Finally changed EGT sensor, what an utter ball-ache of a job that was. Tried and failed last weekend, thought it might be easier from above so removed charge pipe and turbo outlet hose - no joy, ended up going underneath again.
Also cleaned up and refitted my summer wheels (standard LCR ones).
Did f*ck all to it today, considered washing it but went for a nice long walk with the missus in the sunshine instead, then pottered about in the garden for a bit
Not today but this weekend got my 3" downpipe + decat fitted.
Also sorted out the horrible creaking noise going over speedbumps, chopped off the plastic covers on the ARB, cleaned all the rust up, applied loooadds of grease and fitted smaller powerflex bushes, it's so silent going over speedbumps I love it, was embarrassingly loud before.
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