Fingers crossed that all I have to do is re-tighten the bolts and make sure the gaskets are sitting flush and all will be OK, but hopefully there's nothing expensive wrong. There did seem to be water coming out of either the EGR or anti-shudder valve, so I'm hoping my cleaning it hasn't ruined any seals or something.
I always had this fantasy that anything I did to my car would make it better somehow, but I'm spending half my time these days cleaning out windscreen washer tanks and fixing boot handles. The trouble is when I bought it, I was doing serious miles, and now I'm driving 2,000 miles a year, so it just isn't getting run properly and the engine is getting gunk in it.
Once this is fixed though I'll probably love it again, so give it a few days and it'll be back to the best car I've owned.
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