Wind Noise


Hi all,

Get severe wind noise when doing about 40 to 80mph. Its not the turbo as its still there when i put the clutch in and coast!
Sounds like its coming from the from left of the front bumper. Only just got the car yesterday (LCR 2003). Anybody got any ideas what could be causing it?

Cheers in advance
Jan 19, 2006
fife, scotland
i get some wind noise as well, wondered if it was common, but then it only kicks in at 120, drivers door. just when testing the car as its still all new to me. lol


I think it might be coming from the fog lights, as they dont sit that snug really in the hole in the bumper. Might try and block the gaps using blu-tac to see if that helps, if so, get they refitted correctly!

chris h

Mine does the same thing - also sounds like it is coming from the bottom left corner. Doesnt really bother me tho.
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