DPJ's GTRS Eliminator Install and Development


Dec 13, 2004
NN Yorks / Salento
I was trying to get my head around Ignition Angles, CFs and Revo timing settings. I was comparing my 003 logs for HB9 at T9, T7 and T8. (As you know the T9 logs were showing high CFs and the T7 had CFs through lack of adaptation.)

I've been plotting the Ignition angles against each other. When I substituted trend lines for the plots, I got an interesting result, proving (I think) that my last night's T8 run has given me the best ignition advance the ecu has allowed so far....



Dec 13, 2004
NN Yorks / Salento
That's because I'm using trend lines rather than plots of the data.
Here are the three datasets.
	T7 HB9	T8 HB9	T9 HB9
2920	27.8		
3080	14.3		
3240	23.3		
3360		26.3	
3440	13.5		
3520		24.8	24
3600			15.8
3680	10.5		
3720			29.3
3800		14.3	
3880			15
3920	6		
4080		12	
4160			15.8
4200	5.3		
4360		7.5	
4480			6
4600	4.5		
4720		10.5	
4800			6
4880	5.3		
5000		12	
5120	6.8		6.8
5320		12.8	
5360	8.3		
5400			6.8
5560		10.5	7.5
5600	9		
5800	9.8		9.8
5840		11.3	
6000	10.5		10.5
6080		12.8	
6160			14.3
6200	12.8		
6280		14.3	
6360	13.5		13.5
6480		18	
6520	14.3		16.5
6680		18	15
6720	15		
6840		20.3	
6880	15		16.5
7000	15.8	20.3	18
7120	20.3	
7200		22.5
7240	10.5


Dec 13, 2004
NN Yorks / Salento
T9 HB9 11 degrees outside. 50% wmi now.

I didn't get enough runs in before I had #2 coilpack failure. I don't know if it affected any runs before it let go.

Here's three runs, the middle one looks the best to me. :shrug:
Friday	9	November	2007	18:54:09			
06A 906 032 HN		1.8L R4/5VT         0002					

'003				'020			
Idle speed	Air mass in	Throt Angle	Ignit Angle	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization
700-820 rpm	2.0-4.5 g/s	0.2-4.0%	0-12 BTDC				
 /min	 g/s	%	 °BTDC	 CF	 CF	 CF	 CF
3000	58.33	91	3.8	0	0	0	0
3080	70.36	100	23.3	0	0	0	0
3240	77.33	100	15.8	0	3	0	0
3400	92.03	100	22.5	0	3	0	3
3640	110.78	100	19.5	3	3	3	3
3880	134.75	100	12	3	3	3	3
4200	164.58	100	6	3	3	3	3
4560	191	100	6.8	3	3	3	3
4880	195.86	100	9.8	3	3	3	3
5040	184.56	100	10.5	2.3	2.3	3	2.3
5280	192.97	100	11.3	2.3	2.3	3	2.3
5520	194.78	100	11.3	2.3	2.3	2.3	2.3
5720	207.36	100	11.3	2.3	2.3	2.3	2.3
5960	209.39	100	13.5	2.3	2.3	2.3	2.3
6160	216.22	100	13.5	2.3	1.5	2.3	1.5
6320	220.75	100	17.3	1.5	1.5	1.5	1.5
6560	223.22	100	15	1.5	1.5	1.5	1.5
6680	219.69	100	16.5	1.5	1.5	1.5	1.5
6840	218.83	100	21	1.5	1.5	1.5	0.8
3240	77.67	94.9	12.8	0	0	0	0
3400	92.47	100	25.5	0	0	0	0
3600	105.56	100	14.3	0	0	3	0
3880	133.72	100	12	0	0	3	3
4120	164.83	100	8.3	0	0	3	3
4480	190.44	100	7.5	0	0	3	3
4800	200.17	100	9.8	0	0	3	3
5080	190.86	100	9.8	0	0	3	3
5320	191.67	99.6	12	0	0	2.3	2.3
5560	195.81	100	11.3	0	0	1.5	1.5
5760	210.75	100	13.5	0	0	1.5	1.5
5960	211.08	100	14.3	0	0	1.5	0.8
6200	210.78	100	16.5	0	0	1.5	0
6360	214.5	99.6	18.8	0	0	0.8	0
6520	216.22	100	20.3	0	0	0	0
6760	218.39	100	20.3	0	0	0	0
6920	213.22	100	23.3	0	0	0	0
7040	211.08	100	24	3	0	0	0
7160	211.94	99.6	26.3	3	0	0	0
7240	229.06	91	2.3	3	0	0	0
3320	79.53	99.2	24.8	0	3	1.5	1.5
3520	93.47	100	24.8	0	3	1.5	1.5
3760	118.86	100	13.5	0	3	1.5	1.5
4040	147.5	100	10.5	0	3	1.5	1.5
4440	185.42	100	8.3	0	3	1.5	1.5
4800	199.78	100	8.3	0	3	1.5	0.8
5000	195.36	100	12	0	2.3	1.5	0.8
5200	186.47	100	9	0	2.3	0.8	0
5480	199.81	100	10.5	0	1.5	0.8	0
5680	206.72	100	14.3	0	1.5	0	0
5920	213.14	100	15.8	0	0.8	0	0
6120	212.78	100	18	0	0	0	0
6360	216.56	100	17.3	0	0	0	0
6520	220.58	100	18	0	0	0	0
6760	218.83	100	16.5	0	3	0	0
6880	217.94	100	23.3	0	3	0	0
7040	214.5	100	18.8	0	3	0	0
7160	214.5	99.2	21.8	0	2.3	0	0
7240	225.36	97.6	6	0	2.3	0	0

Comparing this to previous logs, ignition angle looks no better (maybe worse) than T8 up until about 5k rpm, then they look better.

Here's the trend line added for the middle run (in red).

Remember max wmi flow is being achieved a bit less than 4k rpm. After that, the flow rate remains equal, so the % methanol to petrol is decreasing as the revs continue to rise.

I'd welcome any opinions, I haven't formed any conclusions yet.
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Dec 13, 2004
NN Yorks / Salento
I'll post without too much comment. Good setup at Vsport and likeable, knowledgable lads. I'll almost certainly go back. Whether there was enough load on my car, whether the setup's wrong on the wmi, I don't know...... dyno lottery.:)

(I told them it was ok to run it to the limiter).

I'll post my last JBS graph (without wmi), then the Vsport one (with wmi)



I queried and was told it was a 4th gear run.
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Veedubya 'velle
Jun 12, 2003

I've kind of lost track with your thread, Dave, are you happy with it without WI? My impression is, it's pulling back? I'd be chatting Kev up to have a look at the logs possibly even a logging session if he's not too busy.



Good point


And two of those Ibiza owners wouldn't happen to be the long-lost "geordie" clan would they?
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Dec 13, 2004
NN Yorks / Salento

Flywheel figure.


I've kind of lost track with your thread, Dave, are you happy with it without WI? My impression is, I'd be chatting Kev up to have a look at the logs possibly even a logging session if he's not too busy.

Thanks for your interest Phil. I'll pm you over the weekend (or earlier if I get the chance). The simple answer is - I don't think I've got the wmi setup right yet.
Nov 2, 2004
South Wales
Difference is the above actually run the car properly unlike JBS who stopped it when they felt like by the looks of the graph.

They 100% sure it was run in 4th?