How did you get that low
Like your car mate!
First of all wound the coilys all the way down on the front, Then took the helper springs out and choped the bump stops down, On the rears the cups are still in but wound all the way down, So theres still like 20mm left to go on the rears but that would give me reverse rake, So when its all together again with all the wheels fresh im looking to get some more lows out the front, Maybe shave the front struts as the rear does need to come down abit really, But already running pretty low on the front, Proberly am going to invest in a shallow sump to give me some more ground clearance, As my sump is now on its last legs, Already cracked and leaking oil, Also subframe and exhaust flexipipe have also took a good beating, But Its still got to go lower, I swear its like an addiction, Once you lower it you get used to it, It doesnt look or feel low anymore, Your always trying to squeeze a few mm out of it lol
Oh yh almost forgot, Its also chasis notched aswell, So once you lower it far enought the driveshaft starts hitting the chasis round corners and over bumps, So at that point you'll need a chasis notch.
So yeah, Still trying to go lower haa