From my RR
or do i just need to buy a new kit from somewhere?
finally after a whole 30 days of just hanging out of the top i put my tax disc in the actual tax disc holder. bloody security screws on the back are a nightmare.
also tried and failed to fix my lose door blank, it looks like someone has taken a screwdriver to it to try and get it off while the car was being repaired the other week.
is this the torx screw that other posts say to tighten? because its as tight as it can be
the whole blank bit comes out easily when the handle is pulled
only difference i can see is the plastic clip is missing from one side (there should be a bit in the red circle the same as there is in the blue) but i cant se how that woule hold the whole thing in
any ideas how to fix it?
or do i just need to buy a new kit from somewhere?