Leon MK3.5 rear full led explanation in adaptations channel list


Active Member
Jan 24, 2023
Probably somebody will had it helpfull.

So I was inspired from this: https://mqb-blog.com/en/2019/02/23/bcm/ and start do dig it just for my own to be helpful when do some modifications for rear lights.
So actually there is nothing hard, just take proper wiring drawings for Your car and check light you need where is it connected in BCM...

Here is rear Full led lights descriptions for Seat Leon ST MK3 Facelift (2019):

This is just for information - do modifications on Your own risk.

Screenshot 2024-04-15 08.15.40.png

So easy explanation. For example - number plate light - connector at BCM is T73a, pin 59, so take letter "A" from connector name and pin number "59", in adaptation channels search for "A59" and it should be Your light, You can check in this adaptation channel You find if desired functions match the light before change something.

Other example: Right brake light bulb, M22 - connector at BCM is T73c, pin 8 , So search for C8, also it is the right side light, so in adaptations it is "RC8".

in this way can be found any light in adaptations.

Hope this was a little bit helpful.


Active Member
Aug 14, 2022
Gdansk, Poland
Few cents from me ;) The channel names of adaptations consist a lot of useful information (not only about BCM pin), for example Leuchte0 BLK VL B36 means turn indicator (BLK), front (V), left (L), B36 pin in BCM. Those short names are probably abbreviations form German language. Also not many of the people knows, but Leuchte35 channel changes behavior of hazard lights button illumination ;)

Here is the semi-organized list of those channels:



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Active Member
Jun 11, 2023
I have already created a list of live data elements in my motor so that I can do searches that the OBD11 Tool does not support, Today whilst out on a track day I built a few Charts and noticed some data elements (which is text so not supported by charts) is static so no use to me in a live data situation. Other data I was able to get ranges (but these are under load on a track not normal driving conditions) and just wondered if anybody else had any Live Data information that I could add into my sheets to save a bit of time.
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