Platinum Grey Leon FR TDI Hybrid - The End!


50 Years of 911
Jun 27, 2005
No pictures...might get some on Saturday if the car is on ramp and/or I go to AmD to get the work checked out.


50 Years of 911
Jun 27, 2005
More bad news

My garage was burgled today. The b*****ds must have been keen detailers because they nicked my G220, Dodo Juice Rotary and polishes!


50 Years of 911
Jun 27, 2005
H&S 3" DP and Turbo Outlet Redesign Update #1

Just spoken to H&S and the good news is that its all done.

They had a nightmare getting the alloy bend (had to be same type of metal as the SFS connector for welding purposes) but eventually got there and it has been done to my specification. There is a 90 degree bend welded on the sfs connector so the silicone is now on as straight piece of pipe with swaged edges. This means that there isn’t the same pressure which was causing the silicone to slip off. H&S road tested the car and nothing popped off but time will tell....

Exhaust has also been done! It is now 3” all the way through to the turbo with 2 silencers (one at the rear and one in the centre after the downpipe). H&S stated that it isn’t loud at all and sounds quite nice (I suppose they would say that though so more will be said when I get the car). I asked if the car felt laggy as the bore is much bigger. Oddly they said it didn’t feel as quick as last time BUT it was wet so couldn’t go mad as it would wheel spin. Ian said that it’s not his car so wouldn’t really know if it was quicker or not and the first time was the shock of getting in a deisel and it being quick.

So all in all, looking forward to picking her up on Saturday morning.

H&S 3" DP and Turbo Outlet Redesign Update #2

Got the car back this morning! The downpipe exhaust size is massive compared to the Miltek one. Initial impressions of how the car performs is positive. I wont say much now but lets say a newish Carerra S was a little shocked when I was road testing the car.

Pictures didn't come out very good so will have to wait till next opportunity presents itself to take some.


50 Years of 911
Jun 27, 2005
H&S 3" DP and Turbo Outlet Design Review

Done a lot of driving and running around this weekend so this has put me in a good position to give a “small” review of the new exhaust and turbo outlet pipe.

Scope of the upgrade
I went for a full 3" Exhaust System for the following reasons.

1) Remove the restriction of the Miltek DP. The miltek DP is very good however the outlet of the downpipe is still stock and only goes to 2.5" once past the metal flexi part. This is fine for standard 150PDs and Hybrids however in the quest for more power going bigger is the only way. This also will set me up nicely for if and when I upgrade turbo.

2) Lower Exhaust Gas Temperatures! In the quest for more power its essential to keep the temps in check and with the older exhaust setup it was always in the back of my mind. If I want to do a long trip and track the car on the ring then I want lower EGTs for sure. 3" DP should flow more and thus reduce EGTs. Hopefully turbo will live longer too.

3) Lower noise. Ever since I got the new tip and the 3" piping to center silencer the exhaust was much louder than I liked. I some occasions it was nice to hear the wastegate chatter and the roar when accelerating. Other times I thought it was just too loud and not what the car was about. Knowing that 3" would increase noise I opted for 2 high flow silencers instead of one.

4) See if there are any performance improvements. the 17/22 Hybrids produce amazing results for the size of turbo they are. Some people say 2.5" is more than enough and even fewer say 3" DP improves anything at all.

When listening to the car on idle the exhaust note is now virtually non existing compared to before. The sound before was very hissy however now the hiss has gone. There is a burble especially now I added some miles and the car warms up but not a massive one. Inside the cabin however the engine note is now a lot lower but louder and it growls nicely when bliping the throttle. When driving normally there is a low gentle burble and definitely a lot lower noise than before. Changing gear there is not hint of a pigeon noise from the back either.

The exhaust really starts to open up at 3.5k. You get a lovely throaty sound but without the same high decibel roar I got before. It certainly makes the car feel grown up and expensive now.

Squeezing the throttle you get power delivery that is now much more immediate. I would love the see the graph because it definitely feels like there is more power lower down. Definitely smoother power delivery and knowing that I said this many times I just can’t believe that there can be so much improvement from freeing up the exhaust. The power delivery was silky smooth before but now there is more torque availability lower down and it doesn't seem to tail off! The Miltek DP and centre silencer must have been more restrictive than I first thought. I am trying NOT to sound too enthusiastic about the difference as I am well aware that many of my previous performance mods made things more powerful and smoother. However I am beginning to wonder whether now I am at the limit of how smooth the power delivery can be with this turbo…seems too good to be true.

Past 3.5k that’s when things really begin to get interesting. It feels very much like a petrol in the sense that the power and sense of speed keep building as the revs climb. At 4K there still seems to be plenty of puff and the engine doesn’t sound as strained as before.

As I stated before I had a little play with a new Porsche Carrera S within the speed limit of course (believe they are now 3.8ltr units instead of 3.6ltr and pushing an impressive 355bhp). I think the chap was a little shocked at what he found when he tried to stick on my bum when I first started to test the exhaust. Definitely felt confident in accelerating with the turbo outlet sorted and the new exhaust. I made a good account for myself and I think the fact he could over take me must have annoyed him no end.

+ Droning noise gone at 70mph
+ Great torque delivered more smoothly
+ Nice and quiet when driving normally.
+ Sounds grown up now and suits the car better
+ Definitely more performance. Might not be bhp but its added something!

- Expensive
- Got an annoying rattle because its so big. Can be sorted though
- Bang for buck may be lower in the grand scheme of things


Its a diesel and your reviews are boring!!

