does anyone ever sit in your car?! its like its just rolled out the factory! lol
looks proper tidy! im liking it!
well its 18 odd degrees outside which is VERY rare up here in I decided to hoover out my car and take some pics
......You missed a bit!!!
No wait thats just a mark on my monitor...better get that cleaned off eh?!
Right considering attempting the HID fitting it difficult? Have slight reservations about doing it as, if i can remember correctly first time around Andy (cupraajy) almost electrocuted himself... lol. Advice please
Is it a H4 Hi/Lo kit?
In which case it's quite easy the only thing is there is quite a bit of spare cable to tuck in once you are tidying up.
Have a look through my readers ride for some pointers, if you weren't so far away I'd offer to do it for you.
I think it is, but I'll double check on that one! I'll have a read though cheers
And you might get pm'd to help me with my college graded unit since your in the field
Update: HIDs are fitted! watch this space for pics...