
  1. Robdrums

    How does the DSG 'box work?

    OK I know the principle of it, and don't worry, I don't want a detailed report of how it works, but my question is this: it always has the 'next' gear already engaged, supposedly. Does this mean always the next one UP (apart from when you're in sixth presumably), or does it analyse your driving...
  2. pedal box...

    well, it was my turn to have the pedal box fail on me today, at a set of traffic lights in a very busy town! Managed to drive it off the road using clutchless i got it home using a tow. Looks like the bracket has sheered/snapped how hard is it to get fixed/how expensive is...
  3. pedal box f

    i have 1999 1.4s ibzia my clutch pedal has snapped so i need a new pedal box and clutch cable has anyone had the same problem i need the parts to repair it but i dont no where i can get these from as i dont no the part numbers:( are they same as a vw if so which model
  4. standard air box and filter or induction unit?which is best

    I fitted myself a Pipercross induction unit a few months ago but have been reading various articles where people slate them, unless they have a cold air feed. Not sure if it's psychological but I think I noticed a dip in power, especially in the summer. Anyone have any examples on...
  5. Andybon

    1.4 Engine covers/air box

    1.4 Engine covers/air box/pollen filter Borght a pipercross panel filter today, and when i came to fit it, i couldnt get the plastic cover off the top of the engine to access the airbox. Was wandering how this was done? Thanks
  6. Little Black Box

    i have found a little black box under my dash bord!! whats is it and wot does it do?? can i by pass it? is there a way to remove it
  7. Auto Box Question

    Hi there, Our 1998 1.4 MPI Auto, when cold, has what I would call quite a jerky change from 1st to 2nd gear. It seems to get better once warmed up. Is this normal? If not, any suggestions about why it might be? Thanks in advance, Stu
  8. Tuning Box Help

    Hi. I'm going to buy a tuning box. I know it's no where near as good as a proper remap but for £50 it's got to be worth a try. Anyway, can anyone tell me what i need to look at to see whether my car needs an 8 or 10 pin box, and where this is. (I have a 1997 mk2 Ibiza TDI 90.) Thanks.
  9. how to de restrict air box?

    got a 20v turbo and wandering how to de resrict the air box to add a performance filter to. cheers mark
  10. engine bay fuse box probs???

    anyone had probs with the fuse box on top of the battery? wondered why fans and re-circ water pump were not working,then pressed on fuses and all started working.where attaches to positive on bat seems bit corroded,cleaned up abit. Seems to be copper under the silver finsh,hope is sorted...
  11. Remap Vs Tuning Box

    I apoligize if this has been covered before, but can anyone tell me the advantages and disadvantages of getting my car remapped or buying a tuning box for it. (Is anyone against tuing boxes? If so, why?) I've found a tuning box for £175 with online discount. They say it will take my mk2 Ibiza...
  12. Bock box

    Im gonna need to change my back box soon, its got the standard one on currently but its starting to blow. Im not really into making a lot of noise form my car so Im looking for something thats fairly subtle and doesnt make a lot of unnessesary noise. Any recomendations of what I should get?
  13. craigy123

    fuse box on top of battery

    seems to be a little bit melted!!!and the fan fuse has blown out!!! does anyone have a part number for this fuse box as im going to replace it, cheers
  14. cupraRgstar

    stick inside glove box

    hi, I've got a cupra r and found a port inside the glove box on the back wall its got three pins and there is like a stick that fits into it!?does anyone have a clue what this is?spoke to the previous owner and he said it was something to do with the alarm, not sure exactly what mind you...
  15. fuse box

    morning, silly question if anyone can help,cant remember where the fuse box is on my leon lost my main beam this morning so presume its blown a bulb and fuse an need to get it sorted thanks wayneo
  16. Gear box problem synchromesh 3rd gear

    Hello to everyone I hope you can help me!I have a problem with my gear box,changing into 3rd while high revs was causing a quick crunch,suddenly its now all the time talking to the local garage the synchromesh has gone £1200 to take the little beauty out and recondition it.Talking to another...
  17. RCS2K4

    Box of neutrals...

    :headhurt: Ohhhhhhhhh, whats broken now? Sometimes, when changing from 2nd gear to 3rd, and then 3rd to 4th, the clutch is either delayed or broken because the gear will never go in. All I get is a delightful grinding noise (prolly causing some damage at this point) and sky-high engine revs...
  18. 65coupe

    hole in glove box

    Okay, so I knew this was gonna happen, but still went ahead and did it anyway. I've removed the Seat Aura Cassette head unit and replaced it with a Pioneer ipod stereo. I've also removed the CD changer from the glove box in a (futile) attempt to gain a little more space. however, all I'm...
  19. Big_daddy

    Gear box oil intervals

    Think its time for me to change my gear box oil, what puzzles me, how often are the oil changed? This garage who mainly deal with clucthes and gear boxes say its not nesscary to change it unless it making noises or leaking. :confused: My car just pass the 90k mark, so how many miles does the...
  20. Gear box linkage?

    new to seat leon, i just brought a X reg 1.4s with 98000miles on clock, it had a recon gearbox fitted before i brought it, the gear stick has far too much play on it, so where should i look first or adjust, picture will be great as i am new to leon, i have try to search but cant find it
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