
  1. 80mm ducting cold air feed on toledo/leon??

    after spoting the thread about the intake pipes in this tdi section ive seen people seem to do the r32 dsg mod... but as im a tightass(lol) i plan to just fit 80mm flexible ducting as many do on mk4 golfs.. question is has anyone...
  2. chris285

    air intake on a pd 150

    as per the title whats the best I can do in terms of getting air into the engine? currently the car is stage 1 revo with a custom cat back exhaust, and I am looking to better the standard intake that I currently have for that I have a mate with an lcr who has a spare one which he offered...
  3. Air recirculation and suspension

    Hi all, I posted recently asking for advice because when I had passengers in the back I was hearing rubbing/grinding sounds when going over bumps and up hills etc. Anyway, it turns out the rubbing is my stiff and low mudflaps, phew! Today I switched on the air recirculate button and it...
  4. rabe187

    Air Bag warning light won't go away

    a few days back my air bag sensor lit up and stayed on after the whole system check, i even took it to the dealership this morning and they scanned the fault and removed it, and a few hours later its back. what could be causing this? much appreciated...
  5. lanceneoman

    my new air filter

    just letting you guys know, my ramair induction kit arrived today. fitted it ad it works like a dream. not too much grunt, but now you can hear the dump valve quite loud and the induction sucking. well worth the £45. also my turbo seems to be boosting more now for some reason, seems to pick...
  6. Molehill_Mike

    Air Dials/Knobs - MK5 ECO

    Hi All, Just wondered if anyone has had any issues with their air direction dials, not pointing at the correct position? IE You set dial to feet adn the windscreen gets blown. I am hoping there is a simple way to remove the dial/knob, and then re-atach it in the correct position? Would...
  7. Big_daddy

    Air con playing up

    Im not sure whats really happening, my air con not functionaly as i want it to. As you know the weather chilly outside If i turn the dial to the windscreen, the ac comes on, but if i press the ac button it wont let me switch off. the ac only turn off if turn the dial.:wtf: If i turn he dial...
  8. S.c.r.e.a.m

    Air Filter Upgrade

    Hi guys got a quick question: can I just change my standard air filter on my 1.4 16V to a K&N 57i air filter? Also what will this to he sound/performance? Cheers
  9. V5 Air Conditioning cut out

    Ive a temp control problem with my V5 air con. When the outside temp drops below 2 c then the air con cuts out and the interior mists up immediately. With very cold weather on way it would be a mare driving round with with windows down! I suspect the system hasnever had a service,do think this...
  10. R100XET

    secondary air?

    ive had my car plugged in on a code reader and its came up with a code saying secondary air, valve or selnoid.. just wounderd if you guy could help me out as i havnt got a clue what part this is thanks
  11. Phillc

    Air Con info Menu

    I know there are threads about it but cant find them, i know the air con will display usefull info can some one please point me in the right direction, i have searched but found nothing other then heat problems, Thanks
  12. JamJay

    A Different Air Filter Debate (LCR/LC)...

    Hi all! Not your usual panel filter vs open cone here, I want to compare two kinds of open-cone. Story short, logs back in August revealed that my MAF was under-reading and I suspect one of two reasons...dodgy MAF and restrictive open cone. I use a Neuspeed filter and from day one it's never...
  13. Air filter covered in oil, how?

    I just openen up the air filter to find it was covered in oil, how is this possible? where could it have come from? im mistified cheers
  14. 2nd'ary air pump fixed - why the warning light?

    Hello, I've just had the secondary air pump replaced on my MK1 Leon Cupra 20VT. All seemed well, then the warning light came on a week later. Diagnostics showed same air pump problem although the air pump is fine. The garage did some resets (or something) and the warning light went out...
  15. cordoba lad

    Air Con and Outside Temperature

    This is starting to bug me now. I know that the air stops working at exterior temperatures below about 3 degree's. Which is a a bit of a pain in the backside when the inside is misted up and its a cold morning. Does or has anyone come across a mod to alleviate the problem, because my mother...
  16. Oxygen & mass air flow sensors 1.2 12v

    Im on the case of my major fuel consuming 1.2, my mate says i should consider replacing the oxygen sensor and maybe the mass air flow sensor aswell incase they are not reading correctly and overfueling the car when not on full throttle, anyone know if the beezas have 1 or 2 oxygen sensors? i...
  17. wisejason

    LC THS TIP - to short to reach air box + quality issues

    Spent a few hours this weekend fitting a THS TIP. Would of been a lot quicker but I spent ages trying to align the TIP but it just wont reach the air box. It is to short by around 25-30mm, if you include the MAF housing I'd say it was around 40-50mm short. Has anyone else experienced this...
  18. cupramillo

    Lets see your Cold Air Intake Solutions

    As above, going to need to get mine sorted soon as mine is currently non existant and would love a few ideas. Any pics of your setup would be good, along with specs( lengths of air feed etc)
  19. cypher007

    morning start problems and air bubbles in the fuel line

    weve got an 03 Seat Toledo which has a constant stream of air bubbles running along the transparent fuel line. once the car is started it doesnt seem to affect performance, but heres the wierd thing: start after 8hr day at work OK. start in the morning, hmm, needs at least 2-3 goes, it...
  20. loose Air filter

    noticed a clunking occurring around in the engine bay recently upon investigation tonight the air filter is hanging freely, causing stress on the TIP (all be it the filter is quite light), but still this is a concern unfortunately the bolt holes on the MAF snapped off long ago (which used...
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