Platinum Grey Leon FR TDI Hybrid - The End!


50 Years of 911
Jun 27, 2005
Nice graph I found :)



This car, in my opinion, is wicked. The colour is by far the best, well, in my opinion anyway :rolleyes: can't wait to see more updates.


Fresh & Clean
Jul 20, 2008
Near Gatwick
lol more updates! there's not much left he can do!

Maz im thinking of getting a turbo upgrade aswel on my fr diesel? Is it worth all the mullah and is there any bad points on getting one?
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50 Years of 911
Jun 27, 2005
This car, in my opinion, is wicked. The colour is by far the best, well, in my opinion anyway :rolleyes: can't wait to see more updates.
Thanks Ben. Oh there will be for sure.

lol more updates! there's not much left he can do!

Maz im thinking of getting a turbo upgrade aswel on my fr diesel? Is it worth all the mullah and is there any bad points on getting one?
Well it is worth the money if you intend on keeping the car but I suppose thats with anything. If I was you, I would get all the hardware in place before you do the turbo upgrade, you may get over 200bhp who knows...

Oh there is, dont you you worry me and jonjay have a few tricks up our sleeves! ;)
Oh yea for sure there is quite a lot actually :)


Nov 30, 2008
Wow! I'm amazed, spent 4 hours on nights last night reading your thread, this sir is one beast!!

My Leon (PD150) is totally standard and I still never get bored of driving her, still puts a smile on my face. I drive around to and from work in a Citroen AX GT, get home and so when i take the Leon out you appreciate them more. I would love to mod my Leon but I wouldn't know where to start, plus you must have a very, very well paid job. I'm struggling finding a simple problem with my car nevermind doing some of these crazy mods.

How much have you spent all together on mods if you don't mind me asking?

Well done you should be pleased of yourself mate!!!


i dnt get the rr graph i understand you have new pipes on but they dnt give bhp unless you have a leak so i dnt think that is right.

example how can your run one before hoses and run two before hoses have 13.8bhp difference. looking again how is your max power over 300rpm later on your one run than the second.

i see a small increase in torque slightly further up the rev range which makes sense with better pipes as they wont stretch so much and hold better under heavy boost at 3k. however your bhp is wrong.

if you look at run 1 with 245hp then run 4 after new pipes you only have 241bhp so you lost 4bhp. sorry to hear new pipes lost power


i dnt get the rr graph i understand you have new pipes on but they dnt give bhp unless you have a leak so i dnt think that is right.

example how can your run one before hoses and run two before hoses have 13.8bhp difference. looking again how is your max power over 300rpm later on your one run than the second.

i see a small increase in torque slightly further up the rev range which makes sense with better pipes as they wont stretch so much and hold better under heavy boost at 3k. however your bhp is wrong.

if you look at run 1 with 245hp then run 4 after new pipes you only have 241bhp so you lost 4bhp. sorry to hear new pipes lost power

Chris, I agree with you that power increases from simply changing a pipe is debateable unless it's curing a boost leak or removing an obvious restriction but you logic after that is a bit curious?

You say you agree with the possible increase in torque but not the associated bhp change. As I'm sure you know bhp is a function of torque and rpm so one can't change without altering the other. If torque at high revs increases the bhp will also increase at the rate of torque (lbft) x rpm / 5252.



but torque is a constant whilst bhp is a estimate and in turn can be 'changed' if 'wanted' to show good results. torque can not.


50 Years of 911
Jun 27, 2005
i dnt get the rr graph i understand you have new pipes on but they dnt give bhp unless you have a leak so i dnt think that is right.

example how can your run one before hoses and run two before hoses have 13.8bhp difference. looking again how is your max power over 300rpm later on your one run than the second.

i see a small increase in torque slightly further up the rev range which makes sense with better pipes as they wont stretch so much and hold better under heavy boost at 3k. however your bhp is wrong.

if you look at run 1 with 245hp then run 4 after new pipes you only have 241bhp so you lost 4bhp. sorry to hear new pipes lost power
As Ryan stated after your post the increases have come from

- Increasing diamater of the boost pipes from FMIC
- Removing / decreasing pancake restriction
- Doubling the size of the turbo outlet.

The descrepencies your making is a very simple one. It was a very hot day, especially in the roller room so the second run the car was suffering massively from heat soak.

Chris, I agree with you that power increases from simply changing a pipe is debateable unless it's curing a boost leak or removing an obvious restriction but you logic after that is a bit curious?

You say you agree with the possible increase in torque but not the associated bhp change. As I'm sure you know bhp is a function of torque and rpm so one can't change without altering the other. If torque at high revs increases the bhp will also increase at the rate of torque (lbft) x rpm / 5252.

Agreed. :)

Some good explanations of torque vs bhp
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Bit of an animal
Mar 15, 2005
Really makes me wondering the reasoning of trying to disprove a RR or disprove the power of a car that you have never seen or driven on a forum, granted some RR's can be wrong, but that might and can be both ways, imagine if the RR was wrong and its higher than the RR states.. what then?

I understand questioning and maybe further knowledge into the modifications to better understand the power and why such a hike in power can be seen, but complete dismissal of it being true is plain stupid unless you KNOW for a FACT its wrong. For all you know the RR graph was different map on every run... no one asked that before trying to shot the graph out of the sky...

Imagine that changing just the numbers in data on could gain you 20bhp... wow what a shock that would be for people.... oh yeah thats already been done... so whats the difference between pipework doing the same?
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but torque is a constant whilst bhp is a estimate and in turn can be 'changed' if 'wanted' to show good results. torque can not.

Sorry but your not making any sense...

BHP is calculated from torque and rpm, it can't vary from torque x rpm / 5252

The only way the dyno results can be 'changed' are by altering the variables on the dyno such as intake temp, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity and by 'altering' the transmission losses which can be done in a number of ways depending on whether its a inertia dyno or a braked dyno.

What you can't do (as far as I know, but I'd be happy to be proven wrong) is keep the torque figure accurate but independantly alter the bhp figure, unless of course you just get creative with Photoshop...;)


slick i always said that wen i hit 194bhp on my standard 130 turbo everyone said rolling road is wrong but they always presume the reading high but noone ever though the rr could be reading low!!!!!


slick i always said that wen i hit 194bhp on my standard 130 turbo everyone said rolling road is wrong but they always presume the reading high but noone ever though the rr could be reading low!!!!!

Total agree [B)] could this chispadete be majesty under another username, who knows lol


to be fair, RR's were never really designed for giving figures, there uses are much better for live mapping, as its a lot easier and safer to hold a car at xxxx rpm on a RR than it is on the open road!
Lecatona HPFP (High-pressure Fuel Pump Upgrades)