Ronin225's Candy rimmed Black LCR - Project 500-4WD, Cage installed and bigger turbo


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Cheers for the interest and kind words guys.
@graham, i've still got soo much to do before i even get to that yet.
Got to look on vagcat carefully to find out what i need to cut out, buy a plasma welder m/c, rebuild the whole rear subframe and poly bush, etc. Find out if the big power S3 boys run bigger rear driveshafts as OE are puny, Buy S3 coilovers mounts etc, SQS controller, new fuel tank straps.
Then either book an epic amount of time off work and hit it hard or buy a second temporary daily.
Luckily the wedding im off to on the weekend will also have my friend attending who works at the audi garage, conveniently
I was planning on doing this work while the engine was out and being stroked but still waiting on lots of stuff from INA so may have to have a temporary stage 2 map put on:D
I know your pulling my leg but i just dont have the time, money or facilities to crack on like i want unfortunately
Oh and barn, you big gay bear, not worried about what people think but being a bit considerate in my old age


It's all about stealth!
Aug 4, 2010
Ah I forgot you were knockin on a bit, anyway that's irrelevant put the bloody wheels on! Who knows the candy red wheels might get you the right kind of attention!! ;)


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Theres not much left on a few tyres so run in might run them illegal but im sure you'd be putting new rubber on them though


It's all about stealth!
Aug 4, 2010
Picture time:

As per Tims request, static pics first :ban:




Followed by some moving snaps.




The pictures really honestly dont do it justice they look amazing! We'll have to try and get some pictures in the light very soon. :D


Jun 6, 2010
This will look awesome photographed with a decent lens! - No offense on pics

Good colour


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
This will look awesome photographed with a decent lens! - No offense on pics

Good colour
None taken, i wasnt planning on fitting them today but after i'd eaten my tea it stopped raining and brightened up so i went out and grafted like i was on an F1 team.
After fitting i looked at how dirty it was so gave it the quickest clean of it life then went to meet barn
Black out those tyres and they will look even more awesome, nice job, its certainly the first LCR i've seen with this color.
I did notice how not black they look in comparision with everything else, it needs a good going over tbh
Something a little different too, cant say i'll see many more with this colour either
Yep they look great Tim, will look even better when a 4 wheels are spinning on a launch :D

Tell me about it, fire coming out of the back, smoke billowing from the arches and a stained seat as i hold on for dear life. The things to look forward to


Active Member
Apr 17, 2012
Congratulations for your project

But how you turn it into 4wd?

He will be missed a lot of room for Haldex ...


four-by-four fan
Aug 4, 2010
Røros, NO
Haven't read the whole yet, but sounds like great project! One thought though, with 500bhp, what kind of torque will you see? And how much torque can the haldex handle??

Awesome looking wheels!!


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Cheers guys, theyve turned out well, pics really dont show just how vibrant the colour is
As for the haldex taking the power i can only hope, i'm going to ask the big turbo audi boys about driveshafts as OE are absolutely tiny


four-by-four fan
Aug 4, 2010
Røros, NO
Yeah I have no clue either, but such high figures sounds kinda scary. ever thought of a setup different than a haldex setup?? ;)


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
Yeah I have no clue either, but such high figures sounds kinda scary. ever thought of a setup different than a haldex setup?? ;)

Its all going to be trial and error (mostly by graham probably:cartman:)
To be honest apart from some panelling in the back the s3 is pretty much the same as the leon and i've technically got all my S3 bits for free:)
I know the larger audi like RS4 runs a torson system but to get the bits and make it fit would be a huge task as you'd basically be building the car from the ground up using many bespoke parts.
At least most of the stuff once fitted will be OE fitment or OE design


Active Member
Oct 14, 2010
County Durham
TBH Tim i'm not too concerned about the Haldex or the rear driveshafts - there some guys throwing crazy numbers through the stuff over on VWVortex (750 AWHP >>>)

But when you start making crazy power you can expect things to go wrong. It'll highlight every weakness in the car.
Apparentley the transfer boxes are quite weak - smash the cases at around 1000hp :D

But in all seriousness if you look at every big power build there always teething problems and issues along the way...... i'm not too bothered but thats because mines not a daily.

The only thing i'm concerned about with mine is the gearbox - i bought it on ebay and if the guy was telling porky pies then it might be knackered.
I am pulling the engine gearbox back out when i have finished painting the car and water tight again (to paint the engine bay) i might pull the gearbox apart and check it over.
I'm also in doubt about the clutch i put in (clutch masters FX400 - 6 puck sprung hub) it was ok for my original idea of GT30 sized turbo - i think it's not gonna be upto the job of the turbo i've got now as it's rated @ 800hp...... may need a twin disk set-up but can't afford it now so will have to suck it and see ;)
Last edited:


Active Member
Jan 17, 2008
I'm going to send the gearbox away to be rebuilt before it goes in mine for peace of mind, however im sure you could get a decent box cheap enough now as theres lots of them about
Transfer box exploding doesnt sound good though
I have a stage 3 southbend clutch and flywheel for mine which i hope should take all i throw at it
I may need a second car when the major work starts, funnily enough ive been offered an Audi A8 4.2l V8 for £400 but its done 200k but i think something a bit cheaper would be better
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