Leon FR CR 170 MPG claim?


I'm not sure if it's me but the mpg figures given out by SEAT for the new CR engine seem to be way off what they really are.

I've had my car now for over a month and have done 1200 miles in it. I have covered motorway driving, town driving and a mixture of both and have yet to see the magic figure of 55mpg which is the combined figure. I've only broke 50mpg once and that was over a 100 mile motor journey so I'd have though I'd have been closer to the upper figure of 77mpg.

I can put my hand on my heart and say I haven't driven this car like and idiot, (Well a few times as it is a quick car and if I didn't I should have bought something else) this was in shorts bursts and never for more than 5 to 10 miles.

Just wondering if any other CR FR owners have any similar results or have I received the least economical CR out of the factory?


I have got 54-55 mpg on long runs before, 100 miles+ , but on a normal run booting it around now and then i get between 42 and 47 mpg. Over 6000 miles iv averaged 44 mpg.
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Oh right. Still better then me but nowhere near what they say.

Still a brilliant car though.


Jul 5, 2004
Crikey - give the engine time to bed in. Get 20k under your belt & pop back to the forum and repent!


2011 SEAT Leon SE 1.2 tsi
Jun 11, 2009
I have only done 7k miles but it is lossening up nicely. When I first got it I was getting aobut 40mpg and now getting 47mpg and improving all the time!


mister.c you're right I need to chill and let the engine bed in . Looking at the reply from jaykickass I think you're on the money and I just need to to wait.

I should be thankful that I'm getting that for such a great car. I just want the better mpg and then that allows me to pop my toe down a bit more and reduce the mpg back to what I'm currently getting ;-)


Active Member
Nov 22, 2009
Got about 1400 miles on mine and it's averaging 43-44mpg and that's mainly motorways and dual carriageways!


K04 Time ;)
Mar 30, 2009
Grimsby, UK
My mums Scirocco CR170 has about 3000 miles on and is averaging 52mpg, I realise its lighter but there aren't any other differences are there?
She drives in a normal style, booting it here and there :)



Active Member
Feb 21, 2003
We are averaging 46mpg at 680 miles and impressed with the mpg so far for after all is a performance derv. Combined figure minus 10% seems to be what most cars achieve on average. But 50+ mpg once run in and a steady run should not be a problem.


Active Member
Feb 2, 2010
Iv'e only had mine for 2 weeks and so have only done about 400 miles so far but I'm averaging around 45mpg on a regular journey I do of about 12 miles of fairly ordinary driving on rural roads.
On a few occasions when I have accelerated very steadily, as an experiment to see how many mpg I can get, I have managed to got just over 50mpg and on one slightly longer journey managed 56mpg. However, although I never drive like an idiot, I didn't buy this type of car car to always drive that steadily!

I'm glad now that I chose the luna grey. It looks good in that colour.
You do know those mpg figures arn't 'real world' conditions don't you? They put the car on rollers and run it through some very basic runs of about 4-5 miles... There is no independant verification, it's all down to SEAT to say what their cars can do.


Website showing the details of the test


I would suggest that having a standard test across Europe ensures the manufacturer doesn't just put down what figures they feel like but exactly the figures measured by the standard test.


Thanks for the replys they really do help.

It strange that the range varies so much but saying that I had mine rolling road tested and it had 186bhp. I'm guessing this might cause the slight reduction in the overall mpg. A brilliant car though and ticks so many boxes plus a real head turne.

I went for emocion red which looked on the web but is stunning in the flesh especially if kept shiney.


Full Member
Apr 23, 2003
Colchester, Essex
Visit site
My mums Scirocco CR170 has about 3000 miles on and is averaging 52mpg, I realise its lighter but there aren't any other differences are there?
She drives in a normal style, booting it here and there :)


How much lighter do you think it is?

According to the specs I can see, both the FL FR CR & Scirocco GT CR 170 both weigh in at 1395kg :)


I covered 8,500 miles in my CR FR, averaging around 42mpg but the fuel economy did not seem to improve as the miles increased. However, as I got to know the car more my right foot got a little heavier! I reckon that the car could average 47mpg if you drive it in the right way, but then that would be a waste of an FR...
Dec 15, 2007
South East London
I covered 8,500 miles in my CR FR, averaging around 42mpg but the fuel economy did not seem to improve as the miles increased. However, as I got to know the car more my right foot got a little heavier! I reckon that the car could average 47mpg if you drive it in the right way, but then that would be a waste of an FR...

Very well put, if you can't afford to run a Diesel FR as it should be run then chop it in and get an Ecomotive!
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