Saturday 6 February 2010 08:59:16
06A 906 032 HN 1.8L R4/5VT 01 0002
Group A: '003 Group B: '115 Group C: '020
Engine Speed Intake Air Mass Throttle Drive Ignition Engine Speed Engine Load Charge Pressure Charge Pressure Cylinder 1 Ignition Cylinder 2 Ignition Cylinder 3 Ignition Cylinder 4 Ignition
TIME Angle Sensor 1 Timing Angle TIME (specified Value) (actual Value) TIME Angle Delay Angle Delay Angle Delay Angle Delay
Marker STAMP /min g/s % °BTDC STAMP /min % mbar mbar STAMP °KW °KW °KW °KW
0.6 2920 82.97 100 15 0.01 2720 70.7 1500 1120 0.3 0 0 0 0
1.51 3440 115.42 99.6 9 0.91 3080 157.9 2330 1980 1.21 0 0 3 3
2.41 3960 133.86 100 6 1.81 3600 177.4 2190 2260 2.11 0 3 3 3
3.32 4480 147.11 100 9 2.72 4160 182 2150 2270 3.02 0 3 3 3
4.23 5000 162.81 100 14.3 3.62 4680 170.7 2060 2100 3.92 3 3 3 3
5.13 5480 170.25 100 9.8 4.53 5160 168.4 2090 2040 4.83 3 3 5.3 6
6.04 5840 172.67 100 13.5 5.43 5560 161.7 2050 1960 5.73 2.3 5.3 5.3 6
6.95 6160 176.69 100 12 6.34 5960 153.4 2010 1910 6.65 2.3 5.3 4.5 5.3
7.85 6480 164.39 100 18.8 7.24 6280 147.4 1920 1830 7.55 1.5 4.5 4.5 5.3
Group A: '003 Group B: '115 Group C: '020
Engine Speed Intake Air Mass Throttle Drive Ignition Engine Speed Engine Load Charge Pressure Charge Pressure Cylinder 1 Ignition Cylinder 2 Ignition Cylinder 3 Ignition Cylinder 4 Ignition
TIME Angle Sensor 1 Timing Angle TIME (specified Value) (actual Value) TIME Angle Delay Angle Delay Angle Delay Angle Delay
STAMP /min g/s % °BTDC STAMP /min % mbar mbar STAMP °KW °KW °KW °KW
0.01 2760 58.53 65.1 24 0.3 2880 121.8 2110 1630 0.6 3 3 6 6
0.9 3120 104.08 100 4.5 1.21 3320 175.2 2240 2250 1.51 3 3 6 6
1.81 3600 121.64 100 6.8 2.11 3760 173.7 2220 2230 2.41 3 3 5.3 5.3
2.71 4080 139.17 100 9.8 3.02 4240 175.9 2180 2250 3.32 2.3 4.5 4.5 4.5
3.62 4520 147.64 100 8.3 3.92 4680 168.4 2120 2170 4.22 7.5 7.5 6.8 6.8
4.52 4960 164.47 100 7.5 4.83 5120 166.9 2070 2090 5.13 7.5 7.5 6.8 6.8
5.44 5360 164.92 100 9 5.74 5480 159.4 2050 1990 6.04 6.8 6.8 6 6
6.35 5720 170.5 100 10.5 6.65 5880 154.9 2020 1930 6.95 6.8 6.8 6 6
7.24 6040 168.92 100 9 7.54 6120 146.6 1950 1870 7.85 6.8 6 5.3 5.3
8.16 6160 0 5.9 11.3 8.45 5600 10.5 1010 1190 8.75 0 0 0 0
Group A: '003 Group B: '118 Group C: '031
Engine Speed Intake Air Mass Throttle Drive Ignition Engine Speed Intake Air Charge Pressure Charge Pressure Lambda Sensor Lambda Sensor Bin. Bits
TIME Angle Sensor 1 Timing Angle TIME Temperature Solenoid Valve (actual Value) TIME Current Value Specified Value
Marker STAMP /min g/s % °BTDC STAMP /min °C % mbar STAMP
0.25 2440 35.56 21.2 23.3 0.55 2520 15 9.8 1250 0.02 0.984 1
1.16 2720 68.89 99.2 18.8 1.46 2880 13 74.1 1700 0.86 0.945 1
2.06 3160 84.92 100 13.5 2.36 3280 12 75.7 1860 1.76 1 1
2.97 3600 105.94 100 12 3.27 3760 12 84.7 2110 2.67 0.984 1
3.87 4080 131.72 100 14.3 4.18 4280 12 83.5 2130 3.57 1 1
4.78 4600 150.33 100 11.3 5.08 4760 14 84.7 2100 4.48 0.953 0.969
5.68 5080 164.69 100 10.5 5.98 5240 15 85.9 2040 5.38 0.914 0.922
6.6 5520 168.08 100 11.3 6.89 5640 17 85.9 1910 6.3 0.906 0.906
7.5 5880 172.14 100 12 7.81 5960 18 86.3 1790 7.2 0.883 0.899
8.4 6160 168.11 100 14.3 8.71 6240 19 81.6 1800 8.1 0.906 0.906
9.3 6400 167.81 100 16.5 9.62 6520 20 78.4 1660 9.01 0.891 0.906
10.22 6680 152.64 100 23.3 10.52 6720 20 78.4 1610 9.92 0.945 0.945
Group A: '003 Group B: '118 Group C: '031
Engine Speed Intake Air Mass Throttle Drive Ignition Engine Speed Intake Air Charge Pressure Charge Pressure Lambda Sensor Lambda Sensor Bin. Bits
TIME Angle Sensor 1 Timing Angle TIME Temperature Solenoid Valve (actual Value) TIME Current Value Specified Value
Marker STAMP /min g/s % °BTDC STAMP /min °C % mbar STAMP
0.55 2920 76.03 98.8 21 0.01 2760 30 7.5 1310 0.25 0.977 1
1.47 3320 122.61 100 6.8 0.85 3040 30 86.3 1970 1.15 1.008 1
2.36 3800 136.33 100 6.8 1.76 3520 30 79.6 2450 2.06 0.984 0.961
3.27 4320 145.89 100 9 2.66 4000 32 82.7 2420 2.96 0.922 0.945
4.17 4760 154.83 100 9.8 3.57 4480 33 84.3 2310 3.87 0.883 0.906
5.09 5200 165.56 100 7.5 4.47 4920 36 83.9 2230 4.78 0.883 0.891
5.99 5560 167.33 100 8.3 5.38 5320 39 84.3 2100 5.68 0.867 0.883
6.9 5920 174.03 100 12 6.29 5680 41 85.1 1980 6.58 0.867 0.875
7.79 6160 176.5 100 8.3 7.2 6000 45 84.3 1950 7.49 0.875 0.883
8.71 6440 122.61 79.2 12.8 8.09 6280 47 80 1910 8.4 0.875 0.891
Im pretty much crying now over the install of fmic . I cant get MAP sensor off old intercooler. Screws are rusty and its just stuck. Looks like i will have to buy a new one - i almost broke it in half when i was struggling to get it off.
Any idea how much new MAP sensor costs ?
I drilled the screw out Map sensor plastic is broken but i hope it works I've started it up and there was no errors but time will tell.
James, my MAP sensor fitted perfectly.
In general...
Blood, sweat and tears.
If I only knew how much hard work it is i wouldn't probably do it .
Still plenty to do as i have to trim foglight fitting and put bumper back on.
I wanted to change my grill to honeycomb one but i cant be bothered anymore I guess. Looks like it isnt very easy either.
Few photos