
  1. Nev_LCR

    universal front mount intercooler.

    anyone knoe the core size of the forge front mount, the reason i ask is i will be doing a custom set up like a few other guys but you the custom ones ive seen are massive but want to know if this one is same size ish to the forge...
  2. cupra-neil

    engine mount fitting

    Right got my uprated engine mounts at the weekend, can anyone give me a quick guide into fitting them? Neil
  3. robreidmotors

    Which powerflex exhaust mount do i need?

    Ive got a 2.0 ibiza mk2 8v, standard exhaust. Anyone know which poly bushes i need from powerflex? Or can anyone tell me the size of the original mounts? many thanks
  4. dogbone mount

    can any ne tell me what this wish bone thing is ur all doin. is it a bush somewhere??? Am lokin to get a stage two remap and u all say u have changed this wishdone
  5. krisbutler02

    Top strut mount andstrut brace help

    well decided 2 check all hoses bolts and stuff under the bonnet of the cupra and what do i find the drivers side of the strut brace moves up and down thus meaning the topstrut mounts not tight then i find someone has bodged some non standered bolts in there that dont tighten up and sound like...
  6. jwfcms

    Front Mount Intercooler?

    Hi, i am looking to upgrade for the front mount intercooler would this be alot more benefit than the two intercoolers i aleady have on my LCR. I do not want to spend loads and have seen a fe won ebay to fit golf mk4 1.8t or audi 1.8t etc but none for a leon cupra r. what pipe work would i need...
  7. Mobile Phone Mount & Parrot Car Kit

    Hey all, I've been reading some threads on this forum for a while but haven't posted yet! I got myself a Seat Ibiza 1.9TDi Sportrider back in August. It's my first VAG ever and until today I was very pleased with it. I'm trying to fit a Parrot CK3000 Evolution car kit. Plugging everything...
  8. Fitting Instructions for an uprated Dog Bone Mount

    Hello. I have a new Power Flex done bone mount kit for my Leon FR TDI 150. I am planning to fir tomorrow. I am just wondering if anyone has any decent fitting instructions that they can give to me. Locations, Torques etc. Thanks very much.
  9. Ash-Kennard

    rear engine mount?

    where the hell can i get a rear engine mount, contacted seat, but they are actually idiots and ebay has nothing. im guessing scrappy maybe? anyone happen to have one at all?
  10. Clonking noise-driveshaft?

    On my way home from the Lincoln meet, was going along at 40mph and got a bit of vibration through the wheel, it continues and then theres a clunk, clunk, clunk. I stopped thinking it may be a tyre or wheel; there fine. So I continue and it keeps on going. So then I think it may be something...
  11. john_tdi

    dogbone mount

    just had my polyflex dogbone fitted, and boy does the car vibrate. That normal? will it calm down?
  12. Which models of TomTom will fit the Seat official dash mount?

    I've just bought a Leon FR MkII and it has the Seat official dash mount installed. I've read that people also have this and got it free with a TomTom 710, does anyone know what other models of TomTom will fit it as the 710 is now 2 years old. Cheers
  13. anyone ever fitted a front mount intercooler to a tdi leon

    the title says it all help guys
  14. where to mount handsfree display

    Ive got one of these Where is the best place to mount the screen part, so its as proh as possible was able to fit it in my e46 so you couldnt see the wires
  15. TDCupra

    LCR engine cover rubber mount missing

    I've been trying to order a new rubber bung for my LCR engine cover (one of the 2 at the back of the cover) as one seems to have gone missing, does any-one have a part number for this please as I've been trying to get it for ages and have been sent the wrong part twice now. Is there a 'proper'...
  16. front engine mount

    allrite lads can any one give the part number for the front engine mount plz aqx is the engine number if it makes a difference cheers..
  17. loveturbopower

    220 Bhp Without Front Mount?

    Guys, im looking to get my car running around 220 bhp but dont want to have to spend £600 plus on a front mount aswell. Im getting a revo chip stage 1 which will take me to approx 206 bhp, then with an induction kit probably around 208-210. How cud i get the extra 10bhp i need, would a full...
  18. rickisgrate

    What A pillar POD mount and gauges

    Does anyone know where i can get an A-pillar pod mount from for my mk3 ibiza cupra, preferably in the same colour of the original, seen a couple on ebay but they dont look that hot. Also looking for a boost gauge and air/fuel ratio gauge but want them in red to go with the rest of the interior...
  19. craigy123

    forge front mount brackets!!!

    anyone had the two top brackets on there front mount snap?? mine did lastnight in exactly the same place on both sides!!! it only grounded at the front a wee bit, im guessing the bumper came up and hit the bottom of the cooler!!! gona have to get them welded if they can be hopefully, any hints...
  20. ARB mount size?

    Hi Guys, Basically had the car looked at coz of a knocking sound from the front nearside,they found the ARB nearside mount worn and advised me to have the whole thing changed but just looked in ebay and you can buy powerflex bushes/mounts separately. Here's where you come in, What size do I...
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