A thought for this forum section...


Active Member
Nov 12, 2006
ZBOYD - I think the FAQ post would be a fantastic idea for this forum section! At least it would give people a single point of reference to look at with all the info they could need in. .................

I'll second that. But I would suggest that it was made in to a FAQ/Upgrade Review section. There seem to be endless threads about "what brakes" etc most of which usually have no useful reply to them except "use the search" which to be honest I've tried. The result usually being not much past getting an idea of the available makes etc not much useful information in terms of opinions etc. (by which I mean a real review not "they're great" etc).



this is something i have noticed as well, and maybe its me but i have trouble finding or taking a little time to link to stuff i am interested in i.e. specific guides or how certain mods would look

I think the members page would be a good idea, where members can upload a set amount of pitures and list what mods they have done, therefore providing one central point of mods and pics of cars under one place


what they did on club gti.com and created one thread for say a MK1 Leon section and did the following format

Fabia rear wiper guide *clicky*

LCR splitter fitting guide *click*

catch my drift...similar to the FAQ guide but a bit simpler to follow


Read my post above. If its possible, when its possible. ;)

lol, no i want it now (spits dummy out) then when its done "I dont like it":D

i know something like this would take a while to setup, but i think it would be a nice touch to give each member (for example over 200 posts only to give genuine contributing members something) their own little space on here to purely post up 6-10 pics of their car and what mods they have

i like that idea:)
Jul 29, 2006
have never liked the idea of not being able to 'contribute' etc to forums until a certain number of posts have been made.......it can tend to give rise to folk posting any old tosh just to get their post count up:shrug:


have never liked the idea of not being able to 'contribute' etc to forums until a certain number of posts have been made.......it can tend to give rise to folk posting any old tosh just to get their post count up:shrug:

very true, but thought i would throw it into the mix to see what people though:)


sarcasm comes free
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Clanfield, UK
ok, how about a members gallery/page idea then?

The problem that we have with this is the potential for a huge amount of data to be stored (in images)

Currently we keep the database trimmed nicely to ensure that it always works well & quickly - it's currently standing at about 1Gb (and we have no images)

If we allowed all 19k users a 1Mb 'upload' limit - this *potentially* could set us up for a 19Gb increase of the database

Now if you try & open a 1Gb file on your PC, it'll struggle - 20Gb & we're going to be pretty buggered. every page you request will take longer & longer to load

Just thought you'd appreciate a bit of explaination.....

That said... we will look at as many useful options as we can.


Back from the dead...
Sep 27, 2006
It's nice to know ideas are taken on board and considered :) I don't think anybody really expects changes to happen instantly, but so long as they are given at least a passing thought I'm sure most will be happy.

I think the FAQ section here is a good idea. Even if some of the posts simply link to the existing guides on the Info Base section.

I know they already exist and I know they are easy to find... but some people still don't venture outside of the forum and don't see them, and that's entirely their own fault. But to make things easier, a FAQ section, like the Ibiza one, would be great. And if we have the ability to contribute to it ourselves then that's even better :)

The only thing I'd ask, and I don't know if this sounds rude or not, is that it's kept strictly as a no-chat section and is for FAQ's and guides only. I know that takes some moderation, but it would be a shame to see the FAQ section be overrun by un-necessary posts.

Anyway.... that's my 2p, spend it how you wish ;)


I could create an FAQ section, as I did for the Mk4 Ibiza 6L?

THe problem is that Mk1 Leon owners have a bit of a stigma attached that the world is centric to that area only

I know, us Leon owners are fuddy duddys when we come to "change" he he:lol:

We just keep posting the same stuff in instead of searching:D


The problem that we have with this is the potential for a huge amount of data to be stored (in images)

Currently we keep the database trimmed nicely to ensure that it always works well & quickly - it's currently standing at about 1Gb (and we have no images)

If we allowed all 19k users a 1Mb 'upload' limit - this *potentially* could set us up for a 19Gb increase of the database

Now if you try & open a 1Gb file on your PC, it'll struggle - 20Gb & we're going to be pretty buggered. every page you request will take longer & longer to load

Just thought you'd appreciate a bit of explaination.....

That said... we will look at as many useful options as we can.

I see your point, but how do other sites manage to do it?

as from seeing in the past and browsing other specific car forums, they have members pages, but the upload time to view the pages does not seem to be that long from your normal joe blogs broadband connection

of course i know that an extra 20gb+ of web space would come at a cost...and cost is always weighed up by the purpose, benefits and service it would give SCN members, which i feel could be justified certainly as we all have a passion for our beloved Seats

certianly one i hope the admins will consider as it would add a great part or feature to this site.

Things like this take time, design and as this is a free site, admins will do it in their spare time, but thats cool:D

so please admins - could we have a members page?:) :D :funk: :clap:
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