Ok, I've given it some thought. Firstly, I wanted to establish a base set of figures for the final fine-tuning. That's the reason I also did a 60-100. I wanted to use the base set to compare future wmi tweaks, plug changes etc.
I didn't do an ecu reset before I started. Do you think it would have made any difference?
Quite honestly, there's no real difference between last night's without/with wmi logs. I would have probably seen the same difference between two consecutive runs with no settings altered.
The wmi is injecting 80% of what's really being needed fluid-wise at the onset of full boost. If it was going to show a difference, I think it would have changed the CFs at around 4k rpm. At 20% methanol:water, only 32% of the 'recommended' methanol charge is going in. My intercooler seems really effective anyway, so the cooling effect of a small charge of wmi is probably not making a significant difference. (as Wilco said earlier). The question is, what is happening with the methanol that is being injected?
I have CFs of 3 virtually across the board from about 3k to 5.5 k. This is fairly evenly on the run-up to peak torque and down the other side of the curve. Is my fuelling rich through that range, such that the added methanol makes no difference?
I'm happy to repeat last night's runs after an ecu reset if it's thought worthwhile.