
  1. Willie

    Stripped threads in gear box casing

    As above, when refitting my DBM I have stripped the threads in the GB casing. There seems like there is a bit of meat and I know that alloy is easy to drill, so can I drill this out and helicoil it? I've been on the helicoil site and for an M10 thread it needs a 13/32" drill bit, which is...
  2. problems fitting the 6 disc changer in the glove box

    hi, i put a post up a few weeks back asking what disc changer would fit my lcr as it was removed by the previos owners. i bought one with the part no. 1j6 035 111 as i was told this would fit. just had it in and the damn thing is hitting the fan motor[:@]! so sticks out a good 4 inch. can...
  3. Mr OCD

    Strange noise since opening air box up...

    When I did the service last week I modified the bottom of the airbox out a bit using a dremel on the front facing section to help the car breathe better... since doing that my passengers have noted a 'woooo-ing' noise as they put it when I'm moving... Anyone know if this is normal and just...
  4. six speed gear box

    hey people how we all doing im new to this ive got an 51 plate ibiza cupra with 240bhp and wonna put a six speed box on it does any 1 know of a way to do it i was thinking bout the ibiza fr but dont know if they are the same mounts help please :rolleyes: thanks much :Dsim:D
  5. Loose Cables Under the glove box

    I seem to have 2 lose cables under the glove box in my Leon, I was wondering if someone could tell me what they are. I thought the purple on might be an aerial lead but radio reception is bang on can anyone help? Black connector and you can see the purple one as well Had a look underneth...
  6. Engine bay & air box

    I'm possibly going to sound like an absolute idiot by asking this but, I’ve tried searching this forum but I can't find any posts of any 1.2 engine bays pre induction kit. It’s just I’ve tried to look for my air box but where all the others are like the tdi's and cupras I just have a big whole...
  7. Fuel Temp Sensor/Tuning Box

    Before anyone flames me I know they are not as good as remaps and its just till I have the cash saved up for one. I gather these plug into the fuel temp sensor but on the PD130 where is this? Cheers
  8. Usernames in threads drop down box

    Yesterday and today when trying to click on a users username in a thread to send a PM to them the drop down box with the options disappears before you can click on anything. Don't know is this is just me or not?
  9. best tuning box ?

    whats the best tuning boxes for seat ibiza 130. i keep hearing about dragon tuning boxes !
  10. tommmineh

    Fuse Box Card - Pic Request

    Howdy folks, long time since I've been on here :) Been driving the Ibiza daily again and have come across a problem. My offside headlight main beam doesnt work (side/dipped are fine) it's definately not the bulb, so I'm assuming fuse. Only problem is I lost the card with all the numbers on a...
  11. What is this Black Box?

    What is this black box for, can it be easily changed if needed are there any implications from unclipping it then re-attaching later. I ask because i have a strut brace to fit and i took the clips off and it hissed now im paranoid incase i fooked something. I'm guessing its the vac box or...
  12. deadeyejim

    Fuse box diagram

    Afternoon all, Does anyone have a diagram of the MK4 fuse box layout available to them. I know which number goes to which item, however I'm not sure which fuse is which in the box itself. Cheers
  13. 6 cd changer in glove box?

    hey everyone i am looking around for a 6 cd changer and i was thinking about with it being in boot i will probably be too lazy to ever change cd's then it hit me... try and squeeze it into the tiny little glove box has anyone attempted this? any thoughts on this would be awesome...
  14. will cupra tdi rear back box fit my tdi sport???

    im really sorry if this has been covered before but i cant seem to find what im looking for: here goes::: will the ibiza cupra tdi rear back box fit straight onto my ibiza tdi sport??? ie would the exhust be a different size when i go to fit it???? thanks gus
  15. How do I open the fuse box?

    i was just putting in some glove box and boot festoon leds and all was well, I know i will try it in the central light in the cabin which i know was a festonn as well to see what it looks like befor i buy some........ did this and put some led bulbs in the 501 and was very happy. so now i have...
  16. done my pedal box yesterday and today throws up engine management

    anyone no how i can solve this
  17. any tips on pedal box

    pedal on floor got welded today any tips off puting back together thnks:lol:
  18. How do I remove the Air Box?

    Hi Folks, Does anyone have details about how to remove the airbox on a 2003 TDi 130bhp? I have the old problem of the rear washer not working and a puddle of water under the nearside wheel!! I have tried to get at it from underneath but have failed. Any advice greatfully received...
  19. Razor

    De-restricted Air Box

    Anyone else done this to their car ? Im thinking of getting this done soon... Also an exhaust of some sort and induction kit... Any comments would be great Its a 1.4 by the way S**T I know but thats life... AND NO !! I DONT WANT TO BUY A CUPRA AS I AM A STUDENT AND CANT AFFORD...
  20. Razor

    PM box space

    Any chance of updating the amount of space your allowed to keep in your inbox? Ive to keep on deleting sent items and old PM`s Quite annoying
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)