
  1. discs and pads needed for porsche 6 pot brakes

    hi, im having problems finding discs and pads to fit my porsche 6 pot brakes on my mk2 leon cupra, i was quoted £800 for the ecs stage 5 discs and pads replacements. (thought this was a bit pricey lol) Does anyone know if any other vehicles brakes fit, ie RS4 or any of the porsche range? or can...
  2. cuprachris81

    Changing Rear Brake Pads

    I have about 3-4mm left on my brake pads but figured id change them anyway, taken the wheels off but can't see how to loosen the caliper in order to get the new brake pads in.. I'm sure i sound like noob :confused: but any help will be greatly appreciated below is a picture of what it...
  3. olliep

    AP seat sport pads

    Hi i'm struggling to find pads for my beeza cupra tdi. do any of these AP caliper numbers correlate with the ibiza? CP2195D38 CP2340D43 CP2372D52 CP2399D43 CP3215D50 CP3894D46 CP5070D51 why are pads for this car so hard to find?!?!?! [:@]
  4. how many miles from a set of brake pads?

    roughly how many miles have you had from a set of front brake pads before having to replace? preferably on a cupra tdi with the seat sport brakes.
  5. Upgraded to tt calipers do I get pads with wear sensors

    I've just upgraded my car to tt calipers do I buy pads with or with out wear sensors ?
  6. Audi tt brake pads

    As ive mentioned in previous threads ive just bought a set of fron Audi tt calipers and carriers for my ibiza mk4 tdi 130. Do i need to buy the brake pads with the wear sensor on on not? Also is ebay about the best place for low cost pads and discs . cheers ja
  7. critch4

    discs and pads advice

    Im going to change all discs and pads in the next week or two and was just wondering what people recommend for 100-150 quid? Ive done a few searches on here and it seems standard on the rear and pagid fr pads and standard brembos on the front. can you still get ate power discs? its a 16v by the...
  8. Mr OCD

    PAGID Disks and Pads

    Anyone used them on the LC? My front disks are shot ... so its time for replacements. I'm not interested in EBC / Drilled / Grooved stuff... just good quality front brake disks in OE size (312mm) will be fine. Currently run Ferrodo DS2000 pads on the front that have been superb but cant...
  9. Steely

    Problem after new discs and pads, please help!

    Right the past week ive had all 4 calipers off the car, to give them a lick of paint, and the braking system the once over, The problem i have is since: Ive bled all the system, rear calipers, front calipers and master cylinder, took it for a spin, felt very much like new disc and pads...
  10. usp

    which brake disks and pads to uprate to

    Hi all I wanna replace my front disks as they need it but not sure wich ones to go for (pads olso). I've had a quick search on here and ate power disks look like the fave's but these were well old posts. any one got any suggestions please cheers.
  11. ando

    Pads worn, only dealer can change them?

    Hey, My brake pads are worn on my Cupra R 2003 so Im going to buy pads myself and then get someone to fit them (well thats the plan). Last time I did this, I was told I had to goto a main dealer because they were the only ones that had the tools to fit the pads to the Brembo's... Is this...
  12. replacement brake discs and pads,could my warrenty be affected?

    ok so we had our 08 tdi sport ref in for it's 27k service today and it's come back needing new brake pads all round and new front discs. now for the interesting bit the dealer has quoted £694 for 2 new discs and pads for all 4 corners,I nearly fell off my chair tbh. They want £279 for the...
  13. Ross_Cupra-R

    Brake pads for Cupra R brembo's

    will most likely be replacing the R's brake pads before it goes for an MOT, so just looking for pads for everyday use as its only doing the daily commute at the moment and the occasional trip back to Scotland and something that ain't going to break the bank, so DS2500's are out of the question...
  14. prices for tyres and pads

    hi can anyone reccommedn or give me some prices for 2 front tyres for lcr 210 on 18" also brake pads for the fronts, cheers for your help;)
  15. ferodo pads part number cupra 180

    Hiya all Could you give me a few recomindations on where to get some ferodo ds pads for my leon cupra 180 facelift please, Pads and disks nearly gone, so gonna repalce with standered discs and a set of ferodo's sound a good idea?? All the best Ben
  16. Brakes - rear squeal LCR

    LCR - just had new discs and pads OUCH... just wanted to share my pain... Brembo aint cheap!!!!:cry:
  17. Big brakes or uprated pads and discs?

    Hello, my standard brakes are coming to the end of their life so am thinking about other options to replace them with. Option one is to keep the standard calipers and get EBC grooved discs and DS2500 pads. Option two is to get new 4 pot calipers (brembo, neuspeed etc) mounting kit and use the...
  18. LeonFR07DSG

    EBC brakes and Ferodo pads...

    Are these discs and pads a good combination? My front discs have rust or are slightly distorted and have a slight vibration when braking so will be changing the fronts soon... Also would it be ok to change to EBC and the Fer pads whilst leaving the rears standard as they are fine? Thats...
  19. brake discs and pads for the front

    Hi, Please can someone recommend a set of discs and pads for the front ? some one was supposed to be sorting this out for me but screwed at the last minute. Need to get all parts by Friday!!!:confused::confused::confused:
  20. What disks and pads would be best to go for?

    What do you recomend guys and wheres the best place to buy them from ? cheers matt
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)