Panel Realignment

Aug 1, 2009
Hemel Hempstead
Hey all,

I've only had my 03 LCR for a few days now, and although she drives well etc. there is something that is bothering me. There seems to be some alignment issues with some of the components at the fron of the car.

After looking a bit closer, it appears the drivers side headlight is sitting a bit low, and to the side, which leaves a gap between the grill by the side of the Seat logo (Larger than normal ie. the other side).

This in turn means that the bumper doesnt really align perfectly too (the wheel arch doesnt line up for example, and its not flush with the bottom of both headlights... :( Its not huge, but I notice it and its bothering me more and more...

Basically, I may decide to head into my local Seat Dealer in St Albans for someone to look at to relalign both headlight poss the wings and the front bumper so that its all ok. I just wanted to know how much I would be looking to pay realistically, so that i know they wont be ripping me off too much... And is it something that shouldnt really be attemped yourself?

Thanks for any input - if i could just get it sorted then I would love my LCR, but I just know its there...



Active Member
Mar 21, 2009
have you done an HPI check on it ? if its out by a long shot then may have to go onto a jig (mega money) was there new tyres on the front ? if so then could point to major tyre wear.. do any of the panels look new/shiny from within the engine bay ??
Aug 1, 2009
Hemel Hempstead
I had it AA Data checked (not writeoffs, finance etc) and there was nothign amiss on that. The checked a number of things from this forum and from friends that buy/sell perfomance cars (Tool marks, paint on bolts and hinges etc, condition of panels on inside, tracking etc) and that all seemed to pass so I went and bought it.

I dont want to turn it into a 'was it in an accident' thread as I've already bought it, just wondering how much are we talking about? £100 £300 £500 or more... I wouldnt say it was miles out, but noticeable if you compare both sides, though it if you look at the car from a normal distance its not lopsided or anything. Will try to get a pic up if poss...
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Active Member
Mar 21, 2009
it could be a number of things. could be a nice easy fix or a nightmare of a job. until you get it checked there is no telling. could cost £50 or £1000 fingers crossed mate that its a nice easy fix.
Aug 1, 2009
Hemel Hempstead
@ Adam - no, not tried anything yet, to be perfectly honest, I'm not a massive petrol head, so not totally used to working with cars, but always willing to learn and get my hands dirty really. Just didnt want to dive in and start fiddling. First thing is to get some pics up so you can all tell me if its terrible or not... Though judging by the condition of all your rides (ie. Pristine) it'll be a resounding YES!!! :)
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Aug 1, 2009
Hemel Hempstead
Finally managed to sort out an imageshack account, here are some pics from earlier. Hopet they are clear enough... JonnyJon, look away - I've seen how sweet yours looks - this will be a bit distressing for you mate :)

The wonky driver sike - note the light being too low and towards the outer edge

Contrast to the passenger side - still not in line, but better and no gap btw grill and light

Due to the low light, its preventing the bumper attaching flush to the front wing panel

Wheel arch not lined up

So... what do you think? I know its not right, and it bothers me that the headlight seems to come out a bit further than the wing on the part that curves around. Is it flush on all yours? I'll get her right - then the good time can roll on...

adam cupra 20vt

Built Not Bought.
Mar 31, 2005
Mud Hut
looking at the bigger pictures somethings obviously not right there.

Luckily the whole front panel is adjustable then the headlghts are adjustable in that front panel

The bumper guide is a plastic guide on the wing that the bumper locates into.....your bumper is not pushed into it properly, either that ot the guide or bumper lugs are broken.

I'd say its had a little repair on that corner and its not been done to well or its not been aligned properly.

If you can manage to get the bumper off you'll soon see whats up.

The bonnet is also to far back or the wing is to far forward on the drivers side....thats easy to sort out to.
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Aug 1, 2009
Hemel Hempstead
Having seen it (and having a better idea of what is involved) and seeing as you guys are more in the know, what sort of cost would you think would be reasonable? I'm going to try and find out if there are some bodyshops that are in my areas (hemel for home, Stevenage for work) and see what they can price me.

I'm kinda glad that there isnt mass shock, and hopefully I can get it sorted. If its too much then adam - where do you live??? :p Just joking mate...

Off on hols next week so will look into it more when i get back (I know I'll be thinking about it tho!)


adam cupra 20vt

Built Not Bought.
Mar 31, 2005
Mud Hut

I live in Suffolk/Norfolk area and my mate does have a little workshop if your close :D

You can't really put a price on it as without removing the bumper as you can't see whats behind it causing the problems......might just be unding bolts and moving things about.....or something might need a wack with a big bashing stick :cartman:
Aug 1, 2009
Hemel Hempstead
Well initial search i hemel seems to bring up a ton of smaller independents, so theres tons to choose - this was one of the few that had a website - its not super techy, but they seem to have decent facilities... They say that they can quote up based on pics first, so will try to email them pics that I have put up here, along with some that I have found on Parkers which give good detail on the grille and lights.