So next up is working out the place to cut the end the new collector so the end size matches up with the hole size of the flange.
What i do is to measure the widest part of the hole in the flange then add on the dimensions of the wall thinkness of the pipe (in this case approx 6mm + Flange dimension) -
So i then tighten the screw on the verniers and pull them down the smallest end of the newly tacked up collector and mark the length where the verniers just touch.
That is then cut in the chop saw (i cut it at a slight angle, so the two pairs angle slightly away from each other)
Pic of it inline with the verniers, after it's been cut to length -
Quick shot of it inside the collector -
So just positioned on the flange to check fitment -
Before i tacked them up on the flange i cut them to length, i chopped the pipes down in line with each other, straight across - rather than at 90 degrees to each pipe. I did it like that to keep the manifold build neat.
Here's a pic of them tacked to the flange -
Really happy with the new collector, it's really nice and neat. The 1.25" pipe is a perfect fit for the T4 Flange, and the angle is nice and narrow so flow will be good.
Shot of the inside of the flange -
So the wife is back at work tomorrow so i will have plenty of time in the garage to play
I will update again tomorrow when i've got the rest of the manifold made.... wishfull thinking me thinks.
Cheers for any comments lads,