0
4160	167.58	100	9.8	0	0	1.5	0
4560	190.61	100	12	0	0	1.5	0
4880	199.69	100	10.5	0	3	0.8	0
5200	205.03	100	12.8	0	3	0.8	0
5480	211.11	100	14.3	0	3	0.8	0
5720	209.75	100	13.5	0	2.3	0.8	0
6000	220.75	100	15	0	2.3	0	0
6200	222.53	100	13.5	0	2.3	0	0

It seems to me that I don't have a problem 4k+ and I could probably add more timing. The problem is (possibly) that anything added exacerbates the problems when it's spooling up. :shrug:
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Badge snob
You have no water meth to reduce knock at <4k out of boost situations, and have it in boost. The shape of your timing curve is written for a car wthout w/m
The knock low down pushes cylinder temps up fast, and you never recover.
You need your timing curve to be less agressive out of boost, and more agressive in boost.


Dec 13, 2004
NN Yorks / Salento
You have no water meth to reduce knock at <4k out of boost situations, and have it in boost. The shape of your timing curve is written for a car wthout w/m
The knock low down pushes cylinder temps up fast, and you never recover.
You need your timing curve to be less agressive out of boost, and more agressive in boost.

Firstly, I'm really sorry I won't get to see you this weekend, John. :(

Do you think I should try lowering my wm onset to see if it will help<4k?
Is there anything I can do with Revo to improve my timing curve?


Badge snob
Firstly, I'm really sorry I won't get to see you this weekend, John. :(

Do you think I should try lowering my wm onset to see if it will help<4k?
Is there anything I can do with Revo to improve my timing curve?

Without getting them to write a tune for w/m, it's a difficult one. You could try bringing it in at 8-10psi, or drive around it. There's no point flooring it out of boost. Change down and keep it where it's happy.

I was looking forward to seeing you too mate, as well as vern, the mark's, and many more.

The re arranged day will be around soon enough. In the meantime, don't get too obsessed and just drive it.
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)