
  1. Flashing Air Con ?

    Today my 'AC' was flashing on and off, on my middle unit screen, where I adjust the temperature etc. Any ideas why..?
  2. shauncupra

    HELP..Possible Air Filter problem

    Hi Guys ive quite recently changed my air filter for a pipercross panel filter and unless its just coincidedence of some other failing part, it seems the car just is not liking it at times. Every now and then it really holds back when you let the car boost at all .. (but a smooth hold...
  3. air con removal belt ????

    Hi there had a search no such luck so here goes looking to remove my aircon system in full so iam oviously going to need a new (shorter) belt any ideas which one fits i no a few of you on here have done this mod and seen as no ibiza mrk 3 was ever built without air con as iam sure you no another...
  4. air intake dilema

    been looking at air in take kits for my 07 leon cupra,cant decide between the ITG or forge twintake,bit new to all this,would appreciate your veiws
  5. Air intake 2.0T

    Are there any similar variants to this item on sale or a direct replacement from another VAG that would be a cheaper option...
  6. Cowie

    New MAF and 3" cold air feed,verdicts please

    Just back from doing some runs,verdicts please. Sunday 11 October 2009 21:04:06 06A 906 032 MJ 1.8L R4/5VT 0003 Group A: '003 Group B: '020 Idle speed Air mass in Throt Angle Ignit Angle Idle Stabilization Idle Stabilization Idle Stabilization...
  7. dash

    OEM air filter

    Today I went and check the air filter. What a surprise to see the state of it. The car has only done 16000 ...So I got a new one. Cant wait for 30K or 40K service. I think air filters should be changed every 10K...
  8. Tartan58

    Replacing Air Con Compressor Clutch

    ok, I have spent a bit of time with the search function but not found a definitive answer so here goes: My Air Con Compressor is missing it's clutch plate, I've a chance of getting a 2nd hand compressor with it's clutch fitted for very cheap (compared to a new one!) and was wondering what the...
  9. Starbucks78

    Which air intake is this???

    Hi all, First post for probably a really easy question. I have a 04 TDI Cupra 150 and want to know what the air intake is at the very bottom of the bumper (behind vents) on the right hand side. I have highlighted in the attached pic (quite poorly) the area where this intake is. Not sure...
  10. Air Filter

    Please can any one help, how do you get to the air filter I havnt a clue! I drive an Ibiza 1.4SE petrol
  11. vee_dub_modder

    Carbon Centre air vent Gauge mount :)

    Just a few picy's of something i put together for edition 38 [B)] think its a worlds first on the switch mod too :p It was easy as pie to make too, just a AFR gauge, REVO sps switch a shiny REVO sticker and some carbon fibre courtecy of a local Formula 1 team, lots of wire and some patience...
  12. Secondary Air Pump on the way out

    Hi, have been getting a fault light up on the dash. Andy at Awesome checked it on the VAGCOM for me the other day, and it appears my Secondary Air Pump is on its way out. Got a few questions: 1) Does anyone know where I could get a new one at a good price? 2) Is this a part I could...
  13. jonnyblease

    Limp Mode after fitting Jetex air filter

    Hi all, I fitted a Jetex filter with a jabbasport heatshield at the weekend, i am very pleased with end result as it feels a lot more responsive and sounds alot deeper and nicer. Also make a few whoosy noises:D. Previously ihad a smoothed airbox with green cotton panel filter. For the...
  14. Air Con

    Just got my car back from a "service" and the air con is no longer workiong. I've checked the fuses just in case it was something quick, anyone else got any ideas before I phone them up and find out wtf they have done?
  15. Cowie

    *LC and cold air feed*

    Right guys,i've searched this place for info on adding a cold air feed to LC 180 20VT's,all that comes up is info for the LCR boys and links that have either died or photo's have gone.Surely a LC owner has done this mod,i looked in the engine bay and there's no way on earth,an 80mm feed pipe can...
  16. Centre air vents

    How do you remove the centre air vents on the leon mk 1 dash board? many thanks.
  17. olliep

    Universal Air filter

    Is there a downside to a universal air filter (i.e. green cotton for example). I saw one at halfords for £30 but its universal. So i'm thinking, greens a good brand, if the diameter for the maf is right, whats the problem? and if there isnt one... why do people spend so much more on a 'specific'...
  18. JamJay

    Installing Cold Air Feed - LCR - HELP!

    Hi all, in desperate need of help. I have removed the two plastic covers from above the back of the headlamp that direct air to a corner piece that goes around the battery. This corner piece then connects to a plastic hose that directs air to the air filter. I cannot get this damn corner...
  19. JamJay

    Air Feed Length

    Hi all. Can someone please tell me what a sufficient length of neoprene ducting would be to construct a cold air from the front grille of an LCR (nearside-side of the 'S' badge), around the battery and to point towards an open cone air filter? Most places seem to sell by 1m lengths, is that enough?
  20. richypanic

    Honestly, performance air filter...

    Is there really any gainable difference in fitting a K&N etc air filter on the 2.0 SX ABF? Tempted to replace/modify the factory box on occasion as its a bulky beast. Other than affecting the sound of the engine?
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