
  1. hoggers

    Discs & Pads

    Mine need replacing soon and i was wondering what you recommend? Many Thanks Ben
  2. Teasy

    How many miles off standard pads ?

    Mine have done 52,000 miles :p out of interest does anyone know how long they last from standard ? :confused:
  3. Thickness of brake pads?

    Does anyone know the thickness of the brembo brake pads when new? Just that I have ordered a set through my work they are lucas ones and they just look thinner than I thought they would be I will measure them when at work tomorrow. Cheers
  4. Rear Pads and Discs

    Does anyone have a guide on how to replaced rear pads and discs on a LCR 225 2005 05 plate?
  5. sparkyc

    yellow stuff pads

    need some new breakage gear and while having my milltek fitted the mechanic reccomended standard bremo discs with yellow stuff pads, said bite well even from cold etc etc. anyone run this setup, heard of anyone that has?? and anyone have any idea what cost i'm looking at cheers
  6. How much for standard rear discs and pads?

    Judging by the amount of rust I think I need new discs and the pads are pretty low too. How much am I gonna have to spend to have the rear set replaced on my 04 Cupra? Also has anyone used Autotechnic VAG specialists in Reading? Cheers
  7. jonisginger

    Is it the discs or the pads that are overheating?

    If I repeatedly pile on the brakes from 80 or so while driving hard on my little S the brakes start to overheat and get shitty! Is it the discs or pads that are overheating? I think it is the pads glazing over? Would better pads sort me out until I get a Cupra /find a cheap hub + disc and pad...

    OMP brake pads

    has anyone used these on a cupra r with brembo discs. do they release alot of brake dust or is it just better to stick to standard brembos.
  9. Guidance on pads please!

    Hi, got a question prob so simple but just want to check i get the right size pads. Now i bought my cupra a few months back, it was allready modded and i have read through loads of threads on here to check which bypass's have been done and i know all that now. Now last week noticed that my...
  10. Joe K

    Best Discs and pads for the job ?

    Hi guys , Can anyone tell which are the best disc's and pads for my LCR grooved drilled plan :confused:? Mine were replaced with grooved b4 i bought it and the rear is wrong direction:confused: Cheers Joe
  11. dervpower

    Brakes Pads

    Had a quick search but can't seem to find what i need. After so better pads for the standard brakes for my Tdi sport ibiza. Any recommendation guys? :think:
  12. j.cavo

    brake pads

    anyone know what sizes the pads are for a 2.0 gti 8v oh and part nos. aswell plz :confused: is this correct for the rear pads ENGINE SIZE & ADDITIONAL INFO 2.0 8v POSITION ON CAR REAR EBC PART NO DP680
  13. cupra_jobe

    Drilled and grooved with green stuff pads..

    Hi peeps this one for the hybirds amoung you. Have as Said in the title and my hybrid Is nearly complete. Will my brakes be good enough or will I defo need big brake kit?
  14. rocky2008

    Breaks squeaking, worn pads?

    tonight as i was coming upto a roundabout that seemed to be clear i carried on driving forwards onto the roundabout, then some tool decided to cut me up halfway round[:@], i slammed the anchors on but then they didnt seem to lock up aswell as normal and there was alot of squealing, from this...
  15. Greenstuff or Redstuff pads?

    Thinking of putting EBC discs and pads on my FR, don't fancy putting larger discs on just yet. Just wondering what ppls experiences of greenstuff/redstuff pads are, have heard green dust more and are not as sharp?
  16. Best Mk3 cupra brake pads

    Hey all, sorry if this is in the wrong place but couldn't find anything on it in the FAQ section. Basically time has come to change my pads. I'm runnin standard disks on the back and drilled and grooved on the fronts. what pads are you guys using. car is approx 200 bhp. Cheers, Conor
  17. steffers

    OEM brakes and pads

    Hiya everyone, i guess this has been brought up before so i apologise. was just wondering how much im looking to pay for OEM front dics's and pads for a 03 plate LCR. ill be fitting them with a mate which saves labour costs etc. also where could i get these from?? do GSF for example do...
  18. Intermitent Brake waring light (just after new disks and pads)

    hello the past couple of days i have had the brake pad warning indicator come on. not everytime i get in the but sometimes it does and soemtimes it does not? firstly... my brand new Disks and pads ahev one been on for about 500ish miles and secondly, i have the DS2500's on and they were...
  19. Best Brake Pads

    Hi guys I think my front brake pads on my cupra are getting a little thin. Although the car is pretty much standard I plan to bang on exhaust and remap the engine in the near future.I plan to change the pads now and was wondering will the standard pads be fine or should I get a better brand to...
  20. venner

    Problem when changing rear discs and pads

    Why is nothing in life ever simple? :confused::shrug: Went to change the rear discs and pads today and everything from the start seemed to be a nightmare every bolt was so so tight. But the real problem happened when winding the caliper back, ive got the caliper wind back tool (cube) and...
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