
  1. Largest cold air feed?

    What is the largest cold air feed someone has fitted to their LC/LCR? I just went out and measured mine and its only 90mm I am looking for a 110mm air feed, as it has the space to fit this (just!) but the largest I can find is 102mm... Speaking with Bill regarding my recent g/s...
  2. Replacement Air Filter Unit

    Ok so when i was looking at fixing my rear jets i've noticed a crack in the side of the air filter housing, so im looking to replace it, just finding 100quid for a replacement from seat a bit steep. Any recommendations on what to fit instead?? My Car is Ibiza FR TDI, mapped to 182BHP and...
  3. Barney3000

    Air Vent Surround

    Hey,, I Have brought some new air vent surrounds as my middle ones are broke. Does anyone have a clue how to put these on? It has clips but i cant line them up? Do they come out or anything? Cheers.
  4. rabe187

    Hamman Supersprint Exhaust, APR Stage 1 ECU, Carbonio Cold Air Intake

    I just had my 2006 Leon FR modded, the items added are as follows - 1. Hamman Super Sprint Exhaust 2. APR ECU Stage 1 3. Carbonio Cold air intake the exhaust sounds absolutely sweet and the air intake has a nice swoosh sound whenever i hit the gas, and the ECU upgrade is definately felt...
  5. 2 Problems - Air Bag Light and Camshaft Sensor

    Ok, so I got the car back yesterday after having the peddle box done and a full service The airbag light is on. Apparently this is beause they took the drivers seat out. The light comes on with ignition, then when I fire it up, it goes off and back on again in a flash! Been told only VAG COM...
  6. turn air bag of

    hi any body tell me how you turn the passenger air bag of in vag com ?
  7. wayne lcr

    Any one used a Secondary Air System Blanking Plate?

    any 1 used 1 of these
  8. upgrade to standard air intake trunking

    hi all, just added a p-flo to my lc 180, just need to know what to do with the 'snorkel' it is standard at the moment, would a larger dia one be better? and what is best to use please? many thanks
  9. seatcupra2001

    what air filter would i benefit from?

    what air filter would i benifit fit from to get good gains and tone? i got a std airbox with std panel air filter thanks:D
  10. Air bag fault - 01222 help

    Vag Com has picked up a fault on my airbag - i knew it was there as the light was on... so having used vag com i have this: "1 fault found: 01222 - crash sensor side airbag (G180) 29-30 - short to ground - intermittent" .................... so.... short to ground i thought would...
  11. Air con always comes on

    Hi I Have a issue with the heating controls in my Ibiza Cupra. Basicaly nearly everytime i start my car ( when heating fans are left on when i turned the car off) or when i move up and down temp or up and down on the fan pressure the AIR CON comes on.. Does anyone no what is causing...
  12. Uprating the Cupra air filter/box.

    built a filter conversion for my Cupra, see Youtube -'MK5 Ibiza Cupra uprated air filter' sorry, can't do links. Hope you like it.:)
  13. Air con/Climate Control low temp

    Hi All, Just read the other post about the climate control issue however mine is slightly different. At the moment in the recent cold weather I have been struggling to get any heat out of my air flow. It seems that when I am stuck in traffic and the car is idling then the temp drops then...
  14. air filter,standard or upgrade?

    Hi, Looking to replace air flter, is it worth upgrading the air filter or sticking to standard. it's on a 1.4 2002 model
  15. coops10

    Weird problem with air con

    Ok so I tried to turn the air con on last night which I very rarely use, if ever. I press the button, the snowflake appears but as soon as I let go of the button it disappears ! So basically it wont stay on. Around 20mins later I notice the engine management light has appeared on the dash...
  16. Ross_Cupra-R

    air con won't turn off

    Jumped in the car this morning to go to work and the air con came on as soon as i started the car up, tried using the button to turn it off and sods law, it wouldn't go off. When you turn the vent control knob, i.e from de-mist position to feet position the air con turns off, but as soon as i...
  17. Air filter/induction kit? - 1.2 12V

    OK I need some advice, and yes I've tried searching but theres a lot of mixed responses and no solid answers. I have a 1.2 12v ibiza, and I want to beef up its pathetic whine, can I or can't I do this with just an air filter? (will it make enough of a diff?) Also, will a standard halfords...
  18. vee_dub_modder

    cold air feed in front wing/ side front bumper??

    anyone put a Cold air feed into a leon wing/side of bumper yet?? i've seen it done on various vehicles but i'm not sure that the air flow over it wont cause the air to be sucked out the feed rather than drawn into it... in which case i need ram air from the front... now if i use the old foggy...
  19. Emmission Control Light / Air Intake Motor

    Hi, New to the boards, and know very little about cars! I had the emmission control light come on during Xmas, but due to an impending service I have let it go for a week or so. I had my service yesterday and asked them to investigate (I know about VAG-COM, but it only cost me £25 for...
  20. Air leak????

    Hi Please can anyone help I have just bought a 20VT 180 and when running at temperature there is a hissing noise coming from the engine as if a pipe is split and the idle 'pinks' slightly. Also when you rev the engine the revs drop but the cars nearly stalls. When driving there is no problem...