Leon FR 2.0CR DSG intermittent shaking problem

Jul 3, 2023
Hello all,

I'll try to describe this in as much detail and as shortly as possible and perhaps someone will have a clue how to diagnose or what the potential culprits of the issue with my LEON FR 2010 2.0tdi CR DSG might be.

CEGA engine was replaced last year in bare form, carrying over all of my old accessories (injection system, turbo, etc.) from my old engine except for the intake manifold which was bought used, got it's carbon cleaned out and a new seal put in. Job done.
I must state that I did not have this issue before replacing the engine or that it was not apparent at all and started immediately after the first startup after engine swap.
The engine has STAGE 1 map but it was done way before engine failure and all was working fine for sure.

Key points/symptoms:

0) Diagnostics don't show any fault codes, just show fuel rail pressure is all over the place, especially during the extreme shaking. The dips and peaks are every half second, I would say.

1) Upon first startup after engine sawp the car started to stutter/shake intermittently and the REVS (revolutions) stay the same. The shaking was felt through the entirety of the car, at some intervals was a bit more rough where you could visually see it (exhaust shaking), at some moments you could barely feel it. This is how it is to this day. Sometimes worse to the point when you are almost galopping in the seat slightly. The shake is super rarely felt upon cold start or just a few first miles of driving in warm weather.
2) The symptoms worsen - shaking increases but stays intermittent when temperatures outside rise (+20 Celsius and over). Summer.
3) The shaking increases immensely during DPF REGENERATION cycles (every ~190 miles/300 kilometers). Then it's quite rough.
4) The shaking is mostly felt under 20mph/~30kmh but is most apparent when I stop. When the gas pedal is applied, the pressure in the fuel rail somewhat stabilizes, just don't remember if it stabilizes fully or at the right pressure.
5) The shaking is felt in all gears, but slightly increases in roughness in NEUTRAL. This is felt most profoundly during DPF REGENERATION, as mentioned.

1) Injectors were tested and inspected - are good.
2) No trash/particles/shavings in the fuel system, nor the filter, nor the catch mesh in the body of the HPFP (high pressure fuel pump).
3) Immediately at the engine shop they changed the used fuel pressure regulator valve to another used one and the problem persisted. This is on the fuel rail.
3a) After the engine swap, the injectors have been placed in their correct places, meaning they each are labeled in the ECU specific to a cylinder. All good there.
4) A few months ago the pressure sensor on the HPFP was changed to a used one.
5) When the engine was swapped, they kept the timing system (belts, pulleys, tensioners etc.) even though I bought new timing KIT. Then after 2000-3000km my new timing KIT was installed. The problem was apparent in all of that specific time too, so it doesn't seem to be timing issue.

No change after all of these diagnoses and changes.

If anyone has any clues or any more questions to probe this issue, I would greatly appreciate. Next week we are trying to change the rail pressure regulator valve to a few other used ones to see if it helps. Then probably onto changing the HPFP. If not, then checking the timing of the engine. Don't know what else...

I am just wondering, why does the shaking increase during points when engine temps get higher. Meaning on cold start it rarely shakes, then when it's warm and or DPF REGEN is on where it is the most intense. IT must be connected to the pressure in the rail being all over the place.




Active Member
Jun 17, 2011
Sorry to hear of the issues.

Is this an engine where the fuel injection timing can be adjusted? If so has that been set up properly? Apart from that i can't think of anything obvious, but then i'm much more into petrol engines than diesels.

I would suggest driving it while connected to VCDS, logging as much data as you can, then analysing it and seeing if you can spot anything. Pretty much every major sensor has an actual value and a specified valve, check that these match.

Good luck.
Jul 3, 2023
You've replaced the motor and transmission mounts?
No. Motor mounts are good, I've had them go bad. Visually tranmission mount is also good and shaking is intensifying in connection with the fuel pressure it seems.

Jul 3, 2023
Sorry to hear of the issues.

Is this an engine where the fuel injection timing can be adjusted? If so has that been set up properly? Apart from that i can't think of anything obvious, but then i'm much more into petrol engines than diesels.

I would suggest driving it while connected to VCDS, logging as much data as you can, then analysing it and seeing if you can spot anything. Pretty much every major sensor has an actual value and a specified valve, check that these match.

Good luck.
Thanks. Yeah fuel pressure was monitored this way and is more or less all over the place unless you go on the throttle.

Yep, timing is one of the possibilities. Thanks for your input.