well just recently, as well as the EGT sensor which is nakered and is going to be replaced Wednesday, my secondary water/coolant pump decided to pack up. I know it's worked in the passed so I thought i'd give all the connections a clean up and a spray with some electrical contact cleaner and a general clean up inside the pump to de-gunk it. Then I gave it a quick spray of WD40 and worked it round etc, put the top back on (which was so fiddly it was untrue, see the third pic, the 2 contacts in the centre had to be pulled apart to get back on the motor so i used string but still it wasn't that easy). Anyway, it came up a lot cleaner but STILL after that it doesn't work ...d'oh!!!! So i'm going to get hold of a multimeter to out rule out the feed to it then failing that, new pump time and more money out of the suspension pot
Before cleaning
See the bronze coloured wire, these had the contacts on and were a nightmare, as i say i wrapped cotton around the wire to pull them apart but it was still fiddly, especially with WD40 covered hands
Anyway, even though the water/coolant pump was an epic fail, I did have some joy with my exhaust which i thought wasn't going to arrive until next week but i got it saturday, as you can see the old box was about ready for coming off and one of the hangers had gone......it felt only right to upgrade to a miltek (catback only i know but good enough for what i want )
New one, in case you have never seen a miltek
a friend trying to get his ugly mug in the pic.......how rude!!!
And one for the road!
Not much of an update but a bit none the less, any comments, suggestions and opinions welcomed as always