
  1. Engine mount?

    hi, i have a ibiza mk3 with GT2871R turbo running around 370bhp.. im not sure if its the engine mount but.. i was drivin normaly.. then all of a sudden my car bounced.. like i fort i went in a pot whole but everytime i let go of the rev or change gear the car jumps an stutters?.. so...
  2. dogbone mount??

    dogbone mount will it help on std LCR210 Hi guys just a question, my car is practically standard, though typically when you try taking off pretty fast theres a fair bit of wheel hopping, if i upgraded the dogbone mount will this help traction??? also what else can i do to imrpove traction...
  3. dog bone mount

    whats the best dog bone mounts i can get for my leon cupra(180,remapped) and is it worth doing,is handling much improved?:think:
  4. sambryant

    Front mount intercooler

    hi all. i want a front mount intercooler for my lcr. with xmas only round the corner i cannot afford the forge 1, also i wouldnt pay that much for 1. so im looking sorce all the parts i need to make 1 up. any way i no sum of u have bought a universal kit and have fiited them well. so can u guys...
  5. Dogbone Mount Stretch Bolts?

    Hi guys, Just got my INA track density dogbone mount through and just need to order the correct bolts now. I believe i need stretch bolts? Just spoke to Seat and need to check exactly which ones i need... there seems to be 5 holes on my bracket, see the attached picture: 1: Right...
  6. front mount

    hi guys im looking for a front mount for my mk3 ibiza cupra, anyone got one for sale? thanks chris
  7. volvic

    Dog Bone Mount - Uprated Polyurethane

    Hi, Has anyone uprated their dog bone mounts? Reason I ask, I've just had mine done and OMG the vibration is killing me. Above 2k its tolerable but setting off going through 1st and 2nd the whole car rattles, rear window shakes. Turning the car off it feels as if it's jerked forward (like...
  8. Tyre shop jacked the car on spring mount, is this right?

    Cars been a bit floaty on the rear end since I had new tyres put on, could this have knocked something out of line?
  9. Rear Engine Mount - Back to Standard

    I changed my rear engine mount to a polyurethane one nearly a year ago, now I'm throughly bored of being shaken to bits at the traffic lights. I want to go back to standard, I still have the old bush so do I just put that back on or will I need a new one. If so where's the best place to buy...
  10. vee_dub_modder

    Carbon Centre air vent Gauge mount :)

    Just a few picy's of something i put together for edition 38 [B)] think its a worlds first on the switch mod too :p It was easy as pie to make too, just a AFR gauge, REVO sps switch a shiny REVO sticker and some carbon fibre courtecy of a local Formula 1 team, lots of wire and some patience...
  11. Gnollins

    Powerflex dogbone mount and suspension bushes review

    Alrighty! Last week I had all four front suspension bushes on my LCR replaced with the Powerflex PVC bushes after a recent service advised that the originals were close to ruin. I also had the front engine dogbone mount replaced with the Powerflex part. When the original dogbone mount was...
  12. top mount

    hi, i'm currently fitting my coilies. bought some new top mounts from euro car parts, and he gave me the mounts ans suggested i buy the bearings(front). ive got the old strut out...but im confused as to how the bearing and new mount fit...the hole in the mount is too big for the nut that goes on...
  13. Forge Side Mount intercooler... is it really worth it?

    Found a cheapish Forge side mount intercooler, is it really worth buying one, or the difference from oem wont be worth it? Its 27 mm x 5 mm x 15 mm bigger than the OEM cooler. Pressure loss reduction: 2psi Air temp reduction: 6-9 Deg.C what do you reckon? im aiming for 230 hp with a Forge...
  14. nc30rider

    Anyone got a pic of this Mount with a TomTom on it?

    Would like to see what its like before purchasing Cheers
  15. cupra-rich

    dog bone mount recomendations

    as above really what have you guy's upgraded too. any pros or cons too this upgrade? thanks rich
  16. Which mount??

    While me and a friend was under my Cupra the other day, he noticed one of the mounts is nakered with loads of movement and play in it. He said it was the Gearbox mount? Its a doughnut shape and it actually sits right above the pipe supplied when the Universal FMIC is fitted to give you an idea...
  17. Lewis225

    Front Mount Intercooler

    Hi, I am looking to upgrade to a fmi, I have read through Nevs comprehensive guide tho still struggling. Can anyone help me with the all the parts I need to order as the links on Nevs guide are now invalid and don't know where to start:shrug: Any help appreciated Regards Tim
  18. EL

    Opinions on this Cupra R Lower Front Mount Intercooler Kit

    Hi guys, Had a search about the forum but couldn't see anyone mentioning this piece of kit. Wanted to see what people thought about it by the description or if anyone has actually gone for it? It is a TX Autosport FMIC from JBI Motorsports - Thanks
  19. pillar mount

    i bought a black single pod boost gauge pillar mount from nomad and they said it requires 1 screw no drilling needed. but when goin to fit it i noticesd there isnt already a hole behind it and there is a square hole about in that position for the screw from the old yellow clip things from the...
  20. henryg

    LCR Front Mount Intercooler

    Hi, I am having my custom made FMIC fitted tomorrow by my mate and I was wondering about where the number plate sits on the front. There is a big plastic block that the plate sits on and its in the way of air flow to the intercooler. I want to move my number plate to the side but was...
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