Well, as I stated before, I have changed the LEDs in the RPM and Speed and looks like this:
Yesterday I have been playing around with a spare cluster I have trying to figure out how best to proceed in order to change the temp and petrol gauges.
For those of you who haven't opened the clocks, the speed and rev are simple to change. You just have to change the 4 sideled to white and leave the other two smd led nearest the needle red. There is a white plastic shroud that separates the colours so there is no mixing of colours.
The temp and petrol gauges on the other hand are a completely different story, there are 2 leds per gauge and there is no separator.
So far I have tried the following:
1. Changed both LEDs to white. The clock face is white but the needle, although it has a red backing to it, with white LEDs it looks pink.
2. Changed one LED to white and left the other. To separate the colours I used a bit of electrical tape. This gave the needle a red colour but the dial was lit perfectly only the side nearest the white LED, the other half was in shadow.
I am going to try and do the following to see how it works:
1. Paint the needle red with special glass paint and leave two white LEDs. See if it matches the other needles colours.
2. Used a different type of LED. A 3 or 5mm LED that will allow me to raise it towards the needle and then I may not have the need to extend the plastic shroud:
For those of you that have changed the colours, what tecnique have you used?
Yesterday I have been playing around with a spare cluster I have trying to figure out how best to proceed in order to change the temp and petrol gauges.
For those of you who haven't opened the clocks, the speed and rev are simple to change. You just have to change the 4 sideled to white and leave the other two smd led nearest the needle red. There is a white plastic shroud that separates the colours so there is no mixing of colours.
The temp and petrol gauges on the other hand are a completely different story, there are 2 leds per gauge and there is no separator.
So far I have tried the following:
1. Changed both LEDs to white. The clock face is white but the needle, although it has a red backing to it, with white LEDs it looks pink.
2. Changed one LED to white and left the other. To separate the colours I used a bit of electrical tape. This gave the needle a red colour but the dial was lit perfectly only the side nearest the white LED, the other half was in shadow.
I am going to try and do the following to see how it works:
1. Paint the needle red with special glass paint and leave two white LEDs. See if it matches the other needles colours.
2. Used a different type of LED. A 3 or 5mm LED that will allow me to raise it towards the needle and then I may not have the need to extend the plastic shroud:
For those of you that have changed the colours, what tecnique have you used?
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