
  1. swoosh225

    Best panel air filter for LCR

    Hi people i am thinking of removing my BMC cda filter.Have read they are restrictive.Whats the best panel filter out there for the money :confused:,Ive already smoothed my air box in advance.:D Thanks in advance.:)
  2. Fault code, Secondary air pump

    Having searched the forum, i can find several references to a secondary air injector but none to a secondary air pump, are they the same thing? i keep getting a engine managment light coming on, and a diagnostic check came up with the secondary air pump, the car still ran fine. the pump...
  3. Random1989

    The coldest and best air feed ?

    Me and my mate are always trying to get a better airflow for our cars and i cant get a bigger cold air feed, currently using a cupra airbox and intake with a K&N panel just had a thought today about a bonnet scoop but you think or will it look sh*t ?
  4. SalSheikh

    Twin Air Filter kit

    guys, just seen this: would it be any good or a waste of money?
  5. Air blowing through interior vents on boost?

    I seem to be getting a whistling and a breeze of air through my vents when the car is on boost. I also think something's up as the coolant temp is hitting 90 pretty quickly. Only started today when I took the car for a run and the only thing I can think of is maybe a pipe has popped off the...
  6. how do I reset air bag light???

    Guys, while i was taking out the drivers seat i mistakenly left the ignition on when disconnecting the air bag plug under the seat. As a result the warning airbag light is on. I have discounted the battery to reset, but light stays on after re-connecting. Any ideas ? how to...
  7. harper2009

    1.6 Tdi Noise from air vent when in reverse

    I dont know if anyone else has noticed this but when i select reverse it seems as if an extra fan comes on, its very noticeable as a passenger !! Could anybody suggest why this is ?:think:
  8. air bag light

    my 1996 2.0 gti air bag light is on all the time any idea how to turn it off ??
  9. ivo098

    Cone air filter heat shield with FMIC?

    I was wondering is there a point of installing heat shiled for my air intake (Apexi cone filter) as I have FMIC? It's logical the the air anyway is going to be cooled down by the bigger intercooler.
  10. Dave217

    air filter fitting

    my friend has given me a universal K&N air filter but it has a curved pipe with it, anybody know where i can get a straight pipe to connect it up or know where i can buy another type of pipe to connect it been to a few shops and they say they dont sell them seperate, but there must be...
  11. LCR Air vents

    The flaps on my LCR air vents should be red but some of the paint has chipped off on a couple of them, just wondered what you guys have used to touch yours up?
  12. double cold air feed

    Can't put any pics up as my laptop has been stolen but fitted a rather smart double 3" cold air feed a nice 3" flexi hose from work and a cold air intake to replace oem intake and battery relocation brackets. Have moved battery across and then put a nice feed to the right hand fog...
  13. lynchy

    secondary air

    ive been looking at the blanking plugs for this and i was wondering if its worth removing it? also is there a guide etc for this on a cupra 180. thanks
  14. how do you turn off the air bags for a child seat?

    is there a way to switch off the passenger air bags? i need to carry a child around and cant find a switch any where? if there is one? can it even been done? thanks in advance.
  15. Air bag light

    HI recently i installed a new stereo system with amp and every thing... i had removed the glove box for the installation, but the air bag light doesn't come off with every switch of the ignition after 2 seconds it comes on again. any thoughts?
  16. matfennell

    air filter help

    Hey i really need someone to find me an air filter and explain how to fit to a mk4 52 plate ibiza. dont want to spend anymore than £40 but its confusing the hell out of me please send me some links and give me some help on fitment thanks matt
  17. DOLBY

    Neuspeed p flo vs jabba air flow logs please...

    hi, im looking to get a better induction kit on my LCR, at the moment it is the jabba vs neuspeed p flo.........i know this may of been covered but has anyone actually done any airflow logs to prove which will be better? many thanks
  18. m0sch

    jetex cone filter for s3 air flow meter part number ?

    Hello sorry I'm at work so quite restricted does anyone know this part number and a good distributor I could ring as can't really use web at the moment Iv just ordered my air flow meter but everyone asks for the engine code for the filter
  19. Don Eason

    Mass air flow Meter

    Heyya, Just noticed something weird yesterday, my revs started bouncing between 700'ish-1000... I read some posts on here and tried unplugging the Mass air flow sensor/meter and it seemed to have stopped it... My question is, are there any fitting guides? is this something i can do easily...
  20. CJRamze

    Cold Air Intake?

    Anyone out there using a Cold Air feed? Other than the standard. When I had my car modified they kept hold of the Airbox and Intake otherwise I would of used the standard air intake and ran some ducting to the airbox. Basically I run the Aero front bumper, However I imagine this issue will...
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)