PhilW's Mk3 Ibiza Project Thread - 3071 - Now Breaking!

Nov 2, 2004
South Wales
Got a INA manifold on its way as part of the GB.

Also should be fitting my front ARB which ive had for 18 months as well as fixing a new small problems then i should be done for the winter. :D
Nov 2, 2004
South Wales
Was a VAG open day @ GotBoost on sunday, myself and 3 ibizas ran, so a good comparison.

My logs....

First run +3° timing via lemmiwinks...

Sunday	11	October	2009	14:08:35											
6K0 906 032 AA		1.8L 20VT EU3    02 0002													
	Group A:	'002				Group B:	'020				Group C:	'118			
		RPM	Load	Inj. On Time	Mass Flow		Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization		RPM	Temperature	Load	Absolute Pres.
	TIME					TIME					TIME				
Marker	STAMP	 /min	%	 ms	 g/s	STAMP	 CF	 CF	 CF	 CF	STAMP	 /min	°C	%	 mbar
	20.8	1640	84.2	9.43	29.61	21.2	0	0	0	0	20.4	1560	24	90.2	1050
	22	1640	95.5	9.84	30.64	22.4	0	0	0	0	21.6	1640	24	100	1260
	23.2	2080	111.3	11.48	47.11	23.6	0	0	0	0	22.8	1920	23	100	1390
	24.4	2560	178.2	20.09	92.69	24.79	3	0	3	3	24	2400	24	100	1860
	25.6	3040	191.7	23.78	140.25	25.99	3	0	3	3	25.19	2880	24	82.4	2540
	26.79	3480	191.7	23.78	149.72	27.21	3	0	3	3	26.39	3360	24	80.4	2540
	27.99	3920	191.7	24.19	158.92	28.39	2.3	0	2.3	2.3	27.59	3760	26	77.6	2530
	29.19	4280	191.7	23.37	164.17	29.61	2.3	0	2.3	2.3	28.79	4160	27	72.2	2450
	30.41	4680	191.7	22.14	175.5	30.79	2.3	0	2.3	2.3	29.99	4560	29	64.3	2290
	31.59	5080	187.2	21.32	179.08	31.99	2.3	0	2.3	2.3	31.19	4920	30	56.9	2220
	32.79	5440	175.2	20.09	179.08	33.19	2.3	0	2.3	2.3	32.39	5320	32	50.6	2130
	33.99	5800	164.7	18.86	182.83	34.39	2.3	0	2.3	2.3	33.59	5680	33	45.5	2030
	35.19	6160	155.6	18.04	184.44	35.59	0.8	0	0	1.5	34.79	6080	35	48.2	1940
	36.39	6560	148.1	16.81	184.14	36.79	0	0	0	0	35.99	6440	36	52.9	1860
	37.59	6880	141.4	15.99	186.5	37.99	0	0	0	0	37.19	6800	37	58	1830
	18.4	1680	46.6	4.51	15.11	18.8	0	0	0	0	18	1640	24	0	1050
236.2bhp - 290.8lbs/ft

Second run....

As above, with 3.75° timing added.

Didnt log 002 as it looked good first run so thought i'd better off having a quicker sample rate with two blocks...