Haha, only kidding mate, you know how much i still like the old dervs :) good review, pleased with it? what have they exactly done with the new turbo outlet. This requires me to have a passenger ride next time i see you ;)


50 Years of 911
Jun 27, 2005
Its a diesel and your reviews are boring!!
:lol: One poor soul will find it of use someday.

good review, pleased with it? what have they exactly done with the new turbo outlet.
So far so good. As the maf was off for a week it messed up the adaptation so its been getting stronger and strong since I been driving it. This will explain why H7S said it felt a little slower when they first drove it.

Turbo outlet: welded a short 90 degree bend directly on the SFS connector. They then swaged the edge of the 90 degree bend so they can attached silicone to a straight section. This will get more movement and likelihood of it popping off is next to nothing now.


Bit of an animal
Mar 15, 2005
I still grin thinking about that Carrera locking up and giving itself traction issues approaching that roundabout.. he couldnt even look at us at the roundabout, think the poor boy felt a little "small" in his porka...
Oct 21, 2006
It's nice to hear that the car is back to its' best, in all respects, Maz. I know you had a good paint correction session recently but what do you have in mind for winter protection? I hope your home insurance covers the loss of your equipment.

I've read that you've been a bit frustrated with your car of late, but are you feeling more content and motivated to carry on with it now that it's back from H&S? Cars and emotions often clash and over the past seven or so years, I can vouch for that! My mechanic has an RS4 on a 2001 plate and it's very very nice (425bhp). It would be a real shame to see it go; you've put a huge amount of time and effort into it! For me, having a nice car is a hobby that I enjoy and is a reward for the hard work day to day. Cars are always financial blackholes and if your heart is not in it, then may be it is time to move on; this will be my prompt to move on but I just can't see that happening yet.

For reference Maz, I used the Megs Ulitimate Quik Detailer at the weekend after a layer of Dodo wax and it appears to be very user friendly and gives great repellent to the rain (beading). I haven't yet used the Ultimate Quik Wax.



50 Years of 911
Jun 27, 2005
It's nice to hear that the car is back to its' best, in all respects, Maz. I know you had a good paint correction session recently but what do you have in mind for winter protection? I hope your home insurance covers the loss of your equipment.

I've read that you've been a bit frustrated with your car of late, but are you feeling more content and motivated to carry on with it now that it's back from H&S? Cars and emotions often clash and over the past seven or so years, I can vouch for that! My mechanic has an RS4 on a 2001 plate and it's very very nice (425bhp). It would be a real shame to see it go; you've put a huge amount of time and effort into it! For me, having a nice car is a hobby that I enjoy and is a reward for the hard work day to day. Cars are always financial blackholes and if your heart is not in it, then may be it is time to move on; this will be my prompt to move on but I just can't see that happening yet.

For reference Maz, I used the Megs Ulitimate Quik Detailer at the weekend after a layer of Dodo wax and it appears to be very user friendly and gives great repellent to the rain (beading). I haven't yet used the Ultimate Quik Wax.

The products used in the detail should see the car through the winter however I may stick on a coat of wax or more in the coming weeks/months for reasons that will be clear after this post. Speaking of detailing I clean the engine bay and noticed some scuffs on the engine cover (argh!). detailed the whole engine and dressed all the rubbers and plastics in a way I never had done before. Results are amazing., everything looks like new.

Home insurance origionally did not cover the equipment as they are classed as "car accessories". I successfully argued that they are not car accessories and can be used all round the home for DIY. To be honest I am not that bother about the polishers in the sense that thousands of pounds of my mothers stuff I was temp storing for her are gone. Losing a couple of polishers, makita drill and some snap-on tools in the grand scheme of things is nothing. We live and learn!

I am feeling a bit more content now its running superbly. Had a chat with Shaun@AmD and he said that I made the right choice keeping the car as a huge amount of work has gone into it. Not only from myself but AmD from the choice of mods to tweaking the suspension and engine performance out of it. There was a small rattle from the exhaust that H&S and I sort of tracked down. Very slight vibration coming from somewhere at 1800rpm but we couldnt 100% isolate it so going to drive it for a while and check to see if there is any obvious signs of wear.

All in all things are looking up. Just case of maintaining the car at the moment and working with Slick on the intercooler design. Going to get a few items powder coating keeping OEM+ look as much as possible and 3 wheels refurbed (no curbing just the lacquer has starting to milk where a stone chip has hit the polished face).


50 Years of 911
Jun 27, 2005
Redline Magazine Feature

Possibly speaking to soon but Redline have stated interest in featuring the car. Just waiting to hear more details from them. Hopefully everything goes through, quite excited by it.


four-by-four fan
Aug 4, 2010
Røros, NO
Glad to hear that the insurance covers your losses!
Is there going to be (or can we/I get) an video/audio from the new system? :)

Congrats on the Magazine feature! :D thumbsup!


leon mk1 fr tdi
Nov 26, 2004
lincoln, uk
nice to hear you are keeping hold of the motor, as said a lot of time and effort amongst other things have gone into her so it would have been a shame to see her left unfinished in a way


50 Years of 911
Jun 27, 2005
Cheers Chris.

Glad to hear that the insurance covers your losses!
Is there going to be (or can we/I get) an video/audio from the new system? :)

Congrats on the Magazine feature! :D thumbsup!
Cheers, hopefully the feature bears fruit.