
  1. Seat TomTom Mount

    I am thinking about buying the TomTom mounting kit from my local dealer as I think it is less obtrusive than the windscreen mount I am using at present for my TomTom 710. Does anybody know which colour wires on the input to the "Black Box" supplied with the kit are the ones for + and - 12...
  2. Laguna Front Mount

    Front Mounts Everyone goes on about the Laguna DIY guide but where the hell is it? Any proven gains with these items or is it just a cheap alternative with minimal improvement? What are people running and whats the difference? Cheers
  3. Ibiza Cupa - worth upgrading the front mount?

    Just wondered if its worth upgrading the front mount on a remapped car? It doesn't look very big and I'm sure there are gains to be had as the car still feels quicker when the temperature drops below 11 degrees C...
  4. front mount incooler

    took the standard one off as its so small and now want a decent front mount any suggestions as to other manufactures that will be suitable? not going to run massive power, only around 230
  5. Cuprajohn

    forge front mount

    do forge do red fmic pipes, or any idea where i can get some to use when i get my fmic
  6. Olly20VT

    Engine mount fitting help

    I've just got a set of 3 second hand vibero teck engine mounts, can some one do me a small fitting guide please? What tools, equipment hints and tips. I've got access to a pit, axle stands and a trolly jack. From some pics I've seen it looks like you need to hold the engine from above and...
  7. Brodit mount for the Altea

    Hi All, Just fitted the Brodit pro clip and phone mount in my Altea. Now that I've worked out how to post images I thought I should share. I find the Brodit mounts to be some of the best available. The plastic is really tough and it's a good snug fit with your phone - in my case a...
  8. smiler220

    front mount on mk3 ibiza!

    Can any answer this. Why does a front mount intercooler need to be so big!!!i.e Forge Shorley remounting to front grille is going to cool much better than existing position. Has anyone out there tried to install a smaller fmic and what were the results, i want to upgrade mine but cannot...
  9. weemzer

    front engine mount part number

    just had a search through and i can't find the part number anywhere. don't suppose any of u lads and lasses would know what it is (1.8t aqx)
  10. Hardwiring Brodit PDA Mount

    I have a Brodit mount for my v1605 which has the new molex style hardwire option. Can anyone offer advice as to the best place to tap for 12v power and the best means (connector etc.) of achieving this? FYI the wires on the molex adapter are very thin. Also I have removed the head unit...
  11. Dario

    Front Engine Mount Dog Bone I see that this is for the leon but will these product fit a ibiza MK4 ??? thnx

    powerflex dog bone mount??

    does anyone know the part number for the powerflex dogbone mount for the leon cupra r???? cheers:confused:
  13. cliveyp

    Dogbone mount

    I've done a search and found god knows how many threads on the subject its just too hard to try to work out the best route to take!! I'm looking at ordering the Powerflex dbm bushes. 1) Good idea?? 2) Should i fit both or just one? 3) Just how much extra vibration do you get? I'm not...
  14. dash

    changing engine mount

    How easy is it to change the dog bone front engine mount:blink:
  15. push110

    EIP engine mount

    Hi Has anybody ordered an eip engine mount for thier leon from westec recently. I ordered one on the 25th of november and am still waiting for it, I was told on the 6th of december that the shipment from the u.s should be due in 7-10 days time. After 2 months and several unanswered emails...
  16. PhilW

    Photo Request - Suspension Top Mount Bearing

    What do these look like? I just ordered some from ECP and they look like rubber doughnuts. 7.50plus vat. Sound about right? Any help would be good. Cheers.
  17. p34ch3y

    pics of nomad piller mount

    they ant cak any more people
  18. Jonto

    Squeaking behind bulkhead - Engine mount ?

    Hi Occasionally when coming on or off the accelerator i hear a squeak behind the bulkhead. I am 99% sure it is the rear engine mount, but after having a quick look (it was dark and i only had a little touch) i couldn't see it. Does anyone know where exactly the rear mount is situated and...
  19. Scotty_b

    HPA Dog bone mount.

    After getting my turbo fitted at VAG Tech the guys noticed that my “uprated” EIP dog bone mount was sh4gged, its only done about 10k but the guys thought there was more play in it than the stock one! Ive now got the HPA bushes fitted and the extra cylindrical bush that none of the other...
  20. GREY 225

    Engine Mount In Cupra R

    Hi all. I was talking to someone the other day and they recomended replacing the engine mount on my cupra r.Just wondered what effect this actually has on the car and is it worth the money,also they mentioned fitting a stut brace but i have been told by other people they are really a waste of...