Sunday	11	October	2009	14:16:18						
6K0 906 032 AA		1.8L 20VT EU3    03 0002								
	Group A:	'020				Group B:	'118			
		Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization		RPM	Temperature	Load	Absolute Pres.
	TIME					TIME				
Marker	STAMP	 CF	 CF	 CF	 CF	STAMP	 /min	°C	%	 mbar
	17.18	0	0	0	2.3	16.78	1680	23	1.2	1270
	17.98	0	0	3	2.3	17.58	1720	23	1.2	1290
	18.78	3	0	3	1.5	18.38	1720	22	96.9	1350
	19.58	3	0	3	1.5	19.18	1880	22	100	1410
	20.38	3	0	3	1.5	19.98	2200	23	100	1610
	21.18	3	3	3	1.5	20.78	2560	24	90.2	2120
	21.98	3	3	3	1.5	21.58	2880	24	82.4	2540
	22.78	3	3	2.3	1.5	22.38	3200	25	81.6	2540
	23.58	2.3	3	2.3	0.8	23.18	3480	26	80	2540
	24.38	2.3	3	2.3	0.8	23.98	3760	27	77.6	2540
	25.2	2.3	2.3	2.3	0.8	24.8	4040	29	74.9	2490
	26	2.3	2.3	2.3	0.8	25.6	4280	30	69	2440
	26.78	2.3	2.3	2.3	0.8	26.38	4560	31	63.9	2300
	27.59	2.3	2.3	2.3	0.8	27.19	4800	32	58.4	2270
	28.39	2.3	2.3	2.3	0.8	27.99	5080	33	52.9	2190
	29.19	2.3	2.3	2.3	0.8	28.79	5320	34	47.1	2130
	29.99	2.3	2.3	1.5	0.8	29.59	5560	34	43.5	2080
	30.79	1.5	2.3	1.5	0	30.39	5800	36	43.1	2010
	31.59	1.5	2.3	1.5	0	31.19	6040	37	45.5	1950
	32.39	1.5	1.5	1.5	0	31.99	6280	38	49	1890
	33.19	1.5	1.5	1.5	0	32.79	6520	39	51.4	1860
	33.99	1.5	1.5	0.8	0	33.59	6760	39	52.9	1850


242.1bhp - 294.8lbs/ft

Third run thought i'd push it and see how an extra 0.75° of timing would affect it...

Sunday	11	October	2009	14:20:41						
6K0 906 032 AA		1.8L 20VT EU3    03 0002								
	Group A:	'020				Group B:	'118			
		Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization	Idle Stabilization		RPM	Temperature	Load	Absolute Pres.
	TIME					TIME				
Marker	STAMP	 CF	 CF	 CF	 CF	STAMP	 /min	°C	%	 mbar
	0	1.5	0	1.5	4.5	0.4	1680	24	1.2	1310
	0.8	4.5	0	0.8	4.5	1.2	1720	24	92.5	1320
	1.6	4.5	3	0.8	4.5	2	1720	24	86.7	1400
	2.4	4.5	3	0.8	3.8	2.8	1920	24	100	1460
	3.2	4.5	3	0.8	3.8	3.6	2240	24	100	1680
	4	4.5	3	0.8	3.8	4.4	2560	26	89.8	2210
	4.8	3.8	3	3.8	3.8	5.2	2880	27	82.7	2540
	5.6	3.8	3	3.8	3.8	6	3200	27	81.6	2540
	6.4	3.8	3	3.8	3.8	6.8	3480	29	80	2540
	7.2	3.8	2.3	3.8	3.8	7.6	3800	30	77.6	2540
	8	3.8	2.3	3.8	3.8	8.4	4040	31	74.5	2510
	8.8	3	2.3	3.8	3.8	9.2	4320	33	69	2440
	9.6	3	2.3	3.8	3	10	4560	33	63.5	2310
	10.4	3	2.3	3	3	10.8	4800	34	57.3	2260
	11.2	3	2.3	3	3	11.6	5040	36	51.4	2210
	12	3	2.3	3	3	12.4	5320	37	44.3	2150
	12.8	3	2.3	3	3	13.2	5560	38	40	2100
	13.6	3	2.3	3	3	14	5800	39	38.4	2020
	14.4	3	2.3	3	3	14.8	6040	39	39.6	1950
	15.2	3	1.5	3	3	15.6	6280	41	42	1910
	16	2.3	1.5	3	2.3	16.4	6520	42	45.1	1870
	16.8	2.3	1.5	2.3	2.3	17.2	6760	44	47.5	1840


237.7bhp - 287.1lbs/ft

Looked like 4.5° extra of timing was just slightly too much in the end making run 2 the best. So i guess the maf x 1.32 looks pretty good, 184g/s x 1.32= 243bhp.

The graphs....


Nov 2, 2004
South Wales
Some updates and some bad phone pics!

Changed my steering wheel to a dished OMP (Corsica) one, no pics of it fitted or thoughts on what its like to use as the car is off the road, more on this later...


And also my INA manifold turned up after 2 months. :)




Ok, why the car is off the road is this...


Basically i didnt do the brackets up tight enough and the cooler dropped and dragged along the floor grinding the corner off.