Alex's ovni yellow k03s Take 2!!!

Aug 8, 2010
Aye i was lucky to walk away from it as well off as i did! Was a few feet away from trees so not sure what state id be im if i hit them judging by the state the car was in after hitting the signs! Got the ibiza back now forgot how much fun it is haha! Bike would be ideal for summer mate get it done!!
Aug 8, 2010
Yeah it's gettin there mate! Still a few bits to sort out but getting there, been a few hard to solve things like temperamental high beam but was traced to a damp relay just wee annoying problems like that I'm having to deal with! Got it cleaned up to a half decent standard but gutted at how the bodywork is since I last owned it, really thought my mate would have looked after it a but better:cry: what you driving these days mate?? Enjoyin being a parent??
Mar 20, 2009
Largs Scotland
Im driving a B6 A4 saloon 1.9tdi mate as I have to commute 440 miles a week for work but it is a nice car, ticks all the boxes on what I need it for! Being a parent is awesome mate but I do miss having a nice petrol car to abuse lol.

I was looking at getting a bike for the weekend but I've not got round to doing my bike test yet as Im in the falklands and its pennies to do it out here but Ive just ran out of time unfortunately!

I keep looking at dc2 integra's :lol: always fancied one, maybe the next time I do a tour Ill treat myself!

Shame about that mate but Im sure you will have the Ibiza back to 100% in no time. Is it still on it's hoop? I've still got the photo of it from the rolling road that day it left the paint on the kerb haha.
Aug 8, 2010
Audi will be spot on for the commuting mate [B)] how long you been out there for?? I'd love a dc2 as much as it gets slated vtec is mega addictive and they're awesome fun on the twisties!! Yeah still just as low but think the coilovers are seized now going to have a bash at freeing them off when the weathers a bit nicer for working on it!! That picture was awesome haha car looks mega clean in it if I remember right
Mar 20, 2009
Largs Scotland
Average around 52mpg on a long journey but thats having a light right foot lol. Almost been out for 4 month's mate can't wait to get back :lol:

VTEC is good fun and the dc2 probably has one of the best chassis ever made! One day I may own one.

Have you got many plans for the Ibiza in the summer? Im sure the pic is only of the front bumper I may have another of the full car, it was gleaming that day.
Aug 8, 2010
Haha cheers! It's been a bit of a headache recently but sticking with it! Hit a bump on a corner and the tyre chipped paint off the front arch :cry:

s700 mcv

Active Member
Jun 28, 2010
Saw the car today looks like it's fair getting there last time I saw it was years ago at crail.

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Aug 8, 2010
Guess that was at the svag show stu?? Saw your clio on the way home looked and sounded awesome! I hadn't even washed the car and it's looking a bit sorry for its self after an altercation with a bump on the road :cry: coming off the road at the end of this month for some well needed TLc. Will try and keep this a bit more up to date.
Aug 8, 2010
P.s was thinking how much money I'd have saved going big turbo on this rather than buying/modding/respraying/fixing my ep3:fool:

s700 mcv

Active Member
Jun 28, 2010
Yeah it was. The clio still lives on a lot different spec to before sounds nuts compared to back then. Miss having a turbo though so caught in two minds wether to sell or just turbo.

We all waste a fortune really that's the downside I've had the leon and an astra turbo and still ended up with my original clio lol

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Mar 20, 2009
Largs Scotland
P.s was thinking how much money I'd have saved going big turbo on this rather than buying/modding/respraying/fixing my ep3:fool:

That's the down side in modding cars it's so easy to spend money but getting it back can sometimes be more difficult!

Was in Greenock on Saturday and saw it mate, looked and sounded good buddy! I really want another 20v turbo but I have been saying that for the past 6 months now lol don't think it's going to happen anytime soon.
